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The Buzz

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Posts posted by The Buzz

  1. WWE has been issuing out propaganda out there about wrestlers forever. They did it to Warrior, Hogan, Davey Boy, and others when they didn't leave the company on a good note.


    The dvd thing that they are doing to the Warrior and were gonna do to Hart is what finally made me stop watching their programming. But if they continue to do this it's not like the wrestlers have to worry, they barely draw 3 million fans to watch their programs on free tv let alone buy the dvds.

  2. Well WWE is going to continue to 'issue' gimmicks out like this until a majority of the wrestlers stand up and try to talk some sense into the company about letting wrestlers play more of an extension of their personality, as that works best. The gimmick thing isn't even completely useless. It does turn out good on occasion, but they've been shelling out gimmicks and producing storylines for 20 years that a show like Mad TV would even think was too corny to touch. The WWE has had their peak periods, and can call themselves geniuses. But what are they a genius for? Having millions of dollars to try a million different ideas and seeing which ones stick?


    I'm not a promoter and I'm not a "workrate is the saving grace of wrestling" type fan. However, I do belive a group with the money of a WWE should have no problems producing a smart "fictional reality sports" program.


    It's not hard...you don't destroy talent in two minute squashes that you plan on giving pushes to a year from now. You develop a ranking system based on wins and losses to establish contenders rather than whoever gets to the ring first at the beginning of the show to challenge HHH. Put people who know wrestling in charge...Cornette, Heyman, McMahon, etc. etc. I know they don't get along well, but with money to be made, anyone can get along.


    Oh and since I got wayyyy off topic, I am going to make my comment. I haven't watched WWE in probably 2 months now, but Hassan entertained me enough, and while I only know of the controversy via the net. All I can say is they've done worse before, and hopefully he'll do good for himself wherever he goes.

  3. Well I never understand why you guys call him a pyscho. He's long winded and opinonated. People in general are afraid to say what they think because of being ridiculed. He doesn't...and yes he rambles and says the same thing several times because of it, but he's hardly pyscho.


    He doesn't want to bow down to Vince McMahon and be a yes men like everyone else. I think the whole burial of the Warrior is pretty low from a company that will do anything for a quick buck. Just my opinon though.

  4. I've seen many natural bodybuilders, meaning they only take amino acids, protein shakes, creatine and various other natural supplements that look far more ripped then Eddy Guerrero at a far lighter weight. Is he on the roids, maybe..is it our business, no. But truthfully it's almost impossible to DEFINATELY say HE IS ON THE ROIDS without being with the guy 24/7.


    Edit: and when I say natural bodybuilders...I'm not referring to the guys you see at the Mr. Olympia that are all as big and bigger than Batista.

  5. Ultimate Warrior(Even though I think he's an average big man worker for his time, not necessarily a bad one)




    Kronik was cool in their WCW run, as was Meltdown in his short push and Bryan Clarke was one of my favorites as Crush when he was sporting the purple and orange.


    Nash...I've never really had a big problem with him in the ring and he was enjoyable on the microphone.


    Snitsky is ok and almost reminds me of Sid in his ring work and pyscho gimmick, except he's not quite as charismatic as Sid.


    I like JBL and even though I don't think hes a bad worker like everyone else thinks....I guess the majority rules on this one.

  6. That was a really good shoot interview, and I'm glad it's out there to put to rest a lot of the bad misconceptions about him.


    As far as the dvd goes...I saw a pre-order up the other day at Highspots.com. So maybe it is indeed real. As far as "The Self Destruction" bit...I think the WWE simply fucked up as usual.

  7. Bound For Glory is FINALLY gonna happen. Bout damn time..it's only been what...two years?


    The way impact has been as of late and the results of the last two shows, I'm definately going to start ordering these shows on dvd, and watch impact once it begins to show on tv once again.

  8. I saw Ed O'Neil in this excellent thriller with Val Kilmer called Spartan. My first thought...oh the guy that played Al Bundy is in this movie. Didn't really effect taking his character seriously though. I only have that problem when any wrestler other than Roddy Piper in a movie. I just think it's because I became a fan in the late 80s and Piper has only been around sporadically since then.

  9. Sting


    Ultimate Warrior


    Eddie Guerrero

    Ric Flair

    Bret Hart


    Samoa Joe

    Big Van Vader

    Cm Punk

    Colt Cabana

    Ace Steel

    Keiji Mutoh

    American Dragon

    Christopher Daniels

    Low Ki


    Mr.Perfect Curt Henning

    Hugh Morrus


    Val Venis

    Kurt Angle


    ....Thats all

  10. I actually think ROH expands its fanbase quite well with their current business plan. They aren't huge in terms of the mainstream, but they are definately growing by the months and are probably the biggest indy promotion out there. I think Matt Hardy coming to ROH is cool just like Steamboat, Foley, and the other "stars" coming was. I don't think it's going to drastically help or hinder the promotion. I just think it makes for a very interesting part of the product in both WWE and ROH.


    I just know personally if I was at a WWE show watching a show and I heard Matt Hardy say something about come see me at ROH I probably wouldn't go out of my way to find out what it was.

  11. When I was watching Wrestlemania I heard about how HBK was 50 something, Hogan and Flair both in their seventies, how Ultimate Warrior and Lex Luger died in a plane crash, and many more mind boggling one liners from the group of people I was watching with.


    On a more funny note one of the guys in the room asked if Jericho has ever won a match in the WWE.
