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The Buzz

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Posts posted by The Buzz

  1. I'd kill to see an alternate reality where WCW stayed on the air under the direction of the Eric Bischoff led buyers(Fusient?). Just to see how it played out. Whether or not Sting and Flair would stay on. How the Natural Born Thrillers would have ended up. Would Goldberg still be wrestling? Could Rey Mysterio have ended up a World Champion? It's too bad most of the talent is too old, it'd be nice to see WCW be jumpstarted from where it left off. The whole mention of TBS/TNT just made me realize how much I miss even the last days of WCW.

  2. I'm kind of surprised to see Vin Diesel attached to this. No saying the Fast and the Furious franchise is anything big to be linked to, but I had figured that the Pacifier did irreparable harm to his career. I guess he needs to try to restart things again.



    If you guys haven't seen his film called Find Me Guilty, then go check it out. It's some pretty good acting work from Diesel and not too bad of a movie.

  3. I liked Destiny from I think 2004. It has the last Kawada/Misawa match and Kobashi/Sasaki. Also I think The Great Voyage from 2000(could be wrong on the title) is a pretty good show with Vader/Misawa as the highlight for me, and several other good matches. Those are my recommendations for NOAH. NOAH 12/24/2000 December 24th 2000 is the listing for the Vader/Misawa show on IVP.

  4. It has been confirmed that this will be Sting's final year in professional wrestling. Sting said in Ted DiBiase's "Get a Grip" newsletter that his retirement would come near the end of the year. Asked about a reason, the Born again Christian stated that God was calling him in a different direction. Also stating that wrestling these days is too raunchy, and that he doesn't see himself fitting in with the others.


    I do believe that pretty much seals the deal on whether or not he will win the world championship at Bound For Glory, although they can still go the route of having him put over a new babyface if he does win like I mentioned earlier in the thread.

  5. The one thing I'll add to this dead horse is that I agree with Bret Hart from one of his shoot interviews. When the screwjob went down, even though everyone knew it was fake, it turned the business from people worrying more about what went down on screen, to respecting performances no matter how little the crowd reaction and worrying about gaga backstage. Now that's not the direct quote of how he said it, but it's the basic gist of the situation.

  6. Sting vs Goldberg Slamboree 1999- The match was a decent bout, and not something that stands out as a classic or anything. But I look at it like this. Your two biggest babyfaces fighting on a pay-per-view should draw some buyrates, should probably draw a buyrate, and should probably have a pretty clean finish unless one is turning heel. To my knowledge it did none of the above, which showed me at the time that WCW was being poorly managed, and needed some big help.

  7. I was under the impression that Joe could still appear for ROH occasionally with permission, while I already know Gabe said he wasn't an option to face Misawa. It would have been possibly I'd think for Joe to win the belt, then drop it back to Misawa on an ROH show. But it was already ruled out as a possibility so just thought I'd throw that out there. ROH took great length to say that his farewell tour was the end of his run in ROH as a "regular" performer.

  8. Apparently Angle and TNA officials sat down recently and discussed making TNA more mma like. What do they consider more mma like? Clean finishes, Kurt feels that we are living in an mma world and the fans want to see clean winners. No more run ins, you want me to win, I win. You want me to lose, I lose. I don't know how true this is as I saw it on prowrestling.com. Just thought I'd throw it out there.

  9. Has anyone read the story linked to that page about the UK girl who killed herself after she stole a pop and bag of candy from her work and got fired, which apparently was out of character. She was then disciplined from her parents when they found out what happened by talking to the shop owner, and after texting with some friends about wanting to die she snuck out at ten at night and hung herself in the woods. Just about to start either high school or college, can't remember which. I think it's pretty sad.


    here is the link





    EDIT: In regards to the fight, in the four years I was in high school I think I've only heard of maybe three fights occurring between boys, and they were all broken up quickly. I remember having two jocks talk shit to me online because I didn't like something one of them did regarding me. After they decided to threaten me for about a week I finally told them to come tell me their problem to my face since we had a class together. Nothing was ever said again, but I'll be damned if girls aren't a different breed. I remember one fight that resembled a UFC fight if the participants had first gulped down a bottle of Jack Daniels. The one girl tackled the other down did the wwe style head smashing to the ground. Then she began to throw some wild punches to the head that ended up punishing the grass more then the girls head.

    It took you four years to get through high school?!

    What I meant, was the four school years, not four actual years. I actually graduated a semester early.
