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Everything posted by Brocklock

  1. Brocklock

    Most boring matches ever?

    Ever see any of Austin's 2001 work or his 1991-SummerSlam 97 work. A lot of those aren't brawls.
  2. Brocklock

    Most boring matches ever?

    Uh, what about: Benoit/Brock 12/4/03 Benoit/Angle at The Rumble BenoitandAngle/Los Guerreros 10/18/02 BenoitandAngle/EdgeandRey at No Mercy 02 Benoit/Eddie at Vengeance 03 Benoit/Angle at Unforgiven 02
  3. Brocklock

    Most boring matches ever?

    Steve Austin and Triple H vs Undertaker and Kane at Backlash 2001 (I can't believe they gave this 30 minutes part 1) Steve Austin vs The Undertaker at Backlash 2002 (I can't believe they gave this 30 minutes part 2)
  4. Brocklock

    Most boring matches ever?

    Undertaker vs Kane at Judgment Day 1998 Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair at Uncensored 2000
  5. Brocklock

    Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments

    As long as some Jacob's Ladder moments appear as well as a few of the scares in Candyman appear, I'm fine with it.
  6. Brocklock

    New South Park episodes airs Wednesday

    What!!! The Weapon episode, The You Got Served episode and The Jimmy Steroid episode all ruled. As did The Mel Gibson one, but not as much as the previous three.
  7. Brocklock

    The Unofficial TSM American Wrestling Hall of Fame

    Steve Austin Bret Hart Mick Foley Randy Savage
  8. Brocklock

    Favorite Obscure Cult Films

    Night Of The muthafucking Creeps I love that damn movie.
  9. Brocklock

    Good/Great matches between bad wrestlers

    Shane Douglas vs Justin Credible at ECW CyberSlam 99 (Douglas was about past his prime and Credible's always sucked, so when I downloaded this I wasn't expecting anything good. I was suprised, they could work such a great match. Really intense, stiff, bloody, awesome brawl. Both men were at their best for that match.)
  10. Brocklock

    Bossman passes away

    RIP, Ray. You really did rule. One of my favorite Bossman moments was the week after he got kicked out of the corporation, he comes out to "Hard Times. Then gives Vince this cold stare, then gets the mic says I love you guys and hugs them all.
  11. Brocklock

    One and Only MTV Video Music Awards Thread

    Hulk should whoop Loder, that tool in the pink suit, and John Norris ass right now.
  12. Brocklock

    One and Only MTV Video Music Awards Thread

    Who's hosting this? Way too much hip hop is being nominated. Even moreso than usual.
  13. Brocklock

    List your five favorite wrestlers

    1. CM Punk 2. Samoa Joe 3. Brian Danielson 4. Alex Shelley 5. Colt Cabana
  14. Brocklock

    Fall Brawl 1997 Reviews

    Jericho/Eddie is a really fantastic and forgotten match. **** 1/4 You should really enjoy this match as Alex Wright and Ultimo Dragon have another really good and underrated match. *** 1/4 Faces Of Fear vs Wrath and Mortis was really better than it should've been. War Games was probably the best since 92, still not awesome though. The rest was meh, but Jarrett/Malenko was decent.
  15. Brocklock

    Does RVD deserve a chance....

    I think the only reason this is being asked is because honsestly RVD got the biggest reaction of any of the faces last night and he wasn't even on the show.
  16. Brocklock

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Yay! Molly finally got rid of the damn wig.
  17. Brocklock

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Whoo, Dodgeball Come on Jazz, hit Christy right in the face.
  18. Brocklock

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    When was the last time the WWE were in Toronto? Because I want to know what faces they booed. I mean X8 was in Toronto right.
  19. Brocklock

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Dare I say, that this has to be one of the worst crowds for a WWE PPV ever. They've been basically silent for everything except for booing Edge, cheering Angle and Y2J, and Triple H trying to suplex Eugene through the announce table.
  20. Brocklock

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I'd go around *** to *** 1/4 for that match. It was good, but I feel they should've had a lot more time and were rushed. The double ankle lock and Angle taking off Eddie's boot to make sure it doesn't end like Mania was pretty cool though. This Eugene/Trips video package is one of the best they've ever done.
  21. Brocklock

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I'm liking this match, but why is it being so rushed. Dear god, the diva shit is going to get a half hour.
  22. Brocklock

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Ironwomen Dodgeball Actually I think Angle/Eddie and Benoit/Orton will get more close to half hour and Trips/Eugene will get 20 minutes plus.
  23. Brocklock

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Why is the crowd so dead? They were pretty alive for the Heat match.
  24. Brocklock

    Best/Worst Announcers Of All Time

    Not when he took Madden's shirt off and we had to look at his boobies.
  25. Brocklock

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Please, tell me what that one looked like. Lesnar's face was probably goofy looking.