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The Buzz

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Everything posted by The Buzz

  1. The Buzz

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Was there ever a reason why The Great Muta showed up a few ppvs back?
  2. I actually thought the main event provided me with something I haven't felt watching a WWE main event in quite awhile, even though the HBK/Cena Wrestlemania match did a little. That's provide excitement and make me feel like anything could happen in that match. I'm not a fan of Orton, but citing the fact that his move set is small doesn't mean he's a bad worker. It's not how big the moveset is, it's how you use it.
  3. Atleast last year had the pretty decent Flair/Foley match-up. Edit: I hate to only complain so I will add in that I enjoyed the Punk/Morrison match until the finish, HHH/Booker was ok, and Kane/Finlay had a decent outing for what it was.
  4. It figures...the WWE ppvs I don't buy have mostly clean finishes (Backlash, One Night Stand, GAB) and the ones I do buy Vengeance and Summerslam are full of bullshit.
  5. The Buzz

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    The cool thing about a Tag Team DVD is you could kill two birds with one stone as far as matches go, Dudleys vs EC vs Hardys. Road Warriors vs Nasty Boys, etc. So it's not like they'd need four or five discs. Plus like someone said, Dudleys, Edge and Christian, and The Hardy Boys are already featured on a few dvds, so other than being in the main feature they wouldn't be needed for the extras section. A feature I'd like to see as well in the main feature would be on guys that had more than one successful tag team. For instance Billy Gunn. Smoking Guns NAO Billy and Chuck
  6. The Buzz

    SummerSlam's UnderCard...

    The one that made me a fan of both men, and really stands out in my mind as memorable was the D'Lo Brown vs Val Venis match. I think the non existant mid-card could use a shot in the arm that a repackaged Val Venis and D'Lo Brown could provide.
  7. The Buzz

    "John Morrison" is a Horrible Gimmick

    It's not a terrible gimmick, he's not terrible on the mic, and if anything he's getting comfortable in his role. In a time in wrestling when guys are brought up in their teens and early 20s with little real world experience let alone wrestling experience you can't expect everyone to be great right off the bat. Four years in OVW isn't quite like working the territories, or even working Independents, Mexico, and Japan for a few years. It took Brock Lesnar until the end of his run to become what I considered a good all around package. The Rock took 2-3 years to finally break through like they wanted him to in the beginning, and that was after what I believe was a year or so in a developmental league. If anything his poses/gestures look a little robotic and need work. His promos sound cool, but it sounds like he's trying to ad lib the promos as he goes which makes them come off maybe a little slow in between words. I didn't like Johnny Nitro all that much except for his short run with Bischoff, but with the Morrison gimmick and his performance he's growing on me.
  8. The Buzz

    Wrestlers You'd Like to See Return to WWE?

    The fact that they signed The Cat, but not Norman Smiley is a fucking travesty of justice. The Cat had his moments in WCW and his Rumble appearance will always hold a dear place in my heart for some reason. But Norman can do the technical aspect as well as Regal or Finlay imo, and he can do the silly sports entertainment stuff with the Screaming Norman gimmick.
  9. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    I'd trade his great commentary to have him back in the ring. Wasn't he supposed to get some kind of back surgery recently that might let him wrestle again?
  10. The Buzz

    Wrestlers You'd Like to See Return to WWE?

    I'll get flamed to hell for it, but I'd love to see the Ultimate Warrior come back for a few matches with the original look as a babyface. Nothing to long just for a few months. However, I also realize that it would NEVER happen. D'Lo Brown would be welcome back as far as I'm concerned. I enjoyed his TNA stuff and what I've seen of his stuff from Japan. Big Show/Jericho of course, RVD in a year or two. Sid I'd like to see Mick Foley return fulltime, just not as Mick Foley.
  11. The Buzz

    That Was Stupid!

    Sting accepting his fate that someone is going to kick him in the back of the head everytime he puts on the Scorpion Deathlock. It's like sometimes it's to the point where he should call an audible because you know he saw the guy run down the aisle. I guess he figured it was his gimmick to look stupid. I mean he's my all-time favorite and all, but that's the one thing that annoys me about some of his matches. I also hate in battle royals where someone fucks up the clothesline over the top or throwing someone over the top, and the guy waits a second and then throws himself over.
  12. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Or the famous around my group of friends "Triple Haitch". Edit: oops didn't see that brought up earlier in the thread.
  13. The Buzz

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I wonder if Sting will decide to stick around another year, he's been here two years and they've managed to promote the matches that I had passing interest in (Jarrett,Abyss) for months on end. Yet they book the ones I want to see (Joe, Angle) as filler on impact.
  14. The Buzz

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    Probably not, but it brings to mind the fact that they should do a "Greatest Tag Teams" 3 disc dvd.
  15. The thing I always liked about WCW other than Sting, Vader, Flair, etc. was the fact they'd bring Japanese talent over like Chono, Muta, Tenzan, Gedo, and Sasaki. Does anyone remember the heel turn Sasaki pulled on Hawk on saturday night where he broke his arm.
  16. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Henry has to be the most protected guy in the companies history to never draw money, hell he's even being pushed on his way out.
  17. The Buzz

    Girls gets arrested for filming...

    I do feel bad for her, as she was recording 20 seconds of an almost two hour movie for her little brother to get him excited about it. Why wouldn't I feel bad that she might spend a year in prison or have to pay a rediculous fine. Had she had a fucking camcorder and had an hour and a half of the movie recorded, and then stated it was to get her brother excited for the movie, then I'd be heartless and say she had it coming. As it stands, she made a mistake and some manager decided to follow the rules for once, but decided he was too afraid to confront a girl about not recording footage and kicking her out. He decided to call the police to do his job for him.
  18. The Buzz

    The LIVE on-going SNME Thread

    It's too bad Vince is at his age, and other than his pyschology, bad in the ring. Because with his gimmick, charisma, and delivery he probably has the best heel character in the history of wrestling.
  19. The Buzz

    What are you watching?

    I just downloaded a Harley Race/Jumbo Tsuruta trilogy pack from PWTorrents, as well as Uncensored 1997, The Best of Raven by RF Video(never got to see his ECW stuff growing up), Battlebowl 93, bunch of "how to wrestle" shoots by RF Video featuring Raven, and I watched Wrestlemania 9 and Royal Rumble 2007. Before I watched all the downloads I took a peak at the Sting/Regal matches from Monday Nitro and Saturday Night. I'm surprised they didn't run the program longer as the two had great chemistry imo.
  20. The Buzz

    The LIVE on-going SNME Thread

    ....this "boxing" match looks horrendous. It makes the Gorilla Monsoon/Andre the Giant boxing match look like Gatti/Ward.
  21. The Buzz

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    does anyone know if UK dvds play on playstation 2? I've seen various tagged classics and such floating around on amazon or ebay, and was wondering if they'd play on an american dvd player.
  22. The Buzz

    PWG: 2007 Battle Of Los Angeles thread

    This looks like the second set of PWG dvds I'll pick up when they come out at the end of they year.. I picked up last years BOLA.
  23. The Buzz

    Early Rumor as to who will play THHHor

    Damn I was hoping Thomas Jane was returning as Punisher. I hate when they recast the lead in a sequel.
  24. The Buzz

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    I believe they were set to have a rivalry that was beginning out of their short lived tag team where they'd constantly try to out do each other, but It's been awhile since I watched the older dvds so I could be wrong.
  25. The Buzz

    Box Office Report...

    Well even though it'll probably trail off fast, it looks like Rush Hour 3 opened bigger than a lot of people expected it to.