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The Buzz

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Everything posted by The Buzz

  1. The Buzz

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Well he took it from a japanese cartoon, which I believe is called Ultimate Muscle here in the US. So maybe he took the name as well for all I know.
  2. The Buzz

    New Indy wrestlers to TNA

    Has there been any news on whether McGuinness is gonna sign with TNA or if there was any interest by either side after the match with Sharkboy?
  3. The Buzz


    I thought the "You Still Got It" chant was pretty classy by the fans.
  4. In the video for final resolution he's in the crow get up with his short hair. I'm sure hes gonna have some kind of minor changes to the outfit, but other than that I think he's sticking with the basic persona and look.
  5. The Buzz

    Hillarious Vince McMahon AOL chat

    was this real?
  6. The Buzz

    Dynamite Kid

    Highspots sells a decent Dynamite Kid in japan comp on dvd That I picked up. I was sick of always hearing about how good Dynamite Kid was. So I went out and bought the tape to see if it was more internet bullshit. Truth is...he truly is an underrated piece of wrestling, which is saying something considering how highly rated he is by some.
  7. While I agree with you. TNA also is the company who for one week builds Raven back to the belt, then switches to Monty Brown, Then To Christian. I mean...they can change who's going for the belt at any moment it seems. Hell, if Raven wins his match this month he's owed his rematch.
  8. Sting is pretty high on abyss in his book. So I assume he'll work with Abyss some. A Raven/Sting feud is something I see talked about quite a bit on other forums. But yes I'd like to see him dethrone Jarrett, reign with the title for a few months and drop the belt to a heel Joe clean to help put Joe on the top of the heap.
  9. The Buzz

    1PW No Turning Back Results

    Im amazed that Doug Williams did the job two nights in a row. I figured he was a pretty big star in the UK.
  10. The Buzz

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I think Sting is a huge improvement over DDP and Nash as the old big name wrestler of TNA. I stress HUGE. However, I think TNA needed to cut more fat rather from the roster rather than go and sign more guys.
  11. The Buzz

    pictures of Brock Lesner in Japan

    yeah hes not far off at all. I'm not seeing the fat part...
  12. The Buzz

    Final And First Impacts of 05/06 Threads

    Yeah last time Sting was in tna was in 2004 as the special enforcer for a Raven vs The Truth vs AJ Styles vs Abyss match for the number one contendership.
  13. The Buzz

    Stacy Carter

    well considering jerry lawlers taste in women, she is no older than 33.
  14. The Buzz

    Kurt Angle vs. Christopher Daniels

    Daniels has been doing this longer, and over the past few years has really hit a new stride. Daniels once carried a green Kurt Angle who was unable to take any high impact bumps to a very entertaining match, and if CM Punk and Samoa Joe say so I believe it. Angle has had some good matches. I don't get upset about his "adrenaline" rushes like most do. I will say I like a match with great selling, but I'll take a good crisp match with mediocre selling if it entertains me. If this was a debate about who will be remembered more in ten years than Angle would win hands down. If it's a debate about whos done more for the business, than I'd give it to Daniels as he mentored a lot of up and coming indy guys that are now being called the best in the business. It might not be drawing money, but by giving advice to young wrestlers and helping them get bookings I think you give back to the business just as well. Anyways, before I meandered off course I was going to say in the topic of who is better all round. I'm going with Daniels hands barely. I think he's on par with Angle in terms of mic skills and charisma. Psychology wise I've seen more good Daniels matches from the past three years then I have Angle matches in his entire career. Winner: Daniels
  15. The Buzz

    Better wrestler poll

    It's funny because in the Samoa Joe/Punk shoot they talk about how Daniels carried a green Kurt Angle who was unable to take a bump due to a concussion to a helluva match in one of the E's old developmental leagues I believe. Anyways I've seen both men cut promos and I will say that Daniels does a better job although Angle is a tad more charismatic. Daniels is more versatile and edges out in the ring department, but Angle works on a bigger platform with more restrictions. So to be honest It's hard to pick one. I'll go with Daniels just because Angle never did "it" for me, and Daniels has with his ROH work.
  16. The Buzz

    Jeff Hardy No-Shows Turning Point

    It was three when I started the sentence, then I remembered the taker match. So I beg of you for forgiveness.
  17. The Buzz

    Ten Most Misused Wrestlers

    Chief Morley was getting pretty good heat, then he got squashed by the Dudleys and Austin and went back to being Val....the current result is The Bald Jobber on heat who's a good hand.
  18. The Buzz

    Jeff Hardy No-Shows Turning Point

    Well Hardy has been in three matches I liked. The two pay-per-view matches with Abyss, the cage match with Raven, and the ladder match with Undertaker. If he was willing to add some variety to his offense, and actually act like he wanted to be there I'd love to see him try and make something of his career. I'm not a fan of him, but I hope he conquers whatever problems he's having.
  19. The Buzz

    How should TNA use Sting?

    Sting over Jarrett for the World Title Joe, Christian, Monty over Sting for the belt rest of the time is spent feuding with Raven, then either re-sign or book a retirement angle.
  20. The Buzz

    TNA Year end Awards.

    Finisher of the year: The Pounce Knockout of the year: Traci X-Division star of the year: Joe Tag Team of the year: Team 3-D Who to watch in 2006: Austin Aries Memorable Moment of the year: Raven wins the world title Match of the year: Styles vs. Joe(TP) Feud of the year: Abyss vs Sabu Mr. TNA MVP 2005: Raven
  21. The Buzz

    The effects of the steroid policy

    Show's been looking leaner for a while now atleast to me, but yes the effects are showing up.
  22. The Buzz

    Lex Luger back in jail

    I hope the man can get his life back on track, and I think it's pretty sad that so many people get a kick out of other's problems and addictions these days.
  23. The Buzz

    TNA Turning Point

    I enjoyed the show all night. Joe vs Styles was indeed better than their first encounter just from watching it. I didn't analyze it for selling, facial expressions, steps taken before delivering a kick, etc. But I enjoyed it. Jarrett and Rhino busted their asses and had a pretty decent match. The x-tag could have been better, but it held my attention. The barbwire massacre wasn't as brutal as I expected, but still good nonetheless. Now onto the surprise...I'm a big Sting fan and still think he's capable and am looking forward to his run in TNA, but after building up a surprise as an EVENT that will change the face of TNA...it was a bit underwhelming. Had Sting appeared in the ring and beat the living shit out of Jarrett, leaving him a bloody pulp in the middle of the ring, then...that would have been good enough. Hopefully they pick it up with Sting, and build up and advertise his debut for a few weeks since I assume they are going for extra ratings with the way they started his arrival.
  24. The Buzz

    Bret Hart question from 1999

    Yeah and WCW made a figure of him wearing them that looked more like Howard Stern than Bret Hart.
  25. The Buzz

    ROH 2005

    This year is really the best year for ROH and what I consider their breakout year. As far as good shows go here are some of the more critically acclaimed shows. The Three Third Anniversary Shows Back To Basics Stalemate Manhattan Mayhem Nowhere To Run Death Before Dishonor 3 All The Way Through Punk:The Final Chapter(if you're interested in Punk's heel turn after he wins the belt, which is said to be one of the best storylines in the companies history.) Glory By Honor 4 Joe vs Kobashi To be honest I'm very pro ROH so I think all of 2005 is worth checking out, so I hope you like whatever you end up seeing.