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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Your Favorite ECW moments

    That was toital crap. Dammit, Vince. You own the footage now, let us see the match. It's complete balls that only the people in the arena got to see it. ECW didn't do any arena releases in 2000 and RipofF video didn't release it.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Mellow Songs

    "Leave You Behind" by Sleater-Kinney "Bowl of Oranges" by Bright Eyes "Overdue" by The Get Up Kids
  3. Youth N Asia

    Catchphrases that never caught on

    I don't care for Holly. But I liked his "Big Shot" gimmick. "You see the Big Show, you tell him THE BIG SHOT is lookin for him."
  4. Youth N Asia

    Catchphrases that never caught on

    John Cena: "And that's Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay." That shit got annoying, glad he dropped it.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Catchphrases that never caught on

    Brain Christopher: "If you don't know me! Then you ain't my homey!"
  6. Youth N Asia

    Peeing in the shower

    "I unzip to pee in the shower." -Adam Carolla
  7. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown Rating

    Oh, duh, overnight. I didn't read past the 4.1
  8. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown Rating

    I thought it might go up again after the tv season had done all their big finals and whatnot. But I wasn't expecting a 4.1 for that crap.
  9. Youth N Asia

    The Tag Team Divisions

    Durring the Hardys/Dudleys/E&C days I was still into it. and it hasn't been great for a while. But the last year has just been painfull...with the exception of WGTT and the Guerreros...two teams no longer together
  10. Youth N Asia

    The Tag Team Divisions

    The tag division has been in the crapper for over a year now. And I'm tired of all these makeshift short reign teams that never last. And painfully long runs with unover and dull teams like La Resistance and The Bashams really don't help matters. Just put the tag titles on the Dudleys already, and give them a long heel run with it. Build up a story where no team can actually beat them. And then when someone does (NOT A MAKESHIFT!) it'll mean somerthing.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Your Favorite ECW moments

    Yeah, that's the one line I have in mind when I think of that. Sadly that angle led completly nowhere. ECW had a ton of angles that started and went to nothing. There are too many ECW moments for me to list really.
  12. Bruce Almighty 5 out of 10...few good laughs, but that's about it.
  13. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I thought Lem was just putting on a show with the car window.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Your Favorite ECW moments

    The cage match was Gangstas Paradise 95...with that being said I'm pretty much a mark for any angle with Mikey. The Dudley's random backstage attacks at Hardcore Heaven 99...very pointlss
  15. S.W.A.T. 3 out of 10...dumb movie
  16. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Errr...how could I have missed that? I'll need to rewatch the first 2 episodes and check that again. And the drug dealer was Two Time
  17. Youth N Asia

    favorite shoot interviews

    Mikey's is mostly ECW of course. -Talks about what a piece of crap Sonny Blaze was. -He didn't get along with Paul Loria when he came back. -He didn't know of his ppv match with Kidman till a couple days before the show. -Said Steve Austin had no problem putting him over and liked working with him. -A lot about Cactus Jack. And where Cactus would come up with ideas out of nowhere. One where ECW and the local KFC would do a promotion together with Extreme Crunchy Wings or something. "Imagine it, Mikey. Tommy Dreamer on tv stuffing his face with chciken." And the wings would give you $3 or so off your ticket. A really well thought out idea really. Said Cactus had tons of stuff like that. -Got the job in ECW mainly cause after he set up the ring him and his buddies would just screw around in the ring taking bumps. Paul E saw it, gave him a match with Hughes, and the rest was history. -Talks about shit days in WCW. -Said Goldberg was alright, but only had one real encounter with him Bah, gotta go...will post more later
  18. Youth N Asia

    Mellow Songs

    "Catch the Wind", by Donovan...but it has to be the slow version. And "If I Fell" and "All Across The Universe" by The Beatles
  19. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Although this is why I think killing Terry right away was a bad idea. Burning the body just didn't seem like a big deal, and I can't get why Lem is so bent out of shape about it...THEY KILLED A FRIGGIN COP!! In the first episode. Nothing they do can come anywhere near as extreme as that.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Not a "goodbye"

    My computer is completly screwed. I'm eventually going to have to save up for a new one, so I'll be offline for a while. Not to mention the vanfire I nearly died in. So now I need to put more money into a car. So don't delete me, I'll just be out of action for a while. Peace
  21. Youth N Asia

    Unexpected Title Wins

    When Backlund beat Bret I just lost it. I cheered like a madman for Crazy Hands and thought he stood no chance of winning the title. Then they completly wasted his "run" by losing it to Nash
  22. Youth N Asia

    Curb Your Enthusiasm frees innocent man

    I heard about that, very cool story. Larry David is the perfect alibi
  23. Youth N Asia

    favorite shoot interviews

    Mikey Whipwreck Justin Credible Bret Hart Bobby Heenan Jim Cornette 2000 & 2003 Steve Corino vol 2 & 3
  24. Youth N Asia

    Favorite ECW Chants

    ECW fans were crap by the time I started going to shows in 1999. Every tiny ass botch got "you fucked up" and the smallest table bumps got "holy shit."
  25. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Dammit, I love this show. Although the storyline with Vic and lauren I could do without. I'm just waiting for Lem to lose it. It'll be great.