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Der Kommissar

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Everything posted by Der Kommissar

  1. Der Kommissar

    Houston wants no part of LSU.

    Maybe OU's paying them more to do the quick job. And, oh yeah: I think they need to fire whoever let that rather huge mistake go through. The Oregon St. Ducks? *shakes head*
  2. Der Kommissar

    The OAO Velocidential Thread

    I enjoyed that match. Tajiri once again reaffirms why he is my favourite wrestler.
  3. Der Kommissar

    Fantasy Tag-Team Tournament

    1.) Power & Glory (Paul Roma & Hercules) 3.) Demolition (Ax & Smash) 5.) The Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) 7.) Edge & Christian 9.) The Steiner Brothers (Scott & Rick) 11.) Americas Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) 13.) The Outsiders (Scott Hall & Kevin Nash) 15.) The Twin Towers (The Big Bossman & Akeem) 17.) The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) 20.) The Collossal Connection (Andre the Giant & Haku) 21.) The Eliminators (Perry Saturn & John Kronus) 23.) The Headshrinkers (Ekmo & Fatu) 26.) The Quebecers (Jean-Pierre & Jacque Rougeau) 27.) The British Bulldogs (Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith) 29.) The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) 31.) The Hart Foundation (Jim Neidhart & Bret Hart)
  4. Der Kommissar

    Fantasy NBA League?

    *sigh* Finally, my team doesn't suck, and it's almost the end of the season.
  5. Der Kommissar

    Favourite NES Game

    Tough choice, but I will have to go with L'Empereur. It took me years to beat that game, but it was so refreshing once I finally accomplished it. Honourable mentions: River City Ransom, Dick Tracy, Super Dodge Ball, Defenders of the Crown.
  6. Der Kommissar

    The Trivia free for all Trivia mania!

    For some reason, I think it's B.
  7. Der Kommissar

    What PC game is this?

    It sounds a lot like Age of Empires or Age of Empires II to me.
  8. Der Kommissar

    James Bond: Everything or Nothing

    I beat it the other day, actually. I was terrible unimpressed with the final level. The challenge was getting to Dafoe as I had to go through a ton of his grunts, which was rather frustrating and tedious. When I finally got to him, I beat it in like three tries. I wish the challenge was placed more on the final battle, instead of having to beat a bunch of nothings to get to the final battle. Otherwise, it was fairly fun game. I will probably try to go back through it eventually as I really enjoyed some of the levels. Plus, I am hoping to figure out a few more Bond moments.
  9. Der Kommissar

    Favorite TV taping moments

    I always liked the one where Christian won like the European title on Smackdown, but they edited out the match from the show.
  10. Der Kommissar

    Should foreign-born citizens be allowed to...

    If they could do a good job, I would have no problem with it. The loyalty issue is a bit sketchy to me. I think someone born in the US to foreign parents who was raised, at least somewhat, in their old culture, would certainly have some loyalty or interest in that country. They could, theoretically, be president, so I see no reason why someone who is qualified, and as American as a lot of people are, shouldn't get the shot just because he or she happened to be born in a foreign country.
  11. Der Kommissar

    Sunday Night Heat Thread!

    Spike Dudley jobs...shocking.
  12. Der Kommissar

    Sunday Night Heat Thread!

    That match made me miss the old heel superhero Hurricane. I liked that Hurricane much better for some reason. I think it was the hair.
  13. Der Kommissar

    Sunday Night Heat Thread!

    Heidenreich go heel? Or is he now lower on the jobber pole than Hurricane?
  14. Der Kommissar

    Sunday Night Heat Thread!

    I don't know why, but Chris' shirt seems just a little femme to me.
  15. Der Kommissar

    Sunday Night Heat Thread!

    I guess the Frenchies are getting a bit of a minor singles push. I must admit that I liked Rene's DVD.
  16. Der Kommissar

    Sunday Night Heat Thread!

    Did Snow and Coach actually mention the lack of logic in chanting USA when the good guys are Canadian?
  17. Der Kommissar

    Sunday Night Heat Thread!

    Alright! Rene Dupree! I hope he does the FRENCHIE DANCE~!
  18. Der Kommissar

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Actually, that's untrue. They are 6-6-3 against the SE division. They are surprisingly best against the Atlantic Division, clocking in at a superb 12-2.
  19. Der Kommissar

    Damnit,Kanyon Has A 90 Day No Compete Clause

    I can remember reading awhile back that the WWE made some sort of deal with Raven where they agreed to let him out the 90 day clause if he didn't badmouth on the air or something of the sort.
  20. Der Kommissar

    Greg Maddux signs with Yankees

    I am kind of liking all of these insane Yankees' signings/trades. At least it will be REAL entertaining should they crash and burn, which I have the strangest feeling might just happen.
  21. Der Kommissar

    Few WWE Notes

    Well, hopefully, with Shaniqua gone, this will cause the Bashams to get something vaguely resembling a personality. They seem to have some nice moves, but they have been so generic and boring that it is hard to pay attention long enough to notice. I like the Worm, if only because I love it when people escape from it. It usually produces some pretty cool spots like when Tajiri misted him mid-Worm or the time Scotty hopped right into an Evenflow DDT from Raven. That could work, in theory. I think a Trish-Shaniqua feud could work out well, but where do you go from there? I know I wouldn't want to see Shaniqua-Lita, and there isn't any other female faces who are worth anything at this point.
  22. Der Kommissar

    Will you notice an NHL Shutdown?

    I'll miss the Tampa Bay Lightning...but that's about it. I am sure it will get a lot of press up here in Detroit considering the Red Wings are one of the two good teams this city has.
  23. Der Kommissar

    Lets Throw A Party
