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Posts posted by Jonathon

  1. You can rent the pilot for free at Blockbuster (it comes with Chuck and Life pilots, too).

    Terrific show, the pilot did all the right things and hit all the right notes.

    Kevin McKidd is a great as the lead, and it's good to see Reed Diamond working as a smug cop again.


    Hopefully this one goes for the long run.

  2. Actually it's not as simple as him "asking" a question. He ran to the front of line, interrupted Kerry as he was already talking, and became a douche by spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories. His mic was cut off, which should have silenced him, but he still shouted, even as Kerry said "if you just let me answer". It's never cool to interrupt a speaking engagement, regardless of your political views.There is such a thing as respect and decorum. The cops were just doing their job. I work with law enforcement on a daily basis, and what they did was not out of order. He resisted them, even pushed some of them around. That right there is a red flag to take his ass down. As a cop in the 21st century, you have to treat EVERY SINGLE SITUATION like it's the most serious thing on earth, because all it takes is that ONE TIME where you let your guard down, and you might be facing something much worse.


    Yeah, because being a douche is good reason to arrest and taser someone. I'm glad that cops in the 21st century have to react like that, because their actions incited a riot, which I'm sure is much worse than one kid insinuating things at John Kerry. Didn't he even say that if the cops just got off him that he would walk out peacefully? Oh, well the cops couldn't take that seriously because he was going to go back and beat the shit out of all of them single handedly, bro.


    There's a difference between deserving something and having legal consequences for your actions.


    Furthermore, it's a little more than sickening how some people are saying that he somehow deserved the tasering because of his conduct. Go get tasered, and see how it feels and tell us if you'd recommend that as a justifiable punishment for not being a bro.



    I don't know if you've ever had to restrain somebody ever in your life, but when they are struggling, no matter the size, it could be VERY easy to injure the person further. I've seen arms broken, busted up noses, etc done when someone is being restrained against their will. A taser is perfect because for a few seconds, the body completely limps up, and it's easier to put handcuffs on or restrain them further.


  3. This was my first episode of Prison Break, ever, and I'm officially hooked. First two seasons worth watching?


    Im surprised you could get hooked on the first episode of the 3rd season of show without seeing the first two..


    As for last night..very interesting episode that has me even more hyped for the rest of the season.



    Wikipedia caught me up.

  4. Actually it's not as simple as him "asking" a question. He ran to the front of line, interrupted Kerry as he was already talking, and became a douche by spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories. His mic was cut off, which should have silenced him, but he still shouted, even as Kerry said "if you just let me answer". It's never cool to interrupt a speaking engagement, regardless of your political views.There is such a thing as respect and decorum. The cops were just doing their job. I work with law enforcement on a daily basis, and what they did was not out of order. He resisted them, even pushed some of them around. That right there is a red flag to take his ass down. As a cop in the 21st century, you have to treat EVERY SINGLE SITUATION like it's the most serious thing on earth, because all it takes is that ONE TIME where you let your guard down, and you might be facing something much worse.

  5. The Rifftrax for 300 is up!



    A small band of brave men struggle against enormous odds, battling a superior force, and though ultimately they are defeated their sacrifice becomes a source of inspiration and hope that rings out like a clarion call through the pages of history. But enough about the Mighty Ducks. 300, in contrast, is about a gang of shirtless and immoral baby-killing idiots who hack up a larger group of idiots on some cliff in Greece a couple of thousand years ago. To a soundtrack of ersatz Nine Inch Nails.


    Starring Gerard Butler as a shrieking inarticulate Scotsman (so in other words "a Scotsman"), 300 delivers on its promise to be the bloodiest movie since Carrie 2: Carrie vs. Saw. (Though it should be noted that in lieu of blood, 300 utilized digital globs of diluted road tar.)


    To make it a fair fight, Mike enlisted the help of battle veterans Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy. 3 against the 300! This…is…RIFFTRAX!



    "Hey, we got a giant! Lets see what he can do."


  6. The funniest time I heard jokes at a movie theatre was during opening night of Spiderman 3. Two african american guys sitting behind us had the whole theatre roaring.


    -After the infamous dance scene.. "What the FUUUUUCK."


    -When MJ kisses Harry "Aw, she a ho."


    -a douche wearing a too tight spidey costume walks into the theatre a little late, and one of the guys yells "I can see your dick, dude!"


