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Posts posted by Jonathon

  1. I just got caught up on this season while sick at home the other day. I don't know why, but I love this show. The challenges they come up with are pretty interesting: come up with something they would serve at TGIFridays, come up with a dish from food with vending machines, make something appetizing out of random gross ingredients, it's cool to see these gourmet chefs try all this random stuff.

  2. So-so episode last night. Riggins barely spoke a word, which was odd since a lot of the episode dealt with him. There was a lot packed into this episode, it should have been two. You got Smash dealing with his drama, Riggins getting absolutely shat upon, then saving the game, Lila dealing with her drama, and Saracen/Coachs daughter storyline. They are all great stories, but maybe too much packed into one episode made the overall story suffer.

  3. Insane episode last night. I'm loving the last few episodes. The show is stripping away it's cheesiness, and building us some bona fide characters to watch.

    Some thoughts.


    -My money is on Niki/Jessica being the one to die. I think her story is the least central to the main theme of the show.


    -Wondering what happens to the cops wife to have her go from thinking her husband is her hero and being so supportive to cheating on him.


    -Haitian looks like draining others powers takes a lot out of him.


    -I disagree with the Nathan hate. I don't think he saved himself by flying out of the car willingly. It looked like it was an involuntary reaction, maybe that was when his powers kicked in.

  4. The show has gotten it's groove back big time. Mikhel Pfeiffer (sp?) rocks. The cast is SOLID, and now with Stamos lurking in the hospital, the show can get away from Luka-centric dramatics.

    I like how it's returning to it's roots a little and not trying to do so many "events". They pretty much extinguished all the big time ideas in the last couple seasons. Smallpox breakout in the hospital, a friggin tank invading downtown chicago, helicopter crash on top of the hospital, serial killer loose in the hospital, etc.


    If I had to hand pick my dream ER cast it would roll like this.



    Clooney as Doug Ross. The original renegade doctor. No one tops him.



    A little more hot headed Pratt. Loved the bad-ass-ness of his first few episodes.




    Paul McCrane as a one armed ROMANO.



    A young, new Noah Wyle as Carter. I liked him much better as the unsure rookie than the bearded, jaded, globetrotting Doc.




    The King. Dr. Greene WAS "ER".



    Morris is great as the bumbling intern.




    Just because I am in love with her.


    Throw in William H Macy's Morgenstern and you got your dream team cast.

  5. Whole mess of spoiler type things from spoilerfix.com



    # Michael Emerson reveals: "You're going to find out some cool stuff watching the [fall] finale. There's going to be an unexpected sort of medical crisis, some health issues and some questions about loyalty. Some people are going to be crossing lines and aligning themselves with people you wouldn't have expected." Source: Kristin on E!Online

    # new 11/08 - Kristin from E! spilled that this week Sawyer and Kate will sleep together and that Jack will have a peek at it. Jack will operate on Ben. Only one between Kate and Jack is sincere in his or her intentions and the other does it for personal gain, which will be revealed with a bloody -good cliffhanger twist. We won't know if Ben survived the operation

    # 11/08 - Cuse and Lindelof revealed: We have a very clear plan for this season, and I don't think we'll get back to Michael and Walt's story this season. Harold Perrineau's story is not finished. He is not on the show currently, but I think everybody is very curious to know what happened to Michael and Walt, and we hope to get back to that story. That character is still out there in the Lost universe. I think there are some upcoming episodes — after the break in the spring — that will answer a number of the open questions. We certainly plan to tell the audience this year how Locke got in the wheelchair. We'll be getting a lot more detailed about what happened to Locke, Eko and Desmond following the immediate aftermath of the hatch exploding, imploding or potentially doing something else. We're doing a flashback story where you'll find out how Jack got his tattoos. And we'll begin peeling back layers of who the Others are, how long they've been on the island, what their origins are. That's really the sort of uber-plot of Season 3. "What's the nature of this island? Where is this island?" The overarching mysteries of Lost remain unanswered. But those questions have to remain unanswered until the show ends. [Eko might be back and it] might not necessarily be a flashback episode. [What happened immediately after the hatch exploded] might be a flashback, but we're not going to tell you how that information gets relayed. That island isn't necessarily where [the Others] live. It's not necessarily the same place where we saw those guys in the beginning of the teaser of the season premiere this year. I think that would be a very reasonable explanation as to how Goodwin and Ethan could run from the Others' home camp to the crash site [in about one hour. The guy with the eye patch is going to figure prominently this season.] The fact that the island may have been seen [by the outside world] is pretty much the entire story arc of the second half of the year. There are two bombs being dropped [during the second half of the season], one of which is a character bomb, and that will happen within the first three episodes after the break. And the other is a more significant story bomb, a game-changer, as it were, and that will happen shortly after. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

    # new 11/07 - Other Tailies have survived but we don't know where they are. Future episodes will explain what happened to the doctors. Black Rock will be seen in an upcoming episode.
