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The Buzz

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Everything posted by The Buzz

  1. The Buzz

    NJPW vs TNA at Tokyo Dome

    Does Liger still work for NJPW?
  2. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    As much as I do like Al Snow and Bill Demott I have to agree with the above sentiments. If you want to teach 1980s wrestling you got Dusty, Flair, Lawler, Steamboat, Rotunda, Windham, etc. Pay some of those producers some extra moolah to become a trainer instead. Make it worthwhile.
  3. The Buzz

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    Glad for the title switch, good match
  4. The Buzz

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    For the love of god just give Sting the belt.
  5. The Buzz

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    Well the run-ins kind took me out of it but it's still a damn good match so far. A fucking 450 knee stomp lol.
  6. The Buzz

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    Angle just hit a pretty sick german on Sting, Sting with the early advantage after a feeling out process. Now Angle taking control.
  7. The Buzz

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    This ain't a bad match so far.
  8. The Buzz

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    his name is Rasheed Consequences Creed if I heard Tenay correctly.
  9. The Buzz

    Boxing Thread

    There is a pretty good fight between McCline(sp) and Peter making the rounds on Showtime.
  10. The Buzz

    So Fire Pro R is back

    Well if I go for that I'll probably have to get that flip top, and might as well go for KOC 2 to see how well that lives up to hype.
  11. The Buzz

    The Youtube Thread

    Guy's not a bad wrestler, got some nice titties too.
  12. The Buzz

    Examples of a Wrestler TRULY Being Put Over

    I just saw the Orton, Flair cage match from Taboo Tuesday, and that match was as good a match to put over Orton as the Foley match months earlier at Backlash. Damn good cage match. I also agree with the Sting/Cactus Beach Blast match. Very good match for both men. For Cactus it helped establish a bit more credibility while for Sting it gave him a good non-title match, and showed him working a different style then he was used to.
  13. The Buzz

    So Fire Pro R is back

    thank you
  14. The Buzz

    So Fire Pro R is back

    With this coming out soon, I've been on a kick of playing different wrestling games I've never played before. So I downloaded Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 and had a blast, downloaded some old favorites like No Mercy and WCW Revenge, and then I made the mistake of buying Galactic Wrestling for the PS2 for about 7 dollars. Probably would be a fun arcade game, but definitely not my cup of tea. So what I'm getting to is this, has there ever been a fire pro for the N64 or playstation?
  15. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Damn, right after reports of bringing him up to the main roster.
  16. The Buzz

    WWE/USA network update

    Which in turn kills off a big part of what got Taz over in ECW.
  17. The Buzz

    Approaching the 10th anniversary of the...

    That was the reasoning I hear many posters give at the time that the programs were rejected by The Rock, I don't remember ever reading anything from a credible source on that being the case. I believe it stemmed from The Rock giving Hurricane a decent rub, only for him to be squashed by HHH a few weeks later.
  18. The Buzz

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    Thats the one I posted about seeing on Best Buy, good find as it looks like the set is actually going to come out.
  19. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Or they could be star struck around the two legends, which comes off just as bad.(In regards to Major Brothers)
  20. The Buzz

    WWE/USA network update

    This is the last I'll say about the Morley deal is I just didn't understand why they'd take a guy who was getting legit heel heat by messing with the Dudleys, and then bring him back to the gimmick that wasn't getting over anymore like it had between 98-00. Right to Censor pretty much killed off the Val Venis character. That was one of the few instances where I really think they didn't want the guy to get over for some reason.
  21. The Buzz

    Help Finding Victoria Matches

    I haven't checked specifically for Victoria matches, but PW Torrents would probably have all the shows those matches took place on for download.
  22. The Buzz

    The Amazing Red

    I wouldn't be surprised to see him back in TNA one day, they seem to bring him in once a year to give him a look.
  23. The Buzz

    WWE/USA network update

    Ahh good, I've only skimmed over Raw the last week or two so I only saw the one segment where Venis offered Maria a movie role. I figured Santino was building up to more of a Saturday Night Main Event Austin burial then anything, but maybe Venis can jumpstart things here.
  24. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    That would be pretty much the most embarassing thing to happen to a wrestler. Driving to the wrong town that is. Especially when you are an expendable entity in the grand scheme of things like Burke who at this moment appears to be below Tommy Dreamer and Kevin Thorne in ECW.
  25. The Buzz

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    Well if they don't do an Owen Hart dvd, or even a second Bret Hart dvd like planned. They could always do a Hart Foundation three disc dvd, and showcase a few Bulldog matches, few more Bret matches, few Owen matches, Neidhart, etc. Maybe Four-Six matches for each wrestler. You can discuss the group and include a few tags, but also can showcase guys like Bulldog, Neidhart, and Owen who may not sell the most dvds, even though Owen could probably move some dvds.