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Posts posted by Jonathon

  1. Am I the only person who DOESN'T want to see a Blue & Furry Beast on the big screen? I can't think of a way he wouldn't look silly, and what I liked about the x-movies was that, for the most part, they looked BELIEVABLE and serious.


    Nightcrawler was done obscenely well, and that wasn't CGI, so I guess I'd like to see how they would try and flesh out Beast and still make it look modern, dark, and cool.

  2. Here's what I would like to see for a possible season 4 involving palmer.


    If palmer does have to resign, he can still play a part in the season. I always thought that a good "24 hour" plot device could be a crazy hostage standoff in a mall or airport or something, and Palmer is caught up in it somehow. Or something can happen in Palmers civilian life that would somehow be life-endangering and would involve CTU in some aspect.


    And Keeler could be the exact opposite President that Palmer was. He could be kinda shady, not as willing to play along by Jack Bauers rules. Could make for some nice tension.

  3. was New X-Men: Academy X on that list? Get that.

    Yeah, it was on there..I think the titles were that I was able to choose from were


    New X Men

    Ultimate X men


    Uncanny X-men






    And for the record, i loved morrisons run on "new x-men". It was just what I wanted to see...

  4. The new issue of People magazine has a little write up on "The Shield", and it says something like next weeks episode features a main character going through something graphic. From the previews, it looks like maybe Acaveda might get some serious BUTT whomping "OZ style"...wouldn't that be crazy. Acaveda gets raped and is freaked out for the rest of the season.


    This weeks episode, however rocked. And the showdown between Shane and Tavon had me riveted. Great fight scene. Pretty realistic.

  5. I was at my "peak" of comic collecting at almost the same time you were, it seems..i remember those story arcs pretty well.


    The x-series with the hologram strip you're referring to is the..."return of magneto" storyline..ach, that title doesn't seem right...but I know it had x-factor 92, uncanny x-men 304, x-men 25, and Wolverine 75.


    The alternate reality series where xavier never existed was the "age of apocolypse" storyline, which I enjoyed immensely.


    One thing I miss about the current x-titles is the "all x" crossovers. It'd be great to see one this year.
