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The Buzz

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Everything posted by The Buzz

  1. The Buzz

    Impact Spoilers

    While I agree with all the sentiments above about DDP's title reign. Who is Booker T to talk about manufactured title reigns? Every single one of his title reigns felt forced except for his most recent on Smackdown. The only time I remember seriously wanting him to win the belt was against HHH, and that was just because of how much heat HHH had. I love Booker T, but I just remember not being to happy with his reigns as champion. Steiner wasn't a great champion by any means, but his run with the belt was much more believable to me.
  2. The Buzz

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    While I know it won't happen I'm kind of hoping for Sting to get the win again making it a yearly tradition for Sting to win the belt at Bound for Glory. Then I'd like to see him do a nice angle with Joe on his way out, since if I'm correct his contract should be coming up again soon. Unless he signs again, which is cool with me.
  3. The Buzz


    Damn good show, bought the season one. Since I got some tv lovers in the thread I wanted to ask if a few shows are worth going out of my way to see. The Shield Rome Sopranos
  4. The Buzz

    WrestleFanFest, Oct. 19th-Oct. 21st

    I really wanted to go to this for some reason. Just can't afford the trip and ticket price.
  5. The Buzz

    50 Cent vs. Kanye West

    That video with the banana is probably one of the most disgusting things I've seen in awhile.
  6. The Buzz

    OAO Unforgiven Thread

    While I see the point behind comparing Beth and Candice to Vader and Sting, it's a sad day to think this is the first time I've seen a feud compared to sting/vader.
  7. The Buzz

    OAO Unforgiven Thread

    I'm glad I came online prior to ordering the replay. Their match last month had me pumped to order this month to see the rematch.
  8. The Buzz

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    The Cena cover actually looks quite cool. Someone was correct in saying that it looked like it should be on a car magazine. The lamest dvd cover I think WWE produced was the Bret Hart dvd cover, he looked like he was posing for an old school rap cd.
  9. The Buzz

    ROH Detroit-Chicago(PPV) Weekend

    I like how the World Title match is said to have ended, especially after the announcement made by Gabe coming from Morishima about not going for the eye. Now if Danielson gets the strap out of it, that'd be a good hot set-up for a title change.
  10. The Buzz

    My WCW Theme Library

    If anyone has the armstrongs Rock Garden theme. I'd really appreciate it.
  11. The Buzz

    ROH Detroit-Chicago(PPV) Weekend

    Well I'm sure if the shows in San Francisco, Vegas, and Orlando do well enough they'll make return trips, and if they are going to make return trips out that way...I'm sure they'll eventually say things like hey lets try out Georgia or lets try out Texas while we are down here.
  12. The Buzz

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    I have to say I just saw Halloween, and think it was better than the original. I like the first half as I think it added a new dimension to Michael, and made him seem very ruthless and cold blooded moreso than the original. I was wanting him to show compassion several times, and felt like it made him all the more scary then just being a "disturbed kid locked away who escapes and is somehow immortal."
  13. The Buzz

    Sandman Released :(

    Sandman had the single funniest moment in TNA history when he chased I think Glen Gilberti outside of the asylum with a flaming kendo stick, and all of the sudden the flaming part fell off leaving a poor excuse for a weapon and sandman was still running around like a madman.
  14. The Buzz

    "I Can't Believe That Got Over!!!"

    Triple H as a main eventer. He'll always be the Ultimate Warrior's bitch to me, but he started to grow on me around 2000.
  15. The Buzz

    Sandman Released :(

    It's always weird hearing all these people talk about being unhappy in the WWE. Makes me wonder if I'm ever lucky enough to break into a big company like that what I'm in store for.
  16. You know what even when WCW was on top, the only two names most people knew were WWF and nWo. WCW just never seemed to stick with people.
  17. The Buzz

    Impact Spoilers

    Well I for one am looking forward to Sting vs Angle at BFG. I'm sick of seeing Joe vs Angle to be honest. Sting can still provide in the ring and Angle can still do a lot of what brought him to where he is. I'm not expecting the classic to end all classics, but I think as long as they keep the outside interference out of the equation it'll be good.
  18. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    Shamrock's match with the Rock and Mankind was pretty good as well.
  19. The Buzz

    Booker T Quits WWE

    Well if CM Punk is on any performance enhancing drugs then he should get his money back. I almost think he's not on regular supplements.
  20. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    Was the one that Bradshaw gave Eddie on the list. That has to be one of the most wicked chairshots due to the after effects of Eddie's crimson mask.
  21. The Buzz

    Examples of a Wrestler TRULY Being Put Over

    Bret put people over with the matches themselves more then doing a job. I know HBK was getting himself over by himself, but regardless of what people say about the overtime...Bret made HBK into a bonafide main eventer at Wrestlemania in the Ironman match. I was a young mark watching that match, and it changed my entire opinion on HBK.
  22. The Buzz

    Examples of a Wrestler TRULY Being Put Over

    I think Undertaker helped put Brock over in the Hell in a Cell as much as The Rock or Hogan did in their respective matches.
  23. The Buzz

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Has there been any word why Raven is still in such a low level role that he only appears on one impact every other month it seems like. I know he asked for time off for his health, but he looks to have shed a lot of the weight and doesn't look so bad now that his hair is darker again. I know he also was married, but is there any reason why he hasn't moved back up the card yet?
  24. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    It was in regards to doing the job to Brock in their first ppv bout. They then did a HIAC and Taker put Brock over big time.
  25. The Buzz

    Ric Flair quits WWE

    I'd say his hardcore work was a bit of a highlight for me last year. His matches with Angle, HBK, and HHH have all been good to decent. I enjoyed a little of his IC title reign. His yearly cage matches at Taboo Tuesday were both good as was the last man standing match with HHH. Taker vs Flair at Wrestlemania was good, and the initial weeks in his run as co-owner of WWE was good.