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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia


    I got a small "hit the slut" chant going at an ECW house show in Flint, Michigan. Lita back in her no boob having days was trying to run in the Axl Rotten/Roadkill match. Axl grabbed her by the hair and looked to the crowd for an answer...it kinda caught on.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Since it's DVD Tuesday...

    The alternate ending could be Sam leaping out of Jesus at the last second and waking up as Franco Harris...wait, nevermind, that was Quantim Leap.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Should I take this job?

    $10 an hour doesn't grow on trees or anything.
  4. Youth N Asia

    Last Comic Standing 3

    And Comedy Central will air the first two episodes this Saturday. Check their site for the time
  5. Youth N Asia

    Last Comic Standing 3

    To hell with Ralphie. I'm sorry, but he's not funny. Dead father or not he's using old jokes you could find in Maxim to cover fort he fact that he has no new material. Way to go for the sympathy vote. They're not his jokes! If he were funny to begin with I could let it slide. Wow, Jessica's just as unfunny as I remember her...same jokes too. Todd freakin Glass! Guy kills me every single time. Unless Ralphie cries the whole time getting pitty votes till the end I can't see season 2 losing.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Should I take this job?

    Yeah, if nothing else these are girls with little to no morals. You might hook up. And if worse comes to worse...you can always quit
  7. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Boxoffice Report: Aug 27-29

    6th week in release: The Bourne Supremacy: 9th place, down from 7th This week: $4,646,125 Overall gross: $157,748,855 Screen count: 2079 Catwoman: 37th place, down from 24th This week: $124,019 Overall gross: $39,389,097 Screen count: 166 I know it's not right to kick someone when they're down. But this figure just makes me happy.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Should I take this job?

    How badly do you need a job? And do you have anything else lined up? Doesn't sound bad. Someone has to work the job, might as well be you.
  9. Youth N Asia

    WWF/E Theme Songs

    I don't mind the themes as long as they're background. But I don't want to hear Ross shill it every time it comes on
  10. Youth N Asia

    Okay, look.

    I apparently made two million posts
  11. Youth N Asia

    Serious Moments You Found Funny

    It was by no means a serious moment...but it made me laugh my ass off. Shane McMahon somehow got a cage match with The Rock. HHH said "don't worry, we have a plan." And his master plan was to take a wooden stick and poke the Rock through the cage throughout the match. And he had the dumbest grin on his face the whole time. Hysterical.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Madden 2005 or NCAA 2005?

    I need a new football game. I've played the hell out of my NCAA 2004. I usually stick with the NCAA games, but I liked Madden 2002 when I had it. So I might want an NFL one this time. Which one should I get?
  13. Youth N Asia

    Who's not voting in this presidential election?

    Write in votes...all for La Parka.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Great deals on used DVDs at Ingles!

    Are they former rentals?
  15. Youth N Asia

    One and Only MTV Video Music Awards Thread

    Chappelle was completly wasted. They could have done a great Lil John or R. Kelly bit. Dave Chappelle with a live mic should have been far better
  16. Youth N Asia

    Looking to get a new computer

    Within 2 weeks time or so I should have enough $$$ saved up to buy a new computer. I planned on getting an HP cause I've had one before and really liked it. But I have friends trying to pimp me on Gateway and Compaq and whatnot. My hope is to have roughly $650-$750 to spend. (more if I waited, but don't really want to wait much longer) Any suggestions. I can use a computer well enough, but I'm not really computer smart
  17. Youth N Asia

    The Nation

    And a few years ago
  18. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Boxoffice Report: Aug 27-29

    That's still not a huge number for a #1 opening.
  19. Youth N Asia

    One and Only MTV Video Music Awards Thread

    What a crap show. I don't have a problem with hip hop, but it bugged the shit out of me that they gave them all the time in the world for their performances, Ushers lip synching and all, and crammed the only 3 rock bands into a 5 minute medley, and I'm not that high on any of the bands, but that was still stupid. I hate MTV And I got was sick of "vote vote vote!!!" I'm glad the Kerry girls got boo'd. They came off as a-holes.
  20. Youth N Asia

    One and Only MTV Video Music Awards Thread

    I'll probably watch it just cause I don't have to work in the morning. But every year it sucks, and this year there's just way too much hip hop for my taste...hope Chappelle can make it worthwhile with whatever he's doing.
  21. Fight Club 9 out of 10 I like it a lot better now than I did when I first saw it a few years ago.
  22. Yeah, Living Dangerously is basicaly the same match, just done better.
  23. Youth N Asia

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    And before all of that he was as pussy of a human as there ever was one.
  24. Youth N Asia

    Madden 2005 or NCAA 2005?

    I know. and it's actually going to be $16.88 this week at Target
  25. Yeah, that was a pretty cool made for cable movie.