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Posts posted by smh810

  1. What a terrible fucking play. Are you telling me that they couldn't have gotten something better than Dee Brown dribbling from the backcourt if they'd just run it on the fly?


    I guarantee you that was a broken play and Brown took matters into his own hands. Give Washington credit though they played GREAT defense in the last few Illinois possessions.

  2. Is it wrong that when I look at the bracket for Pitt...I'm more worried about their first 3 games, and that if they win out of those 3, I think they can go all the way...But I'm so nervous about Kent St. and Kansas...


    I wouldnt sweat Kent St. too much, the MAC is not what it was a few years ago and I think they will pretty much have their way with them. Kansas is very talented but very green and I think Pitt would frustrate them into a lot of stupid mistakes and turnovers.

  3. I actually have Cal beating Texas in the 2nd round. Its weird, I've heard a lot about how good Texas is and yet every time I watch them I'm not that impressed (aside from PJ Tucker). I think Kansas exposed them bigtime today and theyre vulnerable against athletic teams that will go right after them.

  4. A couple of points about BC: Yes tourney success has eluded them in the past but this is the most talented team they've had there in quite some time. Also, keep in mind that in those years where they got eliminated early they peaked in Jan-Feb. this team is peaking right now and I dont see Pacific or Nevada giving this crew much trouble at all. Last year BC was fading fast come tourney time and there was no way they would give a team like Duke the scare that they gave them today. The bottom line is that they are the total package that is getting hot at the right time.

  5. I'm going to call it now.


    GW over Duke in the Second Round as long as Pops shows up. You heard it here first.


    GW got royally screwed by the committee and I dont think they make it out of the 1st round UNC-Wilmington is very good.


    So who's everyone got for double digit seeds making it to the Sweet 16? I went with Bradley and Northern Iowa. Hey it happens every year.


    The only one I have is Seton Hall.


    I think it'll be LSU who takes them out. All the size they have is just unbelievable, I'm actually really happy they're not in Nova's bracket.


    I actually dont think Nova would have much of a problem with them, LSU is big but slow and is very vulnerable to being knocked out early (I have them losing in the 1st round)

  6. Well we'll see if my one year as a college basketball student manager improves my ability to predict games, here are some quick picks:


    Sweet 16: Duke, Syracuse, Iowa, California

    Memphis, Pittsburgh, Gonzaga, UCLA

    UConn, Illinois, Michigan State, Seton Hall

    Villanova, Boston College, Florida, Ohio St.


    Duke will beat Pittsburgh

    UConn will beat Boston College


    UConn will beat Duke

  7. What the hell are you people complaining about? I mean, seriously. First of all, Randal was absolutely 100% right in the position that he took. Having two Apprentices diminishes the prestige of the show. In the season that restored the higher standards of The Apprentice (as opposed to other reality shows) having a double hiring would've been a step back. Secondly, the notion of poor Rebecca is absolute bullshit. She wins either way and I'm sure is gonna land a very good job. Third, I thought Randal answered the question from Trump about as tastefully as he could have and hell he didnt deny Rebecca a job in the Trump organization he said "Not tonight." Some of you guys really need to take the stick out of your ass, it wasnt nearly as bad you make it out to be.

  8. You're a fucking asshole. A friendless, ugly, fucking asshole. And if I ever saw you in the street I'd beat the shit out of you.


    I mean, dear Lord...a nerdly SNL reviewer is upset that perhaps the greatest athlete in sports history will be on his show?


    NEWS FLASH, dipshit. The TERRIBLE SHOW that you are reviewing ****asked him to host it****. Why don't you rip SNL instead of wishing cancer on someone?


    Completely unprofessional and pathetic. And that's coming from ME, who usually goes out of his way to make ridiculous comments.


    Dude, first off you HAVE to know that Barron is one of the first guys on this board to make tasteless jokes like that. Secondly, for someone who has a reputation for saying outreagous things you got your panties in a wad over something really lame. Its such a ridiculously obvious joke so please get over yourself.

  9. The Lightning sucked ass last night losing to the Bruins 4-2. Hopefully this will serve as a wake-up that they actually have to show-up to play every night. I'm not too concerned but they needed a game like this to get them to play hard against a surprising Buffalo team on Thursday

  10. John Grahame outduels Roberto Luongo tonight as the Lightning win 2-1. What was most impressive was Grahame doing his best Hasek (at his peak) imprssion at the end of the game when the Panthers had a 5 on 3. STL gets on the board with his first goal (the game winner)

  11. Bolts lose a goalie duel to the Panthers tonight. The team was sloppy as hell although the Panthers do look improved and have better coaching now. Again John Grahame looks very strong which makes me feel good about the Lightning long term. Sean Burke plays his first game probably tomorrow.

  12. It's a double-edged sword though. If they were still obstructing and intefering we'd all be chapping their asses about not enforcing these new rules. Maybe the players should learn how to play within the new rules and stop taking such stupid penalties.






