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The Buzz

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Posts posted by The Buzz

  1. I don't know if we are talking about Mike Rotunda's entire career or just his IRS run, but his match with Sting over the tv title pretty much defined what Rotunda was in my opinion. I'm surprised how much I like Rotunda's NWA stuff compared to his WWF and WCW/nWo work.

    Was this during his time with the Varsity Club? Those were good times.



    I don't know if that exact match was during that time period as it's been awhile since I saw it. I do know I like his work during the Varsity Club and a little bit past it as well. He made Tom Zenk look like a million bucks at Halloween Havoc 88 I believe.

  2. I don't know if you are talking about winners only, but there have been a few good things to come out of Tough Enough. I don't think any are great, but Nowinski, Matt Morgan, Shad Gaspard(SP?), Boogeyman all show or in Nowinski's case showed promise to me. Hell if WWE didn't have such a problem with using managers now, I'm sure they could slide Nowinski into that role.





  3. I don't think there is one guy who's going to just catapult them into success. I mean they have plenty of name value already signed. If I really sit and think you'd have to come down to needing Steve Austin or The Rock to want to come back to wrestling a few days a month, and neither will happen for obvious reasons. That's just my opinion though.

  4. Yeah I don't think Santino is the greatest thing since sliced bread, nor do I think he'll be a main event level talent. But if they gave him a role like the one suggested he has enough timing and charisma to give it a shot, and possibly surprise everybody with where he ends up. Whether or not he gets something like that is the key.

  5. I picked up the Rey Mysterio dvd last night, and have watched it straight through, although I didn't watch anything on the third disc except for the HBK match since I've seen it all recently. It's fun to see how hes progressed in some ways and regressed in some ways as a worker due to injury and learning. Dean Malenko in 96 and 97 had to be one of the best workers around. I liked him as a kid, but now that I'm older I appreciate his work even more when I get to see it.

  6. Generally the heel calls the match, but there are always exceptions to the rules. Like if you have a veteran babyface like Steamboat in there with a rookie heel like Santino, then Steamboat would call it. Atleast that's the impression I've gotten from watching Raven talk about match pyschology. I've also heard a guy like Austin always called his matches in the ring because he had a hearing problem, and wouldn't be able to hear the guy out there.
