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Brett Favre

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Everything posted by Brett Favre

  1. Brett Favre

    A few tidbits from the 2/2/04 Observer

    Because HBK is a sore loser.
  2. Brett Favre

    A few tidbits from the 2/2/04 Observer

    It has been most of the time. Last year they had Rock/Austin, Hogan/McMahon on the card and the title match was still last. The exception was the Bam Bam/Lawerence Taylor match, and the first WrestleMania I think.
  3. Brett Favre

    A few tidbits from the 2/2/04 Observer

    Not if Holly tries the full-nelson of doom first.
  4. Brett Favre

    Benoit can win the World title.

    Yep. And if Benoit just happens to lose, you'll bet your ass there would be a riot. So they'd have to put him over.
  5. He definately will. We have tons of smarks here in New York, and I believe Benoit gets great crowd pops in New York.
  6. Brett Favre

    True or False

    Without New York how would immigrants from other countries who look for freedom point out America? Face it, New York is the capital of the world for a reason. Not only that, but it's Jericho's hometown! And mine!
  7. Brett Favre

    Since Benoit is #1.....

    Yeah, that'd be worth the 35 bucks right there. Eddie finding ways to cheat and stay in the rumble.
  8. Brett Favre

    Top 10 Stars....

    Yeah. Lita must outshine Rob Van Dam as well. That list is retarded.
  9. Brett Favre

    Is Foley the Greatest?

    Heck, you could even put Randy Orton with Hogan and he'd get heel heat. But yeah Foley is probably top five in my opinion. Shawn Michaels is also another person that gives you tons of emotion.
  10. Brett Favre

    Rumble and Mania plans

    Yes, he did. The ref just didn't see it. Doesn't matter Rico. A REAL champion does it when it matters. Benoit CHOKED. What do u mean it doesn't matter? So ur telling me Benoit is not a real champ? Hmmm. He didn't tap, he passed out because you do that when you are being put in a deadly hold. Would that be good enough to be considered a real champ? Or would he have to be beyond human strength and not pass out? And how is Brock the real champ, he tapped out. Benoit didn't, and this is what makes this feud good. Brock knows that he never made Benoit tap and he never wants to face him again because he knows its useless to fight someone who you(Brock) can't beat(Benoit). If Benoit wins the Rumble, he's forced into fighting Brock, and theres nothing he can do about it. How is this not better than the supposedly HHH/Benoit feud you brought out? No, a REAL champ doesn't pass out like a pussy in a deadly submission hold. He does what Hulk Hogan did to the Camel Clutch against the Iron Shiek... he BREAKS OUT OF THAT SHIT LIKE A FUCKING MAN AND UNLEASHES A HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS ASSKICKING. Ur comparing the camel clutch, a move u can basically rollover from to a move where someone is thrusting your leg over his shoulder while sitting on you, AFTER HE HIT YOU WITH A FREAKING CHAIR!?
  11. Brett Favre

    Rumble and Mania plans

    Because Booker was loud when he snapped? Because Booker didn't make HHH afraid of him. I mean the angles start off the same, but the builds are different. You can alos build it around Benoit's relentless quest for the belt forcing him to hit faces (ie Austin) when he's going after his goal. That would be an interesting role reversal for Benoit to take on some heelish characteristics because of his hunger to be the best, but still make him the face in the match. Yeah. Attack Stone Cold. That would definately get that big face pop.
  12. Brett Favre

    Rumble and Mania plans

    Yes, he did. The ref just didn't see it. Doesn't matter Rico. A REAL champion does it when it matters. Benoit CHOKED. What do u mean it doesn't matter? So ur telling me Benoit is not a real champ? Hmmm. He didn't tap, he passed out because you do that when you are being put in a deadly hold. Would that be good enough to be considered a real champ? Or would he have to be beyond human strength and not pass out? And how is Brock the real champ, he tapped out. Benoit didn't, and this is what makes this feud good. Brock knows that he never made Benoit tap and he never wants to face him again because he knows its useless to fight someone who you(Brock) can't beat(Benoit). If Benoit wins the Rumble, he's forced into fighting Brock, and theres nothing he can do about it. How is this not better than the supposedly HHH/Benoit feud you brought out?
  13. Brett Favre

    SmackDown from JHawk's Beak is up

    Last year was the year of the Gorilla.
  14. Brett Favre

    Scott Keith gave HHH/HBK ****3/4

    If the same match went down at WrestleMania, it'd be a **** or more in everyone's hearts. The match being on Free T.V makes a difference.
  15. Brett Favre

    Idea for Foley at WMXX

    Yeah I remember that JR was always calling him a blue chipper and I remember the night he face Storm and Christian on the same night. Orton was trying to do his finishing move on Christian, I don't know what it was but, it looked to hard for Orton to be to doing and Orton screwed it up BIG time. Yeah.. I remember when they announced that they just stole or signed someone from Smackdown! They made it sound like a big signing. JR even got out of his chair and went into the ring that it's the up and comer RANDY ORTON! All you heard was....Silence. It was almost embarassing, but not as much as hilarious. You could hear everyone breathe.
  16. Brett Favre

    Most overrated WWE match of the year

    Overrated: Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show matches. They were good, but please, it's not like any of them topped **. People were praising how great Lesnar was carrying Show.
  17. Brett Favre

    Brock's pussy character

    Yes. Anywhoo, Brock is being booked fine. If you go with the monster heel who kills his opponents than you have the first time Brock was heel, and the fans obviously didn't like to see that because they barely gave him any reaction. Why? Because why would you boo a guy who is just a stronger wrestler? The reason they boo him now is because he's doing everything he can to keep the belt, which includes cheating (Draws heat btw) while still showing some of his strength. He's also doing a damn good job of making his opponents look good and that's all you can ask for from the Champ.
  18. Brett Favre

    WWE Considering Bringing Back Hall Of Fame

    It's to get HHH into the HHHall of Fame. I mean, who's better than a guy who's main evented for like 25,000 ppv's straight?
  19. Brett Favre

    Fan Reaction to.......

    Yeah I think it is Tiger Bomb. Isn't a Tiger Driver when the person does pretty much a double underhook piledriver, or something like that?
  20. Brett Favre

    Wm Main Event

    Yeah. I marked out when Jericho won the title, even though HHH reversed the decision. Too bad they can never think of doing something as surprising as that anymore, and capture some type of magic. The type of surprises we get now are heels winning without cheating. When was the last time that happened?
  21. Brett Favre

    So what did you think of the REAL reason A-Train

    Nothing good comes out of the WWE anymore, so i'm not surprised. But I still think A Train will help Benoit win the title...... .. As long as Benoit wins the title, it's all good.
  22. Brett Favre

    Funniest Thing On

    I wouldn't consider the WWE audience big right now, so 1 out 4 is nearly nobody.
  23. Brett Favre

    Wrestlers getting beat by their own signature

    I'm sure someone has kicked out of the Pedigree.
  24. Brett Favre


    I don't understand this manager needing if he becomes a silent, sadistic heel. Wouldn't it be better if he only talked like once a month and just fight, with no manager to talk for him? Hasn't that been done to death? Either way, if he's going heel, the beard would be needed. He'd look like a badass.
  25. Brett Favre

    Rock's new entrance.

    Yeah, I already miss the Hollywood opening. It was awesome, but it was also heelish, like a movie villian.