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The Buzz

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Posts posted by The Buzz

  1. I'm not one to bash movies, but Shrek 3 was probably my least favorite movie this year. I like a lot of critically acclaimed stuff, but love just as much pop culture style stuff. But Shrek 3 put me to sleep three times at the theater, and twice when my girlfriend rented it. That hasn't happened to me since the Matrix.

  2. I know Watts ran Mid-South and UWF, so I assume whoever owns the Mid-South library owns the UWF library. They have been releasing a series called "Heroes, Villians, and Midgets" or something like that. The dvds are basically best of Mid-South collections. I'd assume they'll do the same with UWF, and last I checked they sell Mid-South and UWF off a website as well.


    I think the word going around is the person who owns the library wants an enormous sum of money for it, which is why WWE won't buy it.

  3. I think ROH has done more with the little they had over the five or six years. But TNA has more going for it only in terms of two hours of national tv, monthly ppvs, pretty big checkbook, production values, and if you want to count the big names. I do think that the big names they have are pretty good for the most part. I like Angle, Cage, Sting, Rhino, Raven, and even some of Team 3d's work(LAX Feud). Not to mention I think Nash and Steiner have looked pretty good compared to their last WWE runs.



    To be honest thought other than the audio issues you pointed out, I kind of like ROH's gritty look. It reminds me of the old school wrestling. If ROH could ever secure a TV deal, and a financial backer with a nice sized checkbook I think they could have the opportunity to steamroll over TNA.

  4. I'm pretty sure as far as burial jobs go if the person owns their name, they can sue for being buried. I know for a fact that Sting owns his name, but I would never worry about him being buried. I'm not sure about a guy like Savage, but if he owns the intellectual rights to his name, and they drag it through the mud. I'm sure if he wanted to he could sue just like the Warrior. That is what I was saying. I'm not studying law or anything so maybe if there is someone on the boards who is in that field they can clear that up for me. I'd just think if a company releases footage that they own, which they have the right to, but accompanies it with a bunch of guys saying "savage and warrior were both pyschos and douchebags blah blah blah" that the victim of the burial could do something about it.

  5. I think that Whitmer has shown personality at time, but it seems that maybe he loses confidence in himself from watching him. He was amazing at certain times of the last few years with the stuff mentioned, but it seems like he's had trouble maintaining it. That's why he's been put with a guy who has a strong personality like Pearce so that maybe Whitmer will learn a few things I believe.
