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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    The Killers...

    I'm kicking myself for not picking it up at Target last week when it was $6.99. Cause I really like the single.
  2. I'm so sick of everyone yelling "vote vote vote!!!" What if there's no one worth voting for? Or what if you'd only be voting for the guy you disliked the least? If I voted this year that's exactly what I'd be doing. I'd hate to think that when I said "I voted for blah blah" it would only be because I distrusted him less than the other guy. So fuck it, I'm not voting this year. Anyone else? PS. Please no replies from people who can't vote anyway.
  3. Youth N Asia

    The Stevie in drag storyline

    And it doesn't help matters when you have smarky assholes ringside yelling "HEY! IT'S STEVIE RICHARDS!" while it's going on...and at the same time Ross is completly stumped on who it could be
  4. Youth N Asia

    The Stevie in drag storyline

    It'll be like Bookers "I know what you did" gimmick. It'll just go away and in a few months someone will start a "whatever happened to" thread about it
  5. Youth N Asia

    Who's not voting in this presidential election?

    I think if there was a "none of the above" box voters would turn out in record numbers. Not to say it would get the most votes, but at least people's voices could be heard.
  6. Youth N Asia

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Anya was funny with Andrew. Dawn was annoying with Andrew.
  7. Youth N Asia

    So, I've been smoking.

    Hurry up and die from it already
  8. Youth N Asia

    I got this letter from someone from eBay...

    I've gotten crap like this before, I just mark it as spam
  9. Youth N Asia

    Who's not voting in this presidential election?

    You can say Ralph all day long, but at the end of the day it is a completly wasted vote. I'd just rather stay in that day
  10. Youth N Asia

    OAO Big Buffyverse Tourney Thread

    Passion is the best Buffy ever. Not 10th! And Fool for Love is much better than listed. And Smile Time is a riot...but not #4 And you can say everything you want about Hush, take away the whole concept of the episode...and the Gentlemen are still the scariest baddies in the series.
  11. Youth N Asia

    The Stevie in drag storyline

    Nidia was moved cause her angle with Noble had just been run to death and they needed something new
  12. Youth N Asia

    SD!/Velocity Match Listing

    Doug Basham isn't bad, and he can talk. He's just stuck in gimmick hell and the team will never get over.
  13. 1 Hero $17,802,000/$17,802,000 2 Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid $13,200,000/$13,200,000 3 Without a Paddle $8,700,000/$27,857,000 4 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement $8,068,000/$75,050,000 5 Exorcist: The Beginning $6,735,000/$30,821,000 6 Collateral $6,300,000/$79,988,000 7 Open Water $5,000,000/$23,502,000 8 Alien vs. Predator $4,800,000/$72,065,000 9 The Bourne Supremacy $4,605,000/$157,708,000 10 Suspect Zero $3,400,000/$3,400,000 11 Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 $3,300,000/$3,300,000 12 The Manchurian Candidate $2,830,000/$59,003,000 13 Garden State $2,750,000/$10,816,000 -------------------------- The idea of Anacondas is just crap to me. The first one was balls, and this one looks like a remake, except with more snakes. Hero was only in 2031 theatres, which is 900 less than the snakes. Giving it an $8,765 per screen average. Garden State was only on 745 screens. Giving it the second highest per screen average of the top movies, $3,691. Superbabies bombed. But no one saw it doing otherwise. Suspect Zero did the same. Not a huge screen count (1500), and no major name power. And Bourne is still kicking ass. 6 weeks in release and it's not dropping badly.
  14. Youth N Asia

    The Stevie in drag storyline

    I didn't care for Victoria as the psycho deal. Came off more funny than serious. And while her music sucks now, I like seeing her smile more. Which she shouldn't do before. And this Richards angle was dead before it started, cause they started it on Heat.
  15. Youth N Asia

    SD!/Velocity Match Listing

    Other than Kurt and Eddie it looks like another BLEH show. What's the general opinion on Angle/Guerrero? without spoilers
  16. Youth N Asia


    Yeah, I don't think you helped him any, being that he got choppped to hell.
  17. Youth N Asia

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Dawn was the worst. Season 5: cry cry, nobody loves me. Season 6: cry cry, nobody loved me Season 6 last episode: Oh wait, I can fight now Season 7: look at me, I went from crybaby to Bringerkiller in no time Awful character development.
  18. Youth N Asia

    Last Comic Standing 3

    What's with the war room voting? If you pick all their strongest, they'll lose a strong member, but most likely win the money. And if you pick their 5 weakest, you'll win the money, but they'll lose a nobody. And if you mix they'll still lose someone weak and maybe win the money. There's no real stratagy to this.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Favorite year of wrestling

    being that I watched so little WCW, I'd say 99. 1999 was a strong year for the WWF and set them up nicely for 2000, and everything went great till Invasion. Also with ECW on tv Fridays and me going to their live shows, I had a lot more fun with that.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Last Comic Standing 3

    How could America screw up soooo badly the first time around? It's messed up that pretty much everyone from season 2 is funnier than the season 1 champuon.
  21. The Girl Next Door 7 out of 10 While not near as funny as I was expecting, I thought the story flowed great for the kind of movie it was.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Last Comic Standing 3

    I hate the fact that Ralphie got someone else eliminated with his sob story. It's tragic, but as soon as he dropped the death card he knew there was no chance they would eliminate him. And the 2 elimintions might as well have been done at the start of the show. Nothing could have been more predictable. Even if he doesn't have a great set, Jay London makes me smile. And Gary Gulman is too damn likeable to go against. Geoff Brown had the best set of season 1 so far. And Kathleen is always one of the best. Dat Phan is still not funny. His stories just don't come off with any believability. "Hey, pick up my cane..." where the hell does that even come from? And I actually liked Corey's set tonight.
  23. Youth N Asia

    American Dragon added to next 4 IWA-MS shows

    I plan on going to the TPI. So a great show gets even better
  24. Youth N Asia

    Could Someone Explain Too Me A Few Gimmicks..

    I've seen them both in ICW/IWF and XICW. I've only seen Jimmy a couple times with HUSS HUSS...not loving it. Before that he was "Jumping Jimmy" which is like Spanky without as much charisma or talent, but I like Jimmy. All I've seen of N8 is him as a firey babyface, solid enough in the ring though.
  25. Youth N Asia

    Flair DVD or Benoit DVD?

    I didn't love the Flair DVD. I was hoping for more interviews and storytelling.