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Brett Favre

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Everything posted by Brett Favre

  1. Brett Favre

    Lloyd Banks=Gay?

    Did you miss out on all the Eminem controversy? Eminem is controversial? That's just silly.
  2. Brett Favre

    Lloyd Banks=Gay?

    Maybe Eminem will rap about this.
  3. Brett Favre

    MLB Contract Options

    Teams like the Cubs (Obviously if they don't resign Nomar), Giants, and maybe the Angels should take a look at Vizquel. He'd fit well with the Cubs, who could use his defense, and a switch hitter in their lineup.
  4. Brett Favre

    I Thought My College Profs Were Cruel

    Wussy ass kids. He's was out numbered wasn't he? Or was he teaching to two kids? I thought it was pretty funny.
  5. Brett Favre

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    I was thinking of picking him. Nice pick.
  6. Brett Favre

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    Had to call it CW. I'm sorry. Hopefully you got your guy at least. Don't worry about it. I had like 3 guys in mind.
  7. Brett Favre

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    CW Soldiers now select.. Jared Jeffries.
  8. Brett Favre

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    Ah Crap.
  9. Brett Favre

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    Now that sounds painful.
  10. Brett Favre

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    Someone told me he has a dislocated tendon, on his right ankle. Did I say that right?
  11. Brett Favre

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    If I had 1,000,000 dollars i'd be rich.
  12. Brett Favre

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    Well, he got himself into a corner and got exactly what he deserved. Had he shut his mouth, maybe we'd cut him some slack. You never hear Gary Sheffield with his bad shoulder and all going "I'd like to stick it into those Boston fans. They're such idiots. Oh, and I have a bad shoulder, but I will give it my ALL!".
  13. Brett Favre

    How will HHH be remembered?

    At the end though, they still only used him (Eugene) to get HHH over as an even bigger heel. Which wasn't needed at all. Try spreading it around, and maybe RAW wouldn't be so bad right now. Although personally, I liked what I saw at the end of RAW last week, with Edge, Benoit, and HBK.
  14. Brett Favre

    How will HHH be remembered?

    Savaged was just unlucky. I mean, you can't get worse than being in the Hogan era.
  15. Brett Favre

    How will HHH be remembered?

    No, he's not. The botched Invasion and the mainstream popularity of wrestling as a fad had far more to do with it. The steep declines really started with the Austin heel turn and after they messed up the Invasion, destroyed the NWO angle, screwed up how to use Goldberg, etc, etc. Triple H and his over saturation is a reason for the decline, but to call him the main reason is incredible inaccurate and short sighted. -Paul jacobi- The MAJOR decline started when Jericho lost the title.
  16. Brett Favre

    How will HHH be remembered?

    He'll be remembered in the same boat Randy Savaged is remembered. As a secondary star to a Hogan, to an Austin, to a Rock.
  17. Brett Favre

    NFL: Toughest division to play in?

    Chargers > Arizona Buffalo = Buffalo Miami = Miami Indianapolis > Cincy It's a near same strength of schedule. Just remember though, the last time the Pats lost in Foxboro was to a healthy Pennington. I know last year he was healthy (when the Jets lost in Giant Stadium, although it was a close game) last year, but I like my chances.
  18. Brett Favre

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    Boston threw their best starter and got hammered. What's your point?
  19. Brett Favre

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    Boston Red Sox: The team made up of people with Low IQs.
  20. Brett Favre

    NFL: Toughest division to play in?

    I wouldn't say they're dismantling the division. I mean they technically aren't even in first place. J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS! W-E-A-K Schedule Schedule Schedule L-O-O-K W-H-O'S TALKING TALKING TALKING
  21. Brett Favre

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Don't worry. I will never forget the day that a Sprewell for Kobe Bryant trade was mentioned. Back when Kobe was still developing.
  22. Brett Favre

    Your family origins

    Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic. We truly are a minority around here.
  23. Brett Favre

    Have You Ever Gotten Tired of It All?

    I suggest you watch Fight Club. It will show you the way.
  24. Brett Favre

    Cena in the nightclub

    If they really want to sell those type of angles, JR should shed a tear or two. If he can.
  25. Brett Favre

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Just think about it for a second. You have the best PG in the league, the best C in the league, and arguably the best SF in the league. That covers inside and out, while with Kobe, you'd have two swingmen, and really unless you count Marions tip ins, no interior game. Kidd, Marion, Shaq > Kobe, Kidd, Marion