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The Buzz

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Everything posted by The Buzz

  1. The Buzz

    Admit It...

    I was a Mr. Hughes fan. I always saw him as a bigger star then he really was. He wasn't great in any aspect of the business. But there was a charisma to his standing there with arms folded and his grimace behind the shades. I've always been a Nash fan. I think he can work a very good match for his limitations.
  2. The Buzz

    Steiners getting back together

    lol god forbid he get into another business now that he's older rather then become a drug addict.
  3. The Buzz

    The OAO Raw Thread for 22/01/07

    To bad they already announced the participants for the Rumble, they could have done the old school drawings and had Simmons pull number 1. Sounds easy enough for the writers to come up with.
  4. The Buzz


    I have a question. I just watched the new XPW dvd, which was the first I've seen of the promotion and I was impressed with Damien Steele. How was his run with the company, did it fizzle out? Also do you know if he is still wrestling?
  5. The Buzz

    Warrior interview

    Yeah, well I'm not a doctor who can make that call, and I doubt anyone on these boards are either. A bunch of rumors and a man who speaks his mind even if it means hurting someone's feelings makes him an asshole, not crazy.
  6. The Buzz

    Impact Spoilers

    I feel bad that Sting actually had to cut the promo about that bullshit.
  7. I agree about the comment someone just made about The Rock in 2003. I felt he was getting stale in 00, but he hit a nice stride in his last run.
  8. The Buzz

    Warrior interview

    I bought that. Good interview, nice to hear his side of the story rather then the over exagerrated wwe version.
  9. The Buzz

    Most Professional

    Chris Benoit comes off very professional. Sting in the later half of his career after he lost his arrogance. The Rock is definately one of the most professional. Tazz comes off rather professional from what I can tell.
  10. Meh, he's lost a lot of weight in the last year, and I think hes a smarter worker personally.
  11. The Buzz

    Rocky VI Officially Greenlit

    Finally saw it last night. Everyone else summed it up for me. Stallone did an excellent job in it, Dixon wasn't likeable, but was someone you could show sympathy for. Probably the best one since the first. I enjoyed all six, but the first and last are definately my favorites of the series.
  12. The Buzz

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I was hoping Joe would teach angle how to sell. Looks like my hopes are crushed.
  13. The Buzz

    top 5 favorite anything

    Cape Fear The Last Samurai V for Vendetta Rocky 1, 2, or 6 Scarface
  14. The Buzz

    WON News + Notes, December 25th Issue

    Kurt Angle makes the most in the company now. I believe its like 800,000 or something like that.
  15. The Buzz

    Did Sid ever return from this?

    I agree with you on that one. Sid always had something that made you watch him even when you didn't want to.
  16. The Buzz

    WON News + Notes, December 25th Issue

    I'll be honest, the two things I'm most interested in never get reported on. Is Nash done with in-ring duties and will Sting sign on for another year or even six months?
  17. The Buzz

    What are you watching?

    Right now I'm finishing up a few compilations. A four disc Best of Mistico comp, Misawa's Path to Becoming the Five Crown King(I think that's the title of it), Best of Bruiser Brody in Puerto Rico, and a Best of WWC. To be honest the man that has impressed me the most from watching the best of Mistico dvds is not Mistico himself, but Perro Aguayo Jr.
  18. The Buzz

    Did Sid ever return from this?

    Like the others said, he wrestled a one shot in IWS. But after reading an interview he did a year back, he seems to have an inflated ego about what his drawing power and spot in history really is. I'm not denying he had his moments, but he doesn't belong in the top ten in terms of drawing power. From what I gathered he thinks he's just right below Hogan as a draw.
  19. The Buzz

    What's with WWE and undefeated streaks?

    Wasn't Hogan undefeated for a couple of years in his first reign as WWF champion? Ultimate Warrior was undefeated a couple of times during his career as well I believe.
  20. The Buzz

    Best beatdowns

    Even though they blew the blow off, the Austin/Alliance beating of Tazz was quite good if I remember correctly.
  21. The Buzz


    I didn't follow XPW much, After The Fall is the first dvd of theirs I've purchased. I haven't received it yet, but let me ask how long was Raven's run in XPW, and was it eventful?
  22. The Buzz

    WON News + Notes, December 18th Issue

    I doubt the Sandman really cares. He probably didn't get a huge contract to come over to WWE, and he had no problems getting indy bookings prior to joining up.
  23. The Buzz

    Impact Spoiler Thread

    Holy shit, I actually thought the Sting/Abyss storyline was going to be cool. Atleast until I just read these spoilers.
  24. The Buzz

    Pauly Shore gets punched on stage...

    Pauly Shore isn't that bad to be honest.
  25. The Buzz

    Wrestlers Salaries

    I think I read during one of the late nineties peak years, Austin made six or seven million off of merchandise alone.