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Brett Favre

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Everything posted by Brett Favre

  1. Brett Favre

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    That was beautiful.
  2. Brett Favre

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    More often than not, if the ball makes it there first, you'll get called out.
  3. Brett Favre

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    He throws every single pitch down the middle.
  4. Brett Favre

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    Well, here comes Vazquez. Let us pray.
  5. Brett Favre

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    Wait, so your saying, if the Yankees had Gordon in, a righty to face Ortiz, you take him out and let Heredia pitch to him? If he was in his 3rd inning? yes You're a crazy, crazy person.
  6. Brett Favre

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    Agreed 100%. It's not like K-Rod couldn't find the strike zone.
  7. Brett Favre

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    Backe reminds me of "Jackie, please take me Backe."
  8. Brett Favre

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    But we'd have like 8 home runs each game played there.
  9. Brett Favre

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    A baseball.
  10. Brett Favre

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    How is this comparable to the Nathan situation? Nathan walked 2 straight batters while K-Rod struck out one of the better hitters in the league? Are you kidding me? Taking out K-Rod was idiotic. Had he walked Ramirez, or any other batter for that matter and looked like he couldn't find the plate, then yes it was a great move. But it wasn't, and the result should point that out.
  11. Brett Favre

    John Cena

    I'm pretty sure the WWE had something to do with him going happy go lucky. You always hear Vince wanting his faces happy and playing to the fans. Like when Lesnar won the belt and turned face.
  12. Brett Favre

    John Cena

    Lately? Try a solid year. Which has taken a steady nosedive over the past year as well. He's not working hard on EITHER aspect. He's been mailing it in and riding on the success of the initial character since he turned. Exactly, since the WWE didn't show signs of doing anything with him anyway. When he first turned they certainly were. He IMMEDIATELY went into cruise control. They even screwed up the turn by doing it too soon. Plus, when does the WWE even care how great a wrestler's in ring work is, especially since he's so over? If they were to do anything, he would have already been champ, sort of like Orton was recently.
  13. Brett Favre

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    BTW, Heredia should never be seen again.
  14. Brett Favre

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    Heredia looked great out there, eh?
  15. Brett Favre

    John Cena

    Lately? Try a solid year. Which has taken a steady nosedive over the past year as well. He's not working hard on EITHER aspect. He's been mailing it in and riding on the success of the initial character since he turned. Exactly, since the WWE didn't show signs of doing anything with him anyway. He's sorta pulling an RVD. Still doesn't mean he's a horrible worker though, he really isn't.
  16. Brett Favre

    John Cena

    EXACTLY! But he's not a hoss. A hoss at least looks strong and their offensive looks believable because of their size, but Cena just looks like a loser. Dang, he isn't very good. Anyone who says differently doesn't know wrestling. I agree with you that he's sucking ass lately, and is just going through the motions to play to the crowd, but that still doesn't mean he's a horrible wrestler like you say he is. He's had good matches, he's just focusing way too much on his character and the crowd right now, instead of improving his in ring work. Cena is not a horrible worker, don't agree.
  17. Brett Favre

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    Now Tori Hunter can't catch a break.
  18. Brett Favre

    Ask Vince McMahon a question

    Jadakiss ain't got nothing on the Backstreet Boys.
  19. Brett Favre

    Ask Vince McMahon a question

    Tell me why! Ain't nothing but a mistake!
  20. Brett Favre

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    Damn. I want to see a replay.
  21. Brett Favre

    John Cena

    He really kind of did. Personally, I disagree. To me suck would be in the levels of Tomko and Kenzo. He's definitely better than that. There are different levels of suck. Cena was and is one of them. He's not Nathan Jones, but I'd say Bradshaw definitely works a better and smarter match now. Of course he works a better and smarter match than Cena now. I work a better and smarter match than Cena now. I was talking about earlier in his career when he had ***+ matches with Angle, Taker, and Benoit. He also had an entertaining Parking Lot Brawl with Eddie.
  22. Brett Favre

    John Cena

    He really kind of did. Personally, I disagree. To me suck would be in the levels of Tomko and Kenzo. He's definitely better than that.
  23. Brett Favre

    John Cena

    ::looks at posters name:: ::laughs:: ::keeps walking:: ::Looks at Poster's Name:: ::Understands:: ::Walks Away::
  24. Brett Favre

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    Have you seen him lately? He does look horrible, but he had no pulse even when he looked good.
  25. Brett Favre

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    So Jason Giambi doesn't have a pulse?