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Everything posted by elite

  1. Wasn't Wellington found dead on the 24th, though he had died some days earlier? If so, I would think Benoit didn't even know about Wellington's death, as he was too busy killing himself by then.
  2. How about Malenko's? He gave Benoit the Crippler Crossface. THAT is chill-worthy.
  3. elite

    Queens of the Stone Age - "Little Sister"

    Ahh, now we know the real reason why Nick Oliveri left QOTSA. Josh Homme wanted to screw Oliveri's little sister. Now it all makes sense.
  4. elite

    Homolka's about to be released

    She raped and murdered Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French right along with Bernardo, ya know. It's not like she was just the passive camera operator or anything. Besides which, it was her idea to offer up her little sister to him AND she encouraged him to carry on, if not actively helped him, during his days as the Scarborough Rapist. She's just as fucked up and dangerous as he is, maybe even more so because she basically got away with it.
  5. elite

    Homolka's about to be released

    Yes, because French newspapers never print stories about Anglos who rape and murder little girls. Bitch needs to be harassed and driven out of every community she lives in, every job she applies for, and every store she tries to shop in. Her life should be made as miserable as possible until she kills herself.
  6. elite


    I'm addicted to Halls. Even when I'm not sick, I still want one. The new Vitamin C Assorted Citrus are tasty.
  7. elite

    The Amazing Race 7

    Especially after he screwed over Ethan just as hard.
  8. The rumor is, Chappelle had a nervous breakdown. Who knows...
  9. elite


    That'd be called a truck stop or a rest stop for those suckers in cars. In this case, no, it's Citadel Hill -- a 240 year old historical landmark.
  10. elite


    That's done here, too. Throwing pennies at the hookers only makes their pimps mad, though. They'll chase you down the street and everystuff. Grumpy, no sense of humor pimps. There's also a place not so far away where gay men go to hook up anonymously in their cars. Cruising the hookers is called a whore tour and rounding the gay boys is called a fruit loop (which is not so PC, but whatever).
  11. elite

    Favourite guilty pleasure songs

    I have a bizarre fondness for Len's Steal My Sunshine. It's crap-tastic.
  12. elite

    Survivor : Palau

    Be quiet, you. Nobody's neater than Rupert.
  13. elite

    I got a free Women's Quattro razor in the mail

    Hey, at least you get free stuff in the mail.
  14. elite

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    Now I'm all curious about your ice cream procedures. Do you bite off the bottom of the cone and suck the ice cream out through it?
  15. elite

    Certificate of Authenticity

    My uncle has a signed Jean Beliveau hockey stick. He took it to a collectibles appraiser and they authenticated it.
  16. elite

    The Amazing Race 7

    He did say it twice, which I remember thinking was odd, but maybe he was just being Captain Obvious.
  17. elite

    Worst song ever?

    Any Shawn Desman song is wrong. The end.
  18. elite

    Survivor : Palau

    ...Well, that sure was anti-climatic.
  19. elite

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    I know a group of wacky alcoholics that once stuffed a Thanksgiving turkey with bread that had been marinated in a delightful blend of various cheap liquors. Yep, that looked gross. As for me and my weirdness, I hate veggies, but can manage to force down canned peas and/or carrots, but frozen? No friggin' way. Can't stomach it. Also, I have an irrational fear of fat sightings on meat and undercooked-ness. I will cut off whole chunks to avoid any sort of fat. And if I see even the slightest hint of pink, I vomit a little in my mouth. Then there's my allergy to chocolate that doesn't stop me from eating the stuff. No matter how many times I munch down a Mars bar and then stuffer with a 3 hour tummy ache, I'll still do it again at a later date.
  20. elite

    Bringing a baby to class...

    I seem to be missing the "you must love and want to pop out babies" gene. Which is just fine by me and my womb, thank you very much. But it's not infants that bug me so much as young toddlers. You know, the ones that are around that age where they say "wa-wa" and "banky" a lot. Those little crotch droppings have lungs of steel and can make these high pitched noise that if harnessed properly, could shatter glass and call wild animals for miles around. I hate them.
  21. elite

    American Idol Season 4

    And now the Constantine lovers are fighting back. Hear them roar! In lou, huh? Somebody should've proof-read that first.
  22. elite

    A question

    Out of curiosity, which island are you referring to?
  23. elite

    useless moron Scott Keith's girlfriend XXXPosed

    Me? An idiot?? Eh, shuddup. I was just trying to be nice. Delusional and nice.
  24. elite

    Use $2 bills, Go to jail

    I'm sure you didn't hallucinate the big binder of Target knowledge. It's just, if you take 4 Canadian quarters into an American bank, you're still only leaving with a dollar. That's the rules of exchange or something. I guess Target just makes up its own rules. How fun.
  25. elite

    Use $2 bills, Go to jail

    Mine too. Don't they teach these morons who jockey cash registers anything? When I worked at Target the first time from '93-'94, one time this lady gave me some kind of Canadian coin for a quarter and I wouldn't accept it. She was a snotty cunt about it, so I pulled out the binder that each register had and showed her the pic and exchange rate. She got pissed, I called the CSM, who agreed and was adamant about it, so then Loss Prevention came out and told the lady that I would have been fired if I had taken it. The lady got pissed and left. Now that was okay...we don't need worthless hippie money soiling our own... On Best Buy...fuck them. They are getting shittier and shittier. I have been buying most of my stuff from via the internet or Circuit City. Best Buy actually said last year that one of their goals is to be less customer friendly. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...&type=printable There is no exchange rate on coins valued under a dollar.