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The Buzz

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Posts posted by The Buzz

  1. It'll be cool to find out if this fight really happened or not. Because I would love to for the hearts of the certain type of mma fan that constantly bashes wrestling to be broken. Considering Ken Shamrock was a professional wrestler before he ever had his first professional fight, the current ufc champion is a former pro-wrestler, Dan Severn has been doing both simultaneously his entire career, and various mma guys do wrestling for big paydays.


    If this did happen it's just another reason for that one type of mma fan to knock the bashing off.

  2. Two of my favorites wrestling again. With the way Sting has been working the last few months since his knee injury and surgery and the way Foley's been looking this could be a bad match. However, Sting has done some good stuff recently with Joe and AJ and Foley always brings it for big matches so maybe it'll be something good.

    Sting was GASSED and sucking air like 3 minutes into his match with Kurt this at Destination X



    Well it happens to everyone on occasion. I mean you have your ironmen like Angle, Flair, and Hart who I don't think ever gassed out. But when you got a guy who probably can't train cardio a whole lot due to a knee injury, him sucking air ain't much of a surprise. I don't see why they don't have him drop the belt rehab the knee for a few months so he can go out and wrestle a few final matches in the type of condition he was pre-2009.

  3. I've enjoyed quite a few of his movies.



    Devil's Advocate

    The Day The Earth Stood Still

    Street Kings

    The Bill and Ted Movies


    The Replacements

    The Lake House


    Point Break

    Bram Stokers Dracula.


    There are probably quite a few more, but I'm drawing a blank. He's got charisma and plays his parts well enough. He's in the vein of the great action stars where he's not technically a good actor, but he's got the presence to be a leading man regardless.

  4. Two of my favorites wrestling again. With the way Sting has been working the last few months since his knee injury and surgery and the way Foley's been looking this could be a bad match. However, Sting has done some good stuff recently with Joe and AJ and Foley always brings it for big matches so maybe it'll be something good.

  5. Makes me wonder if they will attempt a Taken sequel, obviously a much different premise then the first movie. I think the character has some legs to do another movie, but it's a good stand alone if not.



    That Street Fighter movie was horribly marketed, and from what I've read it was horribly made.



    Hoping to see Last House on the Left and Witch Mountain soon.

  6. 1. The Beautiful People vs. Taylor Wilde/Roxxi/The Governor

    BONUS (1pt): Who gets pinned? The Governor

    BONUS (1pt): Who scores the pin? Velvet Sky

    2. Samoa Joe vs. Scott Steiner

    3. Booker T (TNA Legends Champion) vs. AJ Styles

    BONUS (1pt): Will the title be on the line? No

    4. Match of 10,000 Tacks: Matt Morgan vs. Abyss

    5. TNA Knockouts Title: Sojourner Bolt vs. Awesome Kong©

    6. TNA X Division Title Ultimate X Match: Suicide vs. Consequences Creed vs. Jay Lethal vs. Alex Shelley© vs. Chris Sabin

    7. TNA World Tag Team Title: Beer Money Inc. vs. Team 3D

    BONUS (1pt): Who gets pinned? Robert Roode

    BONUS (1pt): Who scores the pin? Brother Devon

    8. TNA World Title with special referee Jeff Jarrett and special enforcer Mick Foley: Kurt Angle vs. Sting

  7. I'm not trying to start a war here, but what kind of shit is this when people are making light of his death here? I dont care what wrestler is was and how much of a jaybrone this wrestler may have been, he still deserves to be treated like a f'n human, particularly upon hearing of his death. It would be one thing if this guy pulled a Benoit or something, but what the fuck guys. Have a little respect. And kudos to whoever changed the title of the thread, that shit before was just wrong. Making light of a death like that is fucked up.


    C'mon. I'm still waiting for a "room is spinning" reference or post of that nature. All due respect, it DOES suck that he's died so young but making light of death isn't exactly something that's unheard of around these parts - or anywhere at all for that matter. Some people just use humor as a way of dealing with a shitty circumstance. Besides, this is a thread at TSM, not the guy's wake.


    What was the original title of this thread?



    It's still stupid to make jokes about someone dying, regardless of the platform. But free speech is free speech I suppose.

  8. You're making a false assumption that people deserve respect when they die. If you want to respect somebody, respect them while they live. It's too late once they're gone!



    I did respect the man while he was living for living his dream. Didn't matter whether I was a fan or not. Hell George Bush could die today, and I wouldn't sit there and say yayyyyyy Bush is dead. He was a horrible president so he didn't deserve to breath another breath. Yayyyy Britney Spears died, bout time for polluting the radio waves with her horrible music and taking up my valuable tv space with her personal problems. But fuck it, no use in getting to an argument on the forums on this matter as judging by the thread I'm way out numbered.

  9. Man what a disgusting thread for the most part. Whether he died because of something he was putting in his body or because his time was up, he still deserves the same respect anyone deserves when they pass. He wasn't the greatest of all time, or even one of the good ones. But he did do more than he should have based on his talent level, and that counts for something. Sounds like he was a genuinely good guy from the comments I've seen today.

  10. I hate to be the guy to say he hated a movie that almost everyone else liked, but I was really disappointed with this. I do tend to find something likeable about most movies, and I will say this is worth watching and has a few small laughs. I just didn't find it gut busting like a lot of the recent comedies of the last few years.

  11. If Bruce Willis makes a cameo, the world might explode from having Arnold, Sly, and himself all in one piece of film. It's also cool to see that David Zayas of Dexter fame, Danny Trejo, and Aaron Aguilera(WWE's Jesus) are either signed or rumored to be in this as well.
