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Everything posted by Jonathon

  1. Jonathon

    Best movie of 2007 so far?

    Hot Fuzz and Knocked up are the most memorable ones for me.
  2. Jonathon

    Indiana Jones 4 release date announced!

    That's cool of him to say...I always thought of Connery as a rude guy that hated doing interviews.
  3. Jonathon

    Transformers The Movie

    That theme song is ridiculous.
  4. Clicky Looks kinda ordinary, but I'll give it a "go" just cause the graphic novel was so good.
  5. Jonathon

    Paris Hilton going to jail (for 3 days)

    So awesome. Someone needs to pull a Jack Ruby on her.
  6. You gotta love my state of Michigan.
  7. Jonathon

    On The Lot...

    Anybody see this tonight? I was pleasantly surprised, and the potential for this show could be huge. Brett Rattner as a Simon-esque judge could be entertaining.
  8. Jonathon

    On The Lot...

    I'm in the minority, but I really dig this show. If given more time, a new host, etc, it could be great. People HATED American Idol when it debuted, after all.
  9. Jonathon

    On The Lot...

    This host is messing up left and right.
  10. Jonathon

    On The Lot...

    First half of the films last night completely blew, and only a few stood out as funny. But, it's all subjective...
  11. Jonathon


    Season ranking time... Season 1 is one of the best seasons on television ever, with maybe one of the best pilots ever. A great air of mystery surrounds the whole thing, and you're constantly saying "What the...?" (in a good way) Season 2 can get a little too bogged down, a lot of new characters are introduced, and the season becomes mostly about the Hatch. Some stellar episodes, though, most notably the Tailies flashback episode. Things pick up towards the end when Ben shows up and Michael starts flipping out. Season 3 told a great cohesive story, despite all the complaining from the fans. A couple throwaway episodes (Niki and Paulo), and some completely pointless flashbacks (Jacks tattoos), but the good outweighs the bad. We start to get a feel that the survivors of 815 might be just as capable of murder as the Others. A lot of nice themes are presented. Terrific finale.
  12. Jonathon


    I loved how it was Charlie being a musician and being able to figure out the melody is what essentially saved the day. Going back to season 1, it was his being a musician and not a doctor/hunter/badass that he hated most about himself, how he felt like he had nothing to contribute to the team.
  13. Jonathon


    I thought that Lindelof and Cuse stated that the numbers are meaningless.
  14. Jonathon


  15. Jonathon


    Too be honest, those spoilers actually sound kind of intriguing to me.
  16. Jonathon

    The Office, Season 3

    Yeah, I got caught up in posting. How about..."one of the times in my life where I smiled and chuckled while listening to a recording"?
  17. Jonathon

    The Office, Season 3

    Has anyone called the "hotline" that was posted on the flasher posters Pam printed out from a couple episodes ago? My little brother called it just to see what happened, and what ensued was the funniest minute of my life. If anyone has recorded it, check it out. I'll get ahold of my brother and post the number on here when I find it.
  18. Jonathon

    NBC announces fall schedule

    At least it makes sense to be on a Friday, what with the name and all. True, but If it wants to reach the teen audience, that's the worst time slot. Since most teenagers will be at actual football games on that night.
  19. Jonathon

    NBC announces fall schedule

    Friday Night Lights on a friday night death slot? Not good. Glad to see Reed Diamond is still around, though (Journeyman).
  20. Jonathon


    If you followed "Homicide: Life On The Street" ever, you'd see those cast members everywhere. It's kind of a hobby of mine.
  21. Jonathon


    Yeah, the bigger deal to me was that hispanic guy didn't age at all. Perhaps some kind of longevity/fountain of youth thing that ties into healed ailments and fertility... Two groups of others? And the most recent group are NOT nice people, to take out a whole village of seemingly innocent Dharma workers...
  22. Jonathon


    If anyone needs to get bumped off the show now, it's Claire.
  23. Jonathon

    Spider-Man 3

    I'll second what everyone else is saying. It's a great story, and character-wise, everyone really gets developed, although it would have been nice to see a little more Marko coverage. The frustrating part of this movie is that it can go from deadly serious drama one minute with some great writing, to ridiculously bad and hokey lines. I think this movie maybe upped the first movie in terms of cringe inducing lines.
  24. Jonathon


    For what it was, I thought it was a great episode. This show can frustrate me so much, but I guess it's better than not caring at all.
  25. Jonathon

    Jamie Fox

    That was so awkward. Go Foxx.