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Everything posted by fazzle

  1. fazzle

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Granted, this is the Rumble thread, and not the Raw thread, but wouldn't it still be common sense to just stay out of all wrestling threads until you got to watch Raw, if you were so worried about being spoiled?
  2. fazzle

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    So, I love how we're 50 minutes in, and have just 2 matches so far tonight.
  3. Changin names all the time is annoying as hell.
  4. fazzle

    24 -- Season 7

    The premiere is always strong though. Hopefully it can STAY strong, something that hasn't happened in probably, what, 3 seasons?
  5. fazzle

    The OAO Strategy RPG Game Thread

    Did the DS version keep the part where they made fun of the main character for being fat, at a "very round 100 pounds?" Cause that was seriously my favorite part of the whole game.
  6. fazzle

    2009 PPV Prediction Contest

    1. Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Shane Sewell 2. TNA X Division Title Tournament Final: Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley 3. TNA Women's Knockout Title Lumberjack Match: Christy Hemme vs. Awesome Kong© BONUS (1 pt): Whose interference will lead to the pin? None That's a pick, right? I'm going for a huge upset, and picking no interference to directly lead to the pin. 4. TNA World Tag Team Title Three Way Match: Matt Morgan & Abyss vs. Beer Money Inc vs. Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed© BONUS (1pt): Who will get pinned in the match? Storm 5. Booker T & Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash vs. Brother Devon & AJ Styles & Mick Foley BONUS (1pt): Who will score the pin in this match? Foley 6. Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett 7. TNA World Heavyweight Title: Rhino vs. Sting©
  7. Venk Slayer Kinetic Edwin Smues Agent Kreese VX
  8. I only need 22 straight votes!
  9. Venk Inc Cheech Ortonsault Kinetic Matt Bored Fazzle KOAB Smues Pbone Agent Guitarist Treble 909 VX
  10. fazzle

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Burned-members-of-attendance wise it's easily Wrestlemania 24.
  11. fazzle

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Isn't the non pack-in champion Super Mario Bros 3? Yeah, I'll still count that as #1. Cause fuck Wii Sports. Seriously. Well, at least it's not Wii Play. It has that going for it.
  12. fazzle

    The OAO Strategy RPG Game Thread

    Ooh, I just remembered about Gladius. Now THAT was an awesome, underappreciated SRPG. I picked it up for $5 a few years ago at that Circuit City sale.
  13. fazzle

    Worst Series of All Time

    I just remember "Phineas loves Sunny" going on and on and ON. It was brutal.
  14. fazzle

    The OAO Strategy RPG Game Thread

    SPRG is one of the few genres of games that I've never really been able to get into, along with FPSes (and I get exiled out of the video game forum in 3...2...1....) but I did enjoy Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits. I also liked Rhapsody, but mainly because of just how horribly cheesy the game was. It was awesome. I dunno if the DS remake tried to "fix" the cheesyness, but I hope not.
  15. fazzle

    The TSM Fantasy Wrestling Game.

    Of course I'll be back. I was always into WWE.com Fantasy, and was glad when you started this up. It makes the TV shows more interesting. Just a question, for season 2 (since I don't think it debuts until then) will WWE Superstars be scored, assuming it has original matches?
  16. fazzle

    Fallout 3

    Not to mention having to hear about BEEEG AMERICAN TEEEEETEEEEES every 5 minutes. That fucking phone killed GTA IV for me. I haven't played much FO3 yet, still in the first town. I'm trying to be a charismatic fucker, who just gets people to give items/information to him. In other words, videogame-me is also a giant slacker.
  17. If we're all discussing lame brushes with fame, I spent between an hour and two just talking shit with Chad Michael Murray, while we were both camping out to get a Wii on release day. Mostly talking about Buffalo. He seemed like a pretty cool guy that night/morning, but most everyone else I know that's met him(and that's just about everyone in this town) says that he's normally a dick. Hell, I didn't even know who he was until someone else told me. That's about the only celebrity interaction I've had, but I've seen plenty around here, since Wilmington IS the #3 spot in the US (Hollywood and NYC being top 2, of course)for movie/TV filming.
  18. That was some quality posting right there. I'd like to go ahead and nominate Leena for 2010.
  19. fazzle

    Wolverine and the X-Men on Nicktoons Network

    Too bad this show didn't debut last year, because then the "Why is Dora crying?" ads could have been "Why is Wolverine crying?" and been so, so much better.
  20. fazzle

    The TSM Fantasy Wrestling Game.

    WM still normally has one or two "why is this on Wrestlemania?" matches. Plus there's still the choice of going for the main event and possible title win points, or getting multiple midcarders.
  21. I uhm...haven't had the La Parka sig for almost 6 months. I've had the Lodi sig since then. However, I think that should be worth even more points, since the La Parka sign was a photoshop, while the Lodi sign is legit. It was the cheap Photoshop skills that made it funny. Handing your sign to a wrestler to hold up isn't as good. Plus, La Parka is cool. But...but it wasn't just "hold this." It was planned and discussed for, like, weeks. But if it'll help get votes, I have much cheaper photoshops of that La Parka image! Much, MUCH cheaper. Including some where people used that signboard as advertising space.
  22. fazzle

    Pictures I Like

    If you need a "yo dawg" picture, this one is clearly superior.
  23. Venk Dandy Inc EHME Byron. I guess. I have no idea who either of these people are. Brooklyn Zoo Slayer Ortonsault Kinetic Broward Matt (sorry Spiff. Dolphins fan = automatic DQ) Chris Mellow Bored Edwin Fazzle KOAB Franchise Smues Mattdotcom Cowboy Pbone Al Agent Kotzenjunge Canadian Guitarist PK Lushus Milky 909 VX Curry I uhm...haven't had the La Parka sig for almost 6 months. I've had the Lodi sig since then. However, I think that should be worth even more points, since the La Parka sign was a photoshop, while the Lodi sign is legit.
  24. fazzle

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    But every Wrestlemania is "The Biggest Wrestlemania Ever"