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Everything posted by fazzle

  1. fazzle

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I'm so glad I went into that episode unspoiled. Some of the dialog felt forced(especially the stuff referencing earlier episodes) but damnit, they got me with all the emotional stuff. I especially loved the big grin on Angel's face when he saw Cordy. He's never happy, so it always feels good when he is. But....what the hell was with the preview for next week? It looks very....not good.
  2. fazzle

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Eh, I don't get the big deal with the Beast. I mean, he was tough, but I don't know really how bad ass he was. Plus his feet looked really goofy. And all he ever did was throw people into walls. That's it. You charge him, and he'll either A) backhand you into a wall, or B) grab you and throw you into a wall. Or over a ledge, if there's no wall available. But he just needed some variety in his fighting style.
  3. fazzle

    All divas...all the time

    As in Bobbi Billard? Oh joy! A WOW reject!
  4. fazzle

    kkk Bowl I -- Fazzle v. Gert T.

    IT WAS ME GERT! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG! It should have been mine! Stupid fucking John Fox and his 2 point greedyness.
  5. fazzle

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    ....I hope Austin crashes that thing. Soon.
  6. fazzle

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    ...what the fuck was THAT? Did someone in the audience just get killed?
  7. fazzle

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    So, next week is one of two options: UT presents a video of a double wide double deep casket or Kane gets a special delivery of a flashlight urn. Eh....I'll go with the casket.
  8. fazzle

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    That smoke can only mean one thing..... Undertaker has joined the one Warrior nation!
  9. fazzle

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    it's been 7 days. Will UT crawl out of the Titantron and kill Kane tonight?
  10. fazzle

    kkk Bowl I -- Fazzle v. Gert T.

    Congratulations Gert, and good job this year on the league kkk. But, ya know, since Gert hasn't shown up yet... *yoink*
  11. fazzle

    The ONE and ONLY........

    Ugh. I lost so much respect for Rich in this episode. Obviously he used his time since the first one to review further seasons, and see just how to become a bigger camera whore.
  12. or at least recognize from your personal life? Of course, I ask because I just did. Was scanning through the channels, and saw someone from a local comedy club on Elimidate. Freaky. http://elimidate.warnerbros.com/ thursday, girl #2. (damn stupid flash page making it so I can't do direct linking)
  13. fazzle

    100 Women

    according to IMDB, yeah, it's a sequel. Never heard if it though, clicked on this thread thinking of 100 Girls.
  14. fazzle

    Explain THIS TO ME

    *just got done reading the entire thread* Wow...it really jumped the shark after the boyfriend got screen time.
  15. fazzle

    E-Bay Wrestlecrap

    My dad has the Mystery Men skull ball Yeah, I have nothing else to add, except for the fact that the Jericho ball, while still horrible, isn't anywhere near as bad as the Rock or Austin one.
  16. fazzle

    The Guy Game

    Plus you'd actually have to THINK about what to play and what to drink to. In this the game tells you, so you don't have to use your brain at all!
  17. fazzle

    The Guy Game

    Becuase it's not just tits. It's tits, trivia, minigames, and drinking! All in one easy package!
  18. fazzle

    It's Over...

    At least twice, to P Diddy and Cris Judd
  19. fazzle

    The Guy Game

    Once it gets down to $20 or so, I'll buy it.
  20. Adam's a writer for Jimmy's show, so he's busy.
  21. fazzle

    Ever see someone you know on TV?

    Yeah, actually, as far as I know, that description matches one of the "cute" girls you were just complimenting. *whistles innocently and walks out of thread*
  22. fazzle

    GameSpy's Most Wanted of 2004

    HA...Yeah fucking right (and i'm a huge Doom fan). Seriously. Is ANYONE hugely anticipating Doom 3 anymore? I remember loads of people creaming themselves all over it months ago, but I haven't heard shit lately.
  23. fazzle

    Ever see someone you know on TV?

    Well I never said she was hot, I just said that I (kinda) knew her
  24. fazzle

    Ever see someone you know on TV?

    Bah. Being in the crowd isn't the same as being on TV. That's about the equivalent of having something you type scroll across the bottom of a show. If it is, I'm sure I've been on TV many-a-time.
  25. fazzle

    Giants Jesse Palmer next Bachelor

    The Super Bowl champs can play a game vs VICIOUS MAN EATING TIGERS!