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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. I loved Playmakers. And I like the fact that the actual football games had so little to do with the show. SPOILERS!!!!! If you plan on buying the DVD set and don't know anything about the series...turn back. Although they went just dumb with making sure that no one got a semi happy ending. Coach...cancer, and his job won't be waiting for him when he gets back. Thad...basicaly told he's not coming back to the team on account of being gay. His storyline was pretty good. Leon...Off the team, and had to crawl back to Willbanks to get a crap job he didn't even want. Buffalo...has diabedies (sp). Has to take off the weight in order to live a healthy life, but won't cause it'll compromise his job with the team. Although that seemed a little pointless for the last episode. Olychek (sp, way off)...loses his kid, and a ton of cash to a money grubbing ho. Definatly the worst ending. DH...on the bench for the final play of the. Altghough his ending wasn't the worst, he was the main villian, so it's not like his needed to be that bad.
  2. Youth N Asia

    TSM Poster Tournament III

    Ripper...tough call Sandman YNA...yeah, I'm shameless CWM BPS Agent Of Oblivion Kahran Ramsus FrigidSoul
  3. Youth N Asia

    Not a "goodbye"

    YNA is rocking the 14.4 internet connection! I dug this old ass computer out of the garage. I didn't even think it still worked. So I'll have very minimal access for a while. Although I am still going to start saving for a new one
  4. While Oz was great. It was pretty hit and miss from season 4b through 6.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Not a "goodbye"

    There we go, I'm the man now. Later guys.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Favorite ECW Chants

    I use to like "BUH! BUH! BUH! BUH!" back durring his D-D-D-Duduley days
  7. For reality tv I liked The Mole, Murder in Small Town X, and Boot Camp. I have no interest in these kinds of shows when they bring in y level celebs.
  8. Youth N Asia

    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    It's "inspired by a true story" which means it has a lot less to do than "based on"
  9. While I would have said Angel...it had a 5 year run. Where as Wonderfalls had 4 friggin episodes.
  10. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I hate not being here for this thread. I am convinced that there is no bad episode of the Shield. Day One included. This show is the most consistant program I've ever watched. And it's looking like it'll end great.
  11. Wonderfalls. Followed by Action.
  12. Youth N Asia

    What are you listening to right now?

    Great song, great cd. Ironicaly enough...World Domination by Ash
  13. Youth N Asia

    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    Original, no contest
  14. Miracle 9 out of 10 The Prophecy 8 out of 10
  15. Youth N Asia

    Not a "goodbye"

  16. Wrong Turn 7.5 out of 10 Much better than I was expecting.
  17. Youth N Asia

    TSM Poster Tournament III~!

    *sniff* I was final four last year...(or was it 8)
  18. Youth N Asia

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Started a new TNA game. Took me 10 months to get a tv deal on Spike TV. Colt Cabana just ended Raven's 11 month world title reign...that's about the only noteworthy thing that's happened reciently
  19. Youth N Asia

    PS2 DROPS!!!!

    About time...although I got mine a couple of years ago
  20. I wasn't here postwhoring for a week...that buried us,
  21. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Bill and Ted's Excelent Adventure Braveheart Friday the 13th pt 4 Friday the 13th pt 5 Friday the 13th pt 6 Friday the 13th pt 7 Jason Goes to Hell The Prophecy (Walkin is the man) Resident Evil Say Anything Signs Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2004 (SE) Wrestlemania XX Wrong Turn
  22. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Damn phoneline...damn no internet. I was just hoping David would gap that toothless shit as the Strike Team were walking in the room. Although I am sad that the picture looks to be out of play now though.
  23. Youth N Asia

    TSM Movie Tournament

    We did this a couple years ago (I ran it.) The Godfather ended up beating Shawshank Redemption in the finals.
  24. Youth N Asia

    What do you miss in wrestling

    Personally I liked it when a babyface would win the title and all the other good guys in the locker room would storm the ring, but the belt on him, and parade him around the ring. I also missed in ECW for big title matches when the entire locker room would empty out onto the entrence or around the ring. Seemed to give the match a little more meaning.
  25. Youth N Asia

    What are you listening to right now?

    "It's Nothing" by Ghost of the Robot