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The Buzz

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Everything posted by The Buzz

  1. The Buzz

    My WCW Theme Library

    I'd love it if someone could hook me up with the Brad Armstrong themes, I've been looking everywhere for years.
  2. The Buzz

    Poll: Best Wrestling theme ever

    Brad Armstrong's theme is the best ever hands down.
  3. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    So if WWE picks up Dallas Hart when he's done training, Mike Dibaise, and Curt Hennig's son I believe they'll have the whole collection of second and third generation wrestlers. Atleast of the current crop....
  4. The Buzz

    SD! Spoilers for July 20th...

    its just a case of others getting a push around him I think. Not that he's necessarily a full-fledged jobber or anything.
  5. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    I believe Tazz's last televised match was going over Mr.Perfect on the first draft telecast. I think he then wrestled Hardcore Holly on the house show circuit a few times before retiring for good.
  6. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    The thing that doesn't fit about the Tazz snippet up there is I've always heard it reported that McMahon was a fan of Tazz's work from what he'd seen. Not to mention the fact that he'd seen him wrestle on his own Raw program before. Add that to the fact it's highly doubtful you'd put over a guy you don't want on your TV show over your new project(Kurt Angle) to end his undefeated streak.
  7. The Buzz

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    http://www.scott-hall.us/Images/displayima...um=97&pos=5 Recent pics of Scott Hall from Puerto Rico against Carlito. Looks like he's trimmed down from his autograph appearances last year. Still has a little bit of a gut, but if he's still working on a comeback. He is well on his way to being in shape for it.
  8. The Buzz

    Sid Vicious update

    I might get flamed for saying so, maybe not. But Sid still has it. I'd love to see him back doing shit like that and wrestling once a month at ppvs.
  9. The Buzz


    i'd be interested in a Sting vs HBK match, Sting vs Cena, Sting vs Foley, Sting vs Vince, Sting vs Undertaker, they hve a lot of ways they could go. However, since they wouldn't be willing to invest thought and time to any angles other then his first angle I would say a dvd is all I'd like.
  10. The Buzz


    I'm a fan of the career as a whole, and enjoy the TNA run a lot. I'd be pissed if the last 2 years of Sting in wcw were his last two years in wrestling. Atleast he goes out now with a few good matches, short title run, and decent storylines. I am interested in Sting signing a dvd deal with WWE after his TNA run, but nothing else.
  11. The Buzz

    Rush Hour 3

    I'm looking forward to it, but I kind of think it'd been to long since the second one. I don't think it'll do that well but I think it'll be solid.
  12. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    I think the word was that Heyman had a year or two left on his contract, and was going to focus on getting some deals in Hollywood going for scripts he had written. I also heard he wasn't really into writing wrestling and only had a passing interest in starting an MMA fed. So unless all of that was bullshit I think we've seen the last of Heyman in creative.
  13. The Buzz


    I've been a fan of Sting since his NWA days. I've even watched some of the UWF stuff. As far as the 96-96 era Sting, I'd say I enjoyed the mind games he'd play with the WCW wrestlers just as much as the nWo wrestlers. Where he'd hand off the bat to a WCW wrestler, and then turn his back. I'd like to see the promo he cut in the crow paint when he still had the mouth showing. I believe it was a week after he did his free agent promo.
  14. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    Cena just grew on me this year to the point where I'm watching all his older matches and current work. I really think he's a good worker with a limited arsenal. Nothing wrong with that...however Lashley...I don't know. I don't see anything there, but at the same time I'm not running a multi-million dollar company.
  15. The Buzz

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I'd believe hes natural now, and probably juiced earlier in his career if he ever did at all.
  16. The Buzz

    Brock Lesnar

    He had two good matches on smackdown I remember, one with Rey Mysterio, the other with Chris Benoit. The Eddie Guerrero match was a classic for me, and Lesnar did a great job holding his end up. Brock Lesnar's hell in a cell with the Undertaker was another great piece of work. Other then that, I just watched him in the same vein as a guy like Goldberg or Ultimate Warrior. His stuff was intense and fun to watch.
  17. The Buzz

    Live Free Or Die Hard (Die Hard 4) trailer

    Kevin Smith made up for his acting job in this movie with his supporting role in Catch And Release. Not a big romantic comedy man, but he was good in that movie.
  18. The Buzz

    Want to watch the ROH PPV

    I don't see how everyone called that Whitmer/Morishima match a squash. It was just a quick high impact match that put both guys over in my opinion. Good pay-per-view effort by ROH.
  19. The Buzz


    Yeah I was a fan of the original Godzilla movies until I realized it was a fucking guy in a suit, then the movies became painful to watch. The 98 Godzilla atleast has some replay value no matter how corny the script is. But I will say that the trailer for this untitled movie has my interest. Can't wait to see what happens with it.
  20. The Buzz

    The Old School questions thread

    I guess it was the best year for Sting and Austin as they were the top two merchandise sellers that year.
  21. The Buzz

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Even as a guy who liked both Nash and Warrior, I knew they'd come in handy someday since they didn't have that much in-ring skill.
  22. The Buzz

    Live Free Or Die Hard (Die Hard 4) trailer

    Awesome movie and just like Rocky Balboa before it, it made me happy just like the previous installments.
  23. The Buzz

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    I'd rather see him in MMA personally. I think if he trained and dropped enough weight to gain back some of his lost speed he may do decently for a few fights. Not for a career choice, but for some heavily marketed fights against Butterbean, Brock Lesnar, etc.
  24. The Buzz

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I thought he handled himself well except his obvious tendency to rant on occasion. He said what needed to be said. I disagree with his stance on steroids, but it's funny the so-called self-destructive superstar is living his life happily with a family. While the greats are dying and murdering.
  25. The Buzz

    July WWE 24/7 Discussion

    I have never lost it(wm23)..and I have comcast.