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The Buzz

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Everything posted by The Buzz

  1. The Buzz

    NWA Bluegrass results

    Thanx for posting the results. I've heard about Bluegrass many times before, but never really got a flavor for what type of show you guys put out.
  2. The Buzz


    TNA Toyfair Pics that's not even the real sting figure for that set, that's why it looks like that. Click the link for the two new sting figures.
  3. The Buzz

    Hogan DVD match listings

    With the one or two Sting matches I get on every other Wrestler Specific release(Flair, Road Warriors, Cactus Jack, Jake Roberts, and now Hogan) I may one day have that Sting dvd release I hoped for from WWE before his TNA arrival...just on many different discs.
  4. The Buzz

    Who's more fabulous than Kanyon?

    That's either one hell of a way to get heat by forcing the crowd to either like him or hate him. Or...good for him....I better make sure to one day get the weight off my shoulders and let the crowd know I'm straight if I'm ever a former big time wrestler like Kanyon.
  5. The Buzz

    MTV is starting a wrestling promotion

    The review lost credibility for me when he called BLS a stupid rock band.....Just blasphemous.
  6. The Buzz

    Ring of Honor 2.11.06

    I'm still not seeing how the show was bad. From all the reports I read people enjoyed the show. What I have read however was that the surprise was underwhelming, even wtf inducing. A surprise not living up to the hype does not make a show bad. In fact....Cm Punk returning and Xavier returning as well probably makes this a hot show when it hits dvd. Yeah, Gabe fucked up with his choice of words as he led me to believe that maybe someone along the lines of Jericho, Christian, or Regal would show up. He didn't live up, oh well. Cm Punk and Xavier returned, Lance Storm is coming, Kenta/Marifuji and Dragon Gate are returning. Atleast ROH can do one thing...live up to their preannounced surprises.
  7. The Buzz

    What type of wrestling fans annoy you?

    I hate the fans that think something is true just because Dave Meltzer or Bob Ryder said so.
  8. The Buzz

    Ring of Honor 2.11.06

    Not as big as it was made out to be, but not disappointing like a lot of people on both the ROH forums and here are making it out to be. It was the return of two former ROH champions, and from what I'm hearing a pretty decent show considering four wrestlers pulled off due to various reasons. ROH had a string of really good-decent shows, and had one tonight that didn't live up to expectations for some. With all the wrestlers they bring overseas, all the sales they give on their site, and the good product they put out they deserve to put out one underwhelming show ever so often. I can name a major promotion that does it on a weekly basis.
  9. The Buzz

    Matt Hardy Interview

    I actually thought he sounded pretty respectful in the interview. I've read a lot of wrestler's interviews that sound ten times worse in the whining department, and the ego department. Matt Hardy actually sounds optimistic about his career rather than whine. He bitched and moaned before, but there is no one on this planet that hasn't bitched and moaned to others at one point or another about something bad going on in their life.
  10. The Buzz

    So Is Nash done?

    He wrestled on a tour of South Africa with Sean O'Haire, Disco Inferno, and several others recently, and last I heard he has 15 dates left on his TNA contract, so maybe he will be back to finish out if they find use for him.
  11. They'll eventually get the extra hour if they continue to increase their ratings. Atleast imo, it's only a matter of time.
  12. The Buzz

    ROH Dying????

    It's almost too bad that TNA has the big money backer instead of ROH imo.
  13. The Buzz

    favorite tna momments

    Glenn Gilberti's short lived push as a main eventer was fun. The Diamond Swinger/AMW feud I actually enjoyed. Raven's initial TNA run up until after Destiny. Any Sharkboy/New Jack segments. All of Sting's tna appearances Low Ki vs Aj Styles- World Title Match Joe vs Aj 1 and 2 Raven winning the gold
  14. The Buzz

    Backstage Fight Stories

    The Henning/Lesnar scuffle was more friendly then it's made out to be as well. I remember reading a Henning interview about him helping get Brock into the business and that it was more of a friendly scuffle that went to far due to alcohol. I tend to believe this version more, but either way it's hearsay.
  15. The Buzz

    NOAH Young Lion Promotion Announced!

    My knowledge on the japanese wrestling scene is somewhat limited, but hey as long as it doesn't lose the company any money. This can be nothing but a good way to start off newer wrestlers without just throwing them into the main show.
  16. Not that it would ever happen, nor should it without buildup. But can anyone ever see the fans getting behind someone like Val Venis who was once decently over and an IC champ being a dark horse and making it to the final four, then...somehow winning the rumble. It'd just be like that freak occurence like when Lightning kid upset Razor Ramon to become the 1, 2, 3 Kid and when Shelton beat HHH twice a year or so ago.
  17. The Buzz

    Lance Storm retirement over

    yeah i believe fifth row and general admission tickets are still on sale for the 4/1 show.
  18. The Buzz

    Lance Storm retirement over

    Ive got tickets to all three triple shot shows, and was surprised and pleased at this. I'm not that huge on Storm even though I loved his WCW work. But this should be good regardless of my opinions.
  19. The Buzz

    OAO 1/21 Impact Thread

    Jarrett has been doing the I ran so and so out of TNA speech for awhile though. It's almost part of his character. He's claimed to have ran Sting and Hogan out of TNA before when A.)Sting destroyed Jarrett in every encounter, and B.) Hogan never officially joined the promotion, as well as others.
  20. alright I'll pm you for more info thanx
  21. I'm interested in any WCW, ECW tapes you have. I'm also interested in the Best of Super Jrs 93 tournament. You said you are able to do custom tapes. Do you have a lot of early 90s Sting work that you could put on a comp. Also would you be able to do a good Vader custom tape? Thanks, Buzz
  22. The Buzz

    50 greatest workers of all time elimination suggestions

    17. Curt Henning 18. Sting 19. Jake Roberts 20. Raven 21. Terry Funk 22. Dory Funk Jr. 23. Hulk Hogan 24. Harley Race 25. Dusty Rhodes 26. Arn Anderson
  23. The Buzz

    OAO 1/21 Impact Thread

    I thought it was a pretty solid show personally, and I wish Indy shows had production values like that..
  24. The Buzz

    Ultimate Warrior Files Lawsuit Against WWE

    Well...since everyone got the warrior bashing out of the way. Good for him, I hope he beats WWE again in court. Then he can laugh his way to the bank and sign his stupid little name
  25. The Buzz

    Better wrestler?

    Anyone who used to be down with the Brown of the D'Lo variety is better than HBK automatically.