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Everything posted by fazzle

  1. fazzle

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    .........Must...........Not.............Highlight! Must. Fight. Urges!
  2. fazzle

    OAO NCAA Tournament Picks Thread

    Well, I first made my picks with a final four of Duke, Stanford, Gonzaga, and Pitt, with Duke over Pitt in the finals. Then I decided that seemed too "safe" and made another bracket with Stanford over Georgia Tech in the finals, and Xavier in the final 4. Georgia Tech? What the fuck am I thinking?! Oh well, it paid off taking a risk on Syracuse last year, maybe I can luck out again.
  3. The biggest shock though, IMO, is that at the #11 spot is Nascar 3D, $1.5 million in only 68 theaters. That's a $22,000 per theater average. Passion had the highest average in the top 10, with only $9,800.
  4. fazzle

    The one and only 24 thread

    There already is one It's just back on page 3, since the show is on hiatus right now in America. But since you're only on episode 3, you might not want to click the link and see all the spoilers.
  5. ......I say we kill em all
  6. fazzle

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Ooh! Can I join?! Well, except for the fact that Angel is the only thing I watch on WB anyways. So it's not really a boycott, is it?
  7. fazzle

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    As am I, since he was a Sabre for a few minutes....
  8. fazzle

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    What about the nazi demons in Hero? Weren't they supposed to be "true" demons?
  9. Halloween Resurrection
  10. fazzle

    Playmakers: The Complete Series DVD

    Money talks. Show ran about 9 episodes. Really? That's it? With how much ESPN played the damn thing, I would have guessed more in the range of 8 billion.
  11. fazzle

    Champions of Norrath

    My only problem is that it's WAY too easy to get full. 1 pound for each damn mana potion?
  12. fazzle

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Buffalo wins again! 7-2 victory over Atlanta, Satan scores FOUR goals. The Sabres are now only 4 points behind the Islanders and Montreal for the #8 spot.
  13. fazzle

    Always Available

    Gilbert Gottfried and Snoop Dogg. They'll do anything for $2.
  14. fazzle

    The One And Only Final Fantasy: Crystal Cronicles

    Are you using a 3rd party cable?
  15. fazzle

    The ONE and ONLY........

    I disagree. I think Richard is making the show duller. He's way too camera aware this time around. I'm already at the point where I'm bored and tired of him, he's become a caricature of himself.
  16. fazzle

    The ONE and ONLY........

  17. http://tv.yahoo.com/news/ap/20040205/107605302000.html
  18. fazzle

    COMPLETE Monday Night Wars Extras

    Erm, am I forgetting something? What's so special about this match?
  19. fazzle

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Isn't it great how a dead man can appear in Angel's 100th episode, but SMG can't get off her primadonna ass and make an appearance?
  20. fazzle

    Chappelle's Show thread

    That still does nothing to tell me who the hell he is. *shrug* the joke still worked, even if I know who who they're talking about. I think that actually made it funnier.
  21. fazzle

    Favorite BtVS Season

    I'd say season 3. 2 had the better story arc, but it also had too many crappy throwaway episodes. Overall: 3 2 4 1 7 6 5
  22. fazzle

    Chappelle's Show thread

    Who the hell IS Nick Cannon, anyways?
  23. fazzle

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Eh, I don't like most of the flashback episodes. Plus I get a feeling that this is gonna be more of a "weird vision/alternate universe/something that's not a real flashback" episode.
  24. fazzle

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    Eh, I'll still go with Drazen having the best death, with FauxYork being #2. Even though I really wish now that he wouldn't have died, cause he was a great minor villain. Helluva lot better than any of the sub villians they've used since.