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The Buzz

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Everything posted by The Buzz

  1. The Buzz

    WWE, TNA, Mid-South dvds for sale

    I'm still looking to sell this lot, but am willing to sell it for 100 dollars plus shipping, which we will just set at 5 dollars. Also willing to take best offers. Just PM me on here or email me at [email protected] I also still have the opened lot of action figures and would be willing to part with it for 50-70 bucks. If you'd like to know what figures I have and what condition, just pm me and I'll look as it's been a few years since I've opened the container. Figures are ECW, WWF, and WCW.
  2. The Buzz

    TNA sets record with 1.9 million viewers

    I agree, I liked the last two years or whatever because it was Sting, and he wasn't old and washed up. But now he's bringing some intensity that might add to his legacy when he retires.
  3. The Buzz

    TNA sets record with 1.9 million viewers

    The last two weeks of stuff between Angle and Sting has made me excited to see them wrestle again. Much better buildup then last month. Sting in my opinion still brings the goods even with the hurt knee, and you can't go wrong with Kurt Angle. That angry Sting promo might be better than the stuff he was doing late last year.
  4. The Buzz

    Funny People

    Looks pretty funny actually, good to see Rogen dropped the weight he was trying to drop.
  5. The Buzz

    Vince Fighting Internet Leaks

    Not to mention they basically came out and said he was returning on the TNA programming. I'm sure there is a big crossover of fans between the two promotions.
  6. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    He was always one of the more impressive guys in terms of overall package when I went to see ROH live or watched their dvds. I didn't really see any of his WWE stuff, but from what I've gathered he was just an enhancement talent on Smackdown. Maybe TNA will give him a try, or maybe he'll go back to ROH.
  7. The Buzz

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    I'm not a huge Christian fan, but I always kind of ranked him at that level with the Hardys, Edge, Jericho, and a few others of the same era. Christian knows how to have a helluva match when it's time, and I can say the same about the others that he's being compared to. As far as promos go, of the guys listed above I'd put him only behind Jericho and Edge.
  8. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    It's hard to keep a secret that Christian was coming to the WWE when the other national promotion with its almost 2 million viewers saw WWE get free advertising that Christian was leaving to go back to them.
  9. The Buzz

    The Expendables

    I guess Eric Roberts replaced Kingsley who dropped out of the movie. I was actually getting ready to post this, and saw the thread. This looks like it's going to be badass. Apparently JC Van Dam turned down a part due to Sly not telling him what his character would be, instead just telling him the fighting would be good and he'd make a ton of money.
  10. I can see the Lethal Weapon remake now with Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx
  11. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Edge would be the type of guy who could get a simple move like the ddt over again. He's got his weak spear over, so anything would work for him. He could probably even get that weird leg lock he was doing for awhile over.
  12. I think Danny Glover turned this down awhile back too, but I read some kind of dirtsheet that said if they got Gibson, they'd make it without Glover.
  13. The Buzz

    Aronofsky's "The Wrestler"

    Stallone could have pulled it off, but would have overshadowed the movie with his name. Not to mention people would have crucified him if it didn't do the type of box office his last few films have done. Rourke was definitely perfect for the part.
  14. The Buzz

    WWE Raw - February 16, 2009

    That sounds like a good match to me. Jericho is jobbing no matter who faces so might as well be Austin.
  15. The Buzz

    WWE Raw - February 16, 2009

    Piper is bringing a helluva promo.
  16. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Yeah I don't think it's very good at all to pressure guys trying to stay sober into doing the opposite.
  17. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    I really don't think Cena does steroids, but I can't say he doesn't do anything else that might get him suspended for 30 days.
  18. The Buzz

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Flair(16x), Hogan(12x), Sting(10-13x), and probably a lot of the older wrestlers like your Harley Race and Dusty Rhodes amassed their title reigns in a period of 15-20 years. Now guys are able to have records like that in the span of ten years or less. Triple H I believe won his first world title in 99 and already ten years later has held world titles 13 times. Cena has won the top strap four times in the span of four years. Edge has held 8 world titles in the span of three years. Guys like Jericho and Angle have held the strap multi-times in a short period of time as well.
  19. The Buzz

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    I always thought they were in about the same league myself(Cena and Taker). That's a judgement in talent that might be a bit close to call.
  20. The Buzz

    Street Fighter is the best movie ever.

    Edit: Nevermind trailer is already posted in the thread
  21. The Buzz

    2009 PPV Prediction Contest

    Edit: I know I've missed a few ppvs so far, but I'm hoping I'm still allowed to give this a shot. 1. All or Nothing Match: John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Shawn Michaels 2. No Holds Barred Match: Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton 3. ECW Title: Finlay vs. Jack Swagger© 4. WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match: Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy vs. The Big Show vs. The Undertaker vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Edge© BONUS: Choose the order of elimination (1pt for each correct placement)Hardy, Big Show, Edge, Triple H, Undertaker 5. World Heavyweight Title Elimination Match: Kofi Kingston vs. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Mike Knox vs. Chris Jericho vs. John Cena© BONUS: Choose the order of elimination (1pt for each correct placement) Knox, Kofi, Rey, Kane, Jericho
  22. Cena's got that factor that guys like Hogan, Dusty, Sting, Warrior, etc. all had where a lot of people can get into the matches from an excitement standpoint. He's not afraid to take a bump, and seems to be up to anything judging by his matches with different opponents.
  23. The Buzz

    When TNA closes...

    They are getting 1.7 million viewers. I really think that if they did Clash of The Champion style specials on the months with no pay-per-views, and hyped up those big shows well they would have one hell of a model. Like someone said, if they can get a percentage of those viewers to start watching pay-per-views they'd be good. In my opinion, which I know doesn't make it right or wrong, they lost a lot of ppv buying "smark or smart fans" when they stopped putting the x-division first with minimal star power on top, and gained more casual fans who don't necessarily buy ppvs when they brought in their Team 3d, Angle, Sting, Christian, Booker, etc. They would be served well to find a happy medium to please everyone.
  24. The Buzz

    Let's Talk About...Dusty Rhodes' WWF stint

    I was just watching his dvd again the other night, and have found myself enjoying not only his promos but his matches. He really did have it in the ring as a worker. By the time he got to the WWE I think his days as a top level guy were over anyway, so he was probably just enjoying his time on a national stage in the spotlight.
  25. The Buzz

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    Good movie/remake, I enjoyed the TCM and Halloween remakes better. This is probably one of the top Friday the 13th movies now.