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The Buzz

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Everything posted by The Buzz

  1. The Buzz

    A Gimmick for Roderick Strong

    Aries is pretty good on the mic...if they let him get a backstage segment or two to show his stuff and to declare his goals it would atleast help be more than the winner of the internet poll from three months ago. I was gonna suggest something for Roderick then I remembered the old sit-down interviews Tenay used to do back on the weekly ppvs. Does anyone think that these would help get some personality across for the newer directionless guys.
  2. The Buzz

    TNA coming to Philly?

    I know it's a little off topic but let's say ROH keeps expanding as they have been the past few years and a rich investor begins to pump more money in them. Causing them to get a tv deal and basically go national. Would guys like Joe, Aries, etc. still be able to work for them because of the contract stip. or what?
  3. The Buzz

    WO Newsletter news and Notes

    Holly and Bradshaw are gonna threaten/bully the wrong guy one day and get the shit kicked out them. Wait...Holly's already gotten a broken neck doing that.
  4. The Buzz

    Okay, someone explain this to me...

    that would be too easy...
  5. The Buzz

    The One and Only WWE 24/7 Thread

    Has anyone watched the Rotundo/Sting match yet that's available this month? Is it any good?
  6. The Buzz

    Ring of Honor 11.5.05 results

    Some loved the Punk/Daniels match and some hated it from what I've read.
  7. The Buzz

    WO Newsletter news and Notes

    Well if they think Heyman books horribly..that explains a lot about the main product.
  8. The Buzz

    ROH 11/4 Detroit Results

    I just got back from the show like forty minutes ago, had to leave before the main event. It was quite the show. Bj Whitmer maid like two concession stand appearances. Whitmer, Aries, A referee, and Daniels signed autographs for some little kids before the show started which was cool. Edit: As for the show, everything was solid. The crowd was strong but not necessarily rabid. There were a few slips on the second rope, which made me wonder if there was something wrong with it. And the generation gap phoenix was awesome...The girl I brought now has a crush on Jimmy Jacobs and Jack Evans....
  9. The Buzz

    Alright, time out.

    There is already good wrestling out there now. If you wanna know when WWE is gonna be good...i predict 2010..thats a nice round number.
  10. The Buzz

    If Vince Made a Best of Starrcade DVD

    Luger vs Sting vs Flair- Starrcade 95 i believe Flair vs Vader-World Title Match...93? and the matches you listed as well as some more.
  11. The Buzz

    If there was one PPV that defined WCW...

    Well even though Sting was always a main eventer, popular, ...sorta a draw.....he was in his peak popularity in the long drawn out feud against Hogan/nWo. The match was set to happen at Starrcade 97, it'd be Sting's first match in like 17 months. What was supposed to be a fast count with Hogan getting a controversial win only to have Bret Hart demand the match be restarted was a slower than usual count with the same end result. Because of that Sting's heat had the legs cut out from under it. It is also the show with Larry Zybysko vs Eric Bischoff and I can't even remember the rest of the matches really. I just know most of the heels won and it just left a really bad taste in your mouth. The nWo had been winning so long that it was time for WCW to get that decisive victory for once, and they didn't get it.
  12. The Buzz

    Chris Kanyon speaks out on his arrest.

    Nothing new, most cops are corrupt just like most people are assholes.. Good job by Kanyon though....
  13. The Buzz

    If there was one PPV that defined WCW...

    I've seen most of WCW's ppvs over the years, and I have to say Starrcade 97 is the first ppv that comes to my mind. Only because WCW was a company that always had talent, and sometimes got lucky and produced something good, but for the most part was chaotic and poorly ran, and looking back it's very evident.
  14. The Buzz

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    Well...i was actually marking out for the possibility of Joe/Jarrett....and they just killed it....Rhino?
  15. The Buzz

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

  16. The Buzz

    Tyson Tomko

    I think the correct question is.... Tyson Tomko....who'd he ever beat.
  17. The Buzz

    So I'm going to a Ring Of Honor show.

    Where ya at?
  18. The Buzz

    So I'm going to a Ring Of Honor show.

