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Der Kommissar

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Everything posted by Der Kommissar

  1. Der Kommissar

    NCAA Men's BBall Tourney DAY ONE!

    Why did Florida get such a high seed again? I like Manhattan, and I think they are a good team, but they seem to be having little trouble with Florida. Kind of sad that the 12th seed is beating the 5th seed like that.
  2. Der Kommissar

    NCAA Men's BBall Tourney DAY ONE!

    As a MAAC fan, I am glad to see Manhattan owning Florida. It is especially sweet because I had to see a few clueless morons beating their chests and defending Florida last night. They must feel idiots right about now.
  3. Der Kommissar

    Worst Lyrics

    To me, nothing really tops the "genius" that was K-Kwik: Gettin' rowdy! Rowdy! We gettin' rowdy! (Gettin' rowdy on your ass) 'Bout to move some things! Gettin' rowdy! (Rowdy) So many damn styles get tossed up in the mix, I got them yelling "gettin' rowdy," K-Kwik, Gettin' rowdy! I'm going to move some things, you want to see me bust a move and shake that ass like Jada Lang, I get your flesh crawling when you see me. Ladies want to feel me, knuckleheads want to try to be me, Get down like so easy, I get greasy, low down dirty and sleazy. Tease me, I be the rash, On your ass, Hollering sufferin succotash. I ain't fearing nobody, Damn right, K-Kwik gettin' rowdy! Gettin' rowdy! Rowdy! We gettin' rowdy! 'Bout to move some things! Rowdy! I'm going be a legend like Timmy and Lassy, I get sassy, all these people act nasty, They call me K-Kwik, I'm the hottest thing since a bowl of grits, Comin' fast, kickin' ass, Spreading like a bad rash, Keep them heads bobbin', Moving like whiplash. Don't get stuck, shaked and tossed like a salad, I'm movin' over here, 'cause K-Kwik ain't havin' it, Time to bust, kicking dust, Applejacks, better hush, Beein lady, dog daddy, bringin drama, bout to bust, Pump your fist and get rowdy like that, Pump your fist and get your hatrack cracked So many damn styles get tossed up in the mix, I got them yelling "gettin' rowdy," K-Kwik, Gettin' rowdy! I'm going to move some things, you want to see me bust a move and shake that ass like Jada Lang, I get your flesh crawling when you see me. Ladies want to feel me, knuckleheads want to try to be me, I get down like so easy, I get greasy, Low down dirty and sleazy. Tease me, I be the rash on your ass, Hollering sufferinsuckertash. I ain't fearing nobody, You bet your ass, K-Kwik gettin' rowdy!
  4. Der Kommissar

    The ONE and Only College Basketball...

    This should make a few people here happy... Georgetown fires Esherick
  5. Der Kommissar

    Smackdown/Velocity spoilers

    What was the point of the Holly push anyway? They did all that only to have him back on Velocity to Palumbo. Sad. Hopefully soon, Funaki will have enough tenure to get a token big push. And a possible Shelton Benjamin push?!? I AM SO THERE! EDIT: But I thought Bischoff couldn't grant title matches, so why can Heyman?
  6. Der Kommissar

    SmartMarks Fantasy Hockey?

    Alright! Looks like I advanced. I am just happy I won't finish last. It took me nearly half the season, but I am finally quite happy with my team.
  7. Der Kommissar

    Men's basketball Conference Tournament thread

    Wow. Gonzaga a number two? I never thought I would see the day they would be ranked that high. I figured they would find some way to get screwed over and get ranked 4th or 5th, but I guess that's the cynic in me talking. Hopefully, they will make a good showing.
  8. Der Kommissar

    Men's basketball Conference Tournament thread

    It's some kind of mountain lion. Should be a fun game. Too bad the winner is just going to end up as first round cannon fodder.
  9. Der Kommissar

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Yep. He was originally a salary dump thrown to the Bolts in the Khabibulin trade. It looks like it will just be for some extra depth, as, barring injuries, I am guessing he'll spend most of his time in the press box.
  10. Der Kommissar

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    What happened with this trade? I notice that it was removed from TSN's trade tracker. EDIT: Nevermind. It's back. And Tampa Bay still hasn't done anything...*sigh*
  11. Der Kommissar

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    I credit the Wings for having staying power. I remember they used to be knocked for being old when I was still in high school. Considering I just finished university, I credit them for still sticking around and being successful. I wonder what will happen with all these draft picks in the event of a lockout. Will there even be a draft in a 2004?
  12. Der Kommissar

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Looks like Ron Francis is going to the Leafs. I guess their average age is going up some more.
  13. Der Kommissar

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    So, with Salo traded, does this mean Markannen's the starter? I hope so, since I just signed him onto my fantasy team a few days ago.
  14. Der Kommissar

    So how are you going to see WM20?

    I will probably just buy the DVD, unless the show really sucks. I just don't have enough faith in it to spend $50.
  15. Der Kommissar

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    From the looks of it, I will probably be quite happy that I will probably sleep right through this show.
  16. Der Kommissar

    Fantasy Tag Tournament Round 3

    Demolition The Steiner Bros. The Eliminators The Hart Foundation
  17. Der Kommissar

    Fantasy Tag Team Tournament

    Demolition (Axe & Smash) The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal) The Steiner Brothers (Scott & Rick) Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase & IRS) The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) The Eliminators (Perry Saturn & John Kronus) The Quebecers (Jean-Pierre & Jacque Rougeau) The Hart Foundation (Jim Neidhart & Bret Hart)
  18. Der Kommissar

    Yet Another Fantasy League Thread

    Keep as is.
  19. Der Kommissar

    Yet Another Fantasy League Thread

    Well, look on the bright side, he can't do any worse than he did last year, right?
  20. Der Kommissar

    Yet Another Fantasy League Thread

    Well, I decided to join the NL only league as well, as the Nuguya Firestorm.
  21. Der Kommissar

    Yet Another Fantasy League Thread

    I like the fifth starter idea. Hell, the two I have in contention for my fifth spot(Hernadez and Dickey) are about as good as some starters I was stuck with autodrafts in other leagues I have done. Considering this is AL only, they are probably a step up from the others. Besides, I think challenges can make a league more fun.
  22. Der Kommissar

    Yet Another Fantasy League Thread

    I am realtively happy with my team. My starting pitching seems decent enough, though I am a tad worried about the fifth spot in the rotation. My closer plays for Tampa Bay, which means I won't be getting a lot of saves. On the plus side, my team should have the edge in stolen bases. I have 6 players with at least 10 steals last year. Other than third base and catcher, I think my team could be relatively solid this year. I am excited.
  23. Der Kommissar

    What's your birth number

    I am a number 4. Some of the things seem accurate, except for the whole "working hard" part. I am a lazy bastard.
  24. Der Kommissar

    Yet Another Fantasy League Thread

    I signed up for the AL only league. Should be fun.
  25. Der Kommissar

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    I hope that Shiro gets traded/signs with another team in the off season. The Ashes are pathetic.