    I'm on this side of the fence. You can have physicality in hockey without all the clutching and grabbing and hooking and holding that made the game die a slow death in the last decade. Once the players figure out where the line is -- and they'll have to soon, for the sake of their jobs -- the game will look a lot better.


    My god, I actually agree with Max about something. Players need to realize that any form of obstruction WILL be called and that the NHL is not gonna slack off this time because it is trying to rebuild its image and create a higher scoring product. By the same token, yes you can play physical. The Lightning-Canes game had only 9 penalties throught the game but with plenty of hitting and good flow. So yes there is a balance that can be met.

  13. Why is Grahame starting in Tampa? I thought they had signed Sean Burke?


    Nothing against Grahame...hes just a former Bruin that I'm interested in seeing how he's doing


    John Grahame is the No.1 right now to start the season, Burke isnt injured right now he's just the back-up.

  14. Lightning looked like a machine (especially in the 1st period) tonight. Granted this was against a better but still weak Carolina team and it'll be interesting to see how they do against Luongo on Friday (and Saturday?) but I cant be unhappy with the Lightning's performance. Grahame also looked very solid and made some tough saves. I know its only one game but I had to laugh at Khabibulin stinking the joint up for Chicago while Grahame looked very competent.

  15. Last week's show confirmed two theories in my mind:


    a) Nothing brings down an episode like a Felecity Huffman storyline.


    b) Nothing saves an episode like Marcia Cross being an evil bitch. Her changing her dead husband's tie in the coffin was one of the most tasteless yet awesome things ever.


    There is no way Huffman should've won the Emmy for this show. She has the worst, most painful to watch storylines on the show and while acted well brings nothing to the table. Marcia on the other hand is a goddess among women and will usually have one blowaway moment per show.

  16. Of course it is. What ISN'T proper is to sit on the football for two quarters when you're only up by 10, which is what Cowher has a reputation for doing. Many a football game has been lost by him because of that sort of play calling; he has some sort of NFL record for consecutive victories when leading by 11, but if you drop it to 10, he's lost quite a few of them. The opponents have also been scary close to winning many, many more of them.


    That being said, no shit when you're leading by 20. It's simply hilarious to watch Cowher call plays in the second half of a game they're leading by any score. When Cowher enters his Turtle Zone, the Steelers aren't coming out of the shell -- even when they've gone 3 and out the entire half. Teams like the Texans can't do shit against it, but on Halloween last year, the Patriots showed exactly how dangerous it can be by making a game of it in the fourth quarter.


    ...also, what's not to be sold on with the Steelers? They've got a devastating o-line, an accurate quarterback, and a running back in Willie Parker whose game resembles Tomlinson's. Their defense is swarming and, while they play far too much piddly-shit cover three man off, they make up for it with Troy Polamalu blowing his nose on the quarterback's face if they're not careful. What's the weakness on this team, really?


    I've actually seen a good chunk of those games where Pittsburgh lost and the oddity is that its usually not the playcalling (no matter who the coordinator is) but a special teams failure of some kind. Cowher's not as conservative as you think.


    If the Steelers win next week count me in as a believer and a big one. However, they've dominated two very subpar teams so I cant be sold on them yet.



    Clearly, as recent NFL history shows, a bad first month of the season means the season is over.


    Oh wait...


    That's not what recent NFL history has shown. Ask Steelers and Patriots fans about it. Teams starting poorly and making the playoffs or a run at them, is becoming more common.


    No question. There are teams that are much better than what their start would indicate. However a case like the Panthers last year is the exception not the rule.

  17. Thoughts of the day:


    1. My Baltimore Ravens best team in the AFC prediction looks horrible right now. Yes I know its only Week 2 but there is NO excuse for losing handily to the Tennessee Titans...none. I still think they'll rally to be respectable but when I'm wrong I'm wrong and this is no SB contender.


    2. The Buc defense is back. Sure statstically they really never left but now they're dominating teams and finishing in the way they did from 97-02. These guys could be better than even I have hoped for. Especially when the offense starts clicking on all cylinders.


    3. I'm not sold on the Steelers. Yes they have looked VERY strong in the first but these are against what appear to be bad football teams. I fully expect New England to bounce back and win next week. With that said, Tyler please cut it out with the Turtle Zone crap. You do know that its proper football to run out the clock with a 27 point lead against an inferior opponent... right?


    4. How about that QB class of 02? Its time to call those two quarterbacks for what they are busts... especially in Joey Harrington's case. I was recluctant in indicting his career for a while because of what happened with Drew Brees last year. However, his 5 pick performance today ends all debate. Carr's case is a little more complated his stats today were respectable albeit padded in garbage time and he is constantly running for his life. However he should still be further along at this point in his career and even around a good team he isnt a special player.


    More thoughts on 4:00- Sunday night games tonight or tomorrow.
