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The Buzz

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Posts posted by The Buzz

  1. The Corino feud in ROH that spanned basically late 2002-2006.


    The Cabana feud, which I believe started in late 2005 and ended early 2006.


    His matches with Samoa Joe in 2004.


    He had a really good match with Bryan Danielson on one of the original Reborn shows, and then the following year they had a pretty good Best of Five series.

  2. I only said that because I think it would be good, and because when they released Flair's dvd and it sold so well I always heard there would be a second one. Years later the closest I've seen is the Ric Flair and The Four Horseman disc. So I just figured that sounds like something WWE might do you know?

  3. Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels (WWE Championship Match)


    Orton leaves with the belt, I doubt HBK ever gets another reign as World Champion.


    World Heavyweight Champion Batista vs. Undertaker (Hell in a Cell Match)


    I think Undertaker picks up where he left off and grabs the belt here. Or like the previous poster I can see Edge coming out and doing his version of the first HIAC interference on Taker.


    Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match: Umaga/Kennedy/Finley/Big Daddy V/MVP vs. HHH/Matt/Jeff/Kane/Rey


    Triple H wins it for his team.


    Triple Threat Match for the ECW Championship: CM Punk vs. Miz vs. Morrison


    CM Punk retains.


    Cade & Murdoch vs. Rhodes & Holly (World Tag Team Championship)


    I can see the titles changing hands here.


    Hornswoggle vs. The Great Khali


    Something screwy, I could even see WWE mocking the screwjob here somehow. Although I heard Vince is trying to do another dvd with Bret so maybe not.


    10 Divas Tag Team Match: Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, Melina, Victoria & Layla vs. Mickie James, Maria, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool and Kelly Kelly


    Beth is the sole survivor.

  4. I'm still partial to the Scorpion Deathlock/Sharpshooter. Bret Hart always sat real deep and had innovative ways to lock it on. When Sting actually does sit deep on the move it looks like a killer.


    I did like Meng's Tongan Deathgrip. I always believed that while Meng wasn't the best wrestler on the roster that if he locked it on someone than that was all for the match.

  5. DiGiornio(Spelling) has a new pizza that comes with a tray to cook it on that I made a few weeks back. That's a pretty damn good pizza. There is also this one brand of pizza that is one of those deep dish pies where the cheese and pepperoni is in the middle and you spread the sauce yourself on top. It's pretty expensive but good. If I think of the name I'll post it.

  6. I have a question about the Wii that may or may not have been answered. With the classic controller can you play the games with the d-pad and buttons rather then doing the motion sensor stuff. Or do you pretty much have to tilt the controller still and all that stuff. I just wanted to know because I'm going to buy my gf one in a few months, and was wondering if I'd actually enjoy playing it or not.

  7. Well I've had my ps3 for about five days now. I really like it so far.


    Fight Night Round 3 has been tremendously fun for me. Resistance:Fall of Man has my attention so far as well, and I'm not usually a big first person shooter guy. Lair I'm on the fence with so far. It has a WII like control thing going on where you move the controller to control what happens onscreen. I'm not quite sure if I like that. Ninja Gaiden: Sigma is just as badass as the last one I played on the original X-Box. Now I just have to read the manual and figure out how to hook the think up to my cable internet.


    Assassin's Creed. Buy it today.


    I've been wanting to play it since I started browsing games for the ps3, so I will definitely pick it. Unfortunately I'll have to rent my games for awhile until I get my bills caught up. That's a plus with having a gf who works at Blockbuster though she can get me three games a week for free. Works for me though.

  8. I don't understand one thing though, how is being shoved away is being punked out when they were seperated by agents before it could grow into something else? Being punked is when you are physically or verbally put in your place and you do nothing about it.



    This sounds like the typical story of a veteran trying to teach younger wrestlers a lesson, and one of the prima donna younger wrestlers catches an attitude about it. You always hear about it in the shoot interviews that a lot of the younger guys think they know more than the older guys do when it comes to offering advice, and then when they aren't getting over suddenly start asking for help.