    Anyone else going to the Detroit show the day before?
  19. The Buzz

    Dream Match: Vader vs. Brock

    I Saw Awesome/Vader vs Samoa Joe/Dan Maff........I'm a fan of all of the men in the match except Awesome....and it is one of the worst matches I've ever seen in my life. I think it was from 2002-2003. I've also seen a dvd advertised on highspots with a DDT match involving Vader that i'll probably check out. Anyways....I'd personally love to see the match, but who knows if it could happen.
  20. The Buzz

    Sting vs Hogan

    Had the starrcade match been done right...or even the subsequent matches....this would be a killer dvd for WWE to release right now. Chronicle the entire feud...maybe throw in their babyface vs babyface match from a few years earlier..and even a few of their big wins before the feud as extras.
  21. I wasn't a huge fan growing up. But I thought Hollywood Hogan was entertaining as hell. I now can look back and appreciate his older work however.
  22. The Buzz

    What was the real reasoning behind the IC title 02

    i actually didnt think bubba was that bad as a singles wrestler but..to each their own.
  23. The Buzz

    Best "Total Package"?

    I think Sting ranks up there high as he could do it all imo. Of all time I'm giving it to Eddie Guerrero who I feel is the best wrestler I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of the greats.
  24. The Buzz

    Hi, my name is Rudo, and....

    *a tear falls from his eye and he sniffles before stepping up to the podium* I too have stopped watching Raw. I've recently over the past few weeks tried to watch and find myself changing the channel or popping in an alternative wrestling product or best of dvds produced by the WWE. I grew up cheering for guys like The LOD, The Ultimate Warrior, Savage, Piper, Hart, Lesnar, Benoit, Guerrero, Sting, Flair, Vader, Goldberg, and Steamboat among others. When WCW and ECW died I was left with two choices. Quit watching wrestling(wasn't into Puro or indy wrestling at the time), or watch WWE programming, which I hadn't really watched full time since 97. In my post I will post why I do not enjoy the product any more rather than simply say they suck. Matches: I'm not a guy who's going to say any new wrestler who sucks in the WWE sucks everywhere unless I've seen their other work outside of the WWE and it sucks as well. With that being said...what's the point with the matches in the WWE? They are usually a bunch of signature moves that were cool on the indy circuit or in japan in the late 80s and early 90s, a few chinlocks armbars and sleepers thrown in to make you think they are using ring pyschology, and a finisher, ref bump, or interference. There are rarely any stories told in a WWE match, and when there is its by guys like Regal, Benoit, Guerrero, Venis, HBK, Angle, and to an extent Taker and HHH. To be honest it's not just WWE that's done this...a lot of wcw from 97 on was exactly the same. It's hard to see two guys bust their ass like Lesnar and Eddy did at No Way Out 2004 using ring pyschology and selling...only to come back the next night on Raw and see a bunch of guys pretending to be superman going through the motions. I read about how all the veterans say that so and so who was praised by the net. Storylines: I find myself watching the shows able to predict what is going to happen after not watching for three months. While that isn't neccesarily horrible....the fact that the storylines make me cringe is. How many times is the undertaker gonna be locked in a casket and "die" only to come back and then destroy his nemesis. I love Undertaker....but damn write a new storyline already. Drinking The Koolaid: If Vince and the boys said it, then it must be true. When people call Vince a genius it makes me cringe. Give me a couple hundred million dollars, and I too can throw a bunch of ideas at the wall and I'm dead sure atleast one of them will stick. Oh hey....lets sign this guy who's being called a great worker in Japan and the indys, let him work a match, then tell him he sucks because he actually uses pyschology and selling. I won't go into much on that point other than pointing out the situation that happened with Jericho and the one currently with CM Punk. Lastly the whole no one does sports entertainment better than WWE thing....well that's just a load of horse shit. The whole Ultimate Warrior deal too....i mean jesus if I was a million dollar company and got beat in court by a wrestler I could spread a bunch of propaganda too. I'm sure some of its true...but there are two sides to every story and somewhere in the middle lies the truth. Better Alternatives: ROH, NOAH, NJPW, Classic Wrestling, and even TNA. I have hope that TNA can pave the way for ROH to get an investor and go national. None of the promotions I listed are perfect, but they provide me entertainment and good matches. Which at the end of the day is more than I can say about the WWE. I doubt anything beyond Sting making a comeback would make me watch WWE, but as a guy who's going to go through training soon to be a pro-wrestler I'd hope they improve their product enough to help make the market stronger so that I and others have more opportunities waiting for us.
  25. The Buzz

    Well, it happened

    I didn't think it was bad for a squash.....unless it wasn't supposed to look like that. Cuz to be honest both the champion and I believe former multi-time champion, Chono, both looked like Jobbers. I look forward to seeing how his reign plays out.