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Posts posted by Jonathon

  1. So, did either Sutherland or Eva Longoria end up being the real villian? that sort of thing is usually the "twist!!!" in these kind of movies.


    I can't do spoilers so SPOILERS AHEAD BEWARE!






























    Nope. I thought for sure Sutherland would turn, but the villain comes out of left field. It's got some decent thrills, but nothing to write home about.


























  2. I love this show. I will forever sing it's praises, BUT tonights episode was one this shows worst in recent memory. The entire preview for this ep hyped the whole Jack/Others confrontation, and all we got was 43 minutes of Bernard/Rose backstory. Granted, it was still well written and everyone was spot on, but ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED. You would think since they won't be on next week, they would want to go out on a bang, give us something HUGE, but nothing. "Lost" is seriously starting to try my patience.

  3. Gotham Bracket

    Batman v. Black Panther

    Daredevil V. Lex Luthor

    Colossus v. Green Lantern

    Captain America V. Ultimate Hawkeye


    Manhattan Bracket

    Spiderman v. Nightwing

    Luke Cage v. The Thing

    Bizarro v. Spawn

    Deathstroke v. Wolverine


    Metropolis Bracket

    Superman v. Scarlet Witch

    The Flash V. Captain Marvel

    Juggernaut v. Wonder Woman

    Emma Frost v. Hulk


    Genosha Bracket

    Magneto v. Alexander Luthor

    Ares v. Thor

    Iron Man v. Earth 2 Superman

    Supergirl v. Superboy Prime


    My picks: Green Lantern takes the Gotham Bracket, it'll come down to Wolverine and Spawn in the Manhattan, Metropolis comes down to Superman, Captain marvel or Emma Frost. Genosha is Superboy Primes.

  4. We3 is great. Morrison/Quietley project about a dog, cat, and bunny that are cybernetically enhanced by the military to be killing machines. They escape, wackiness ensues. Some of Quitleys best art.


    Y: The Last man is one of the most refreshing comics I've ever read.


    I lost interest in "Fables" after the first arc.

  5. Here are the brackets.


    In the Gotham Bracket, I see GL, Batman, and Captain America making it far. (maybe a surprise showing for Snake eyes).


    Wolverine makes mincemeat out of everyone in the Manhattan Bracket.


    Metropolis is Superman's bracket, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Wonder Woman or Scarlet witch make it either.


    Genosha Bracket looks to be full of wild cards. My top picks would be Ultimate Thor, Supergirl, Earth 2 Superman, maybe even Morlun.

  6. They took quite a a few liberties with the story, but did an ok job for combining the Hulk attack/Chitauri invasion storylines. This would be a decent little mini-movie had I not been constantly comparing it to the Millar/Hitch run. The trailer that was available online didn't do this justice. I counted maybe THREE times Captain America threw his shield, something that the trailer showed in abundance.

    It WAS sweet, though, seeing Hulk destroy the Avengers' collective asses in animated form.

    I'm not an animation expert by any means, so I won't critique that aspect.

    The voice acting was a little weird, but no glaring embarassments in the dialogue department.

    Available at Blockbuster!

  7. ...and can I say? Fuck Jack, while we're at it. People are sick of Ana-Lucia? I'm sick of HIM.

    As lame as it is to admit, I got into an argument with a woman I work with over Jack.


    I think they've written Jack to be such a fucking annoying character. Out of all the people that are vying for "leadership" roles ... he's the least deserving & the one that I'd respect the least.


    As soon as he was done patching the guy up (which is what he's trained to do and what he does best) he should have stepped back and let Sayid do what he was trained to do and what he does best: extract information from a captive.



    I actually really like Jack's character. Out of anybody on the island, I identify with him the most.

  8. Brubaker is the new Bendis, I swear. They gave him Captain America, they gave him an x-men mini (Deadly Genesis), which Quesada can't stop cumming over, they're giving him Daredevil AND taking Uncanny away from Claremont and giving it to him. He might suffer from over exposure, something I'm starting to think Bendis is becoming more and more guilty of.

  9. I expect an hour of Cap throwing his shield and Black Widow slowly walking forward and firing pistols as fast as she can, but that's just the preview.


    And dammit, Hulk should be eatting people.


    Hah. I was thinking that. Cap throwing his shield took up 90% of the trailer. I didn't even notice him doing it in the comics at all.

  10. What's this Civil War thing they're talking about?


    It's THE big Marvel event of the summer. Mark Millar is writing, and it's essentially about the fact that the government enacts a Superhero Registration Act, where heroes have to reveal their identities, powers, etc to the government. This apparently splits the heroes right down the middle. Some decide that since it's the law, they have to abide and submit their identities, while others rebel and don't want to give the Fibs anything. Supposedly it pits "teammate against teammate", "brother against brother", etc. Kind of a lame idea, if you ask me, but Millar is close to a deity in my eyes, so I'll bite.
