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The Buzz

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Posts posted by The Buzz

  1. I just saw the Orton, Flair cage match from Taboo Tuesday, and that match was as good a match to put over Orton as the Foley match months earlier at Backlash. Damn good cage match.


    I also agree with the Sting/Cactus Beach Blast match. Very good match for both men. For Cactus it helped establish a bit more credibility while for Sting it gave him a good non-title match, and showed him working a different style then he was used to.

  2. With this coming out soon, I've been on a kick of playing different wrestling games I've never played before. So I downloaded Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 and had a blast, downloaded some old favorites like No Mercy and WCW Revenge, and then I made the mistake of buying Galactic Wrestling for the PS2 for about 7 dollars. Probably would be a fun arcade game, but definitely not my cup of tea. So what I'm getting to is this, has there ever been a fire pro for the N64 or playstation?

  3. This is the last I'll say about the Morley deal is I just didn't understand why they'd take a guy who was getting legit heel heat by messing with the Dudleys, and then bring him back to the gimmick that wasn't getting over anymore like it had between 98-00. Right to Censor pretty much killed off the Val Venis character. That was one of the few instances where I really think they didn't want the guy to get over for some reason.

  4. Well Venis has been getting TV time, and is in a feud with Santino, so we'll see how that goes.


    Ahh good, I've only skimmed over Raw the last week or two so I only saw the one segment where Venis offered Maria a movie role. I figured Santino was building up to more of a Saturday Night Main Event Austin burial then anything, but maybe Venis can jumpstart things here.

  5. Well if they don't do an Owen Hart dvd, or even a second Bret Hart dvd like planned. They could always do a Hart Foundation three disc dvd, and showcase a few Bulldog matches, few more Bret matches, few Owen matches, Neidhart, etc. Maybe Four-Six matches for each wrestler. You can discuss the group and include a few tags, but also can showcase guys like Bulldog, Neidhart, and Owen who may not sell the most dvds, even though Owen could probably move some dvds.

  6. I would hope they'd actually push Val Venis again, I still hold my belief that the man was getting over as Chief Morley before the plug was pulled on him. Not to mention I just watched some ppvs from 2000, and he was more over then the babyface Eddie Guerrero in his King of the Ring match. I'm not trying to use a single match as proof as to why Venis should be pushed. I think his ring work is good enough on its own to speak for itself, and on the microphone he's pretty damn underrated.
