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Everything posted by Frosty

  1. Frosty

    Piper is a nutjob!

    Who were some of the names he threw out?
  2. Frosty

    Tony Schiavone back with WWE...

    Tony was terrible in his few appearances with TNA. He was as useless then as he was when he was with WCW. I hope he never stopes foot in a wresting arena again.
  3. Frosty

    DVD (+/- R/RW)

    I just bought a new computer with a DVD burner in it. If I'm not mistaken it's a DVD+RW. I have used and had success with copying DVD's with DVD+RW discs, but it wouldn't use the DVD-R disc..... Which types of discs are compatible with which types of burners as well as DVD players? Ps: The DVD's I copyed did work in my regular DVD player and My X box.
  4. Frosty

    DVD (+/- R/RW)

    My Drive won't recognize them either. The drive is a GCA-4040N. I've been reading around that the net about the drives and there is some kind of compatibility problem but there was too much technobabble and I never understood most of it..... and I ran that program mentioned earlier and it said it's supposed to recognize and write to DVD+R and DVD+RW.
  5. Frosty

    DVD (+/- R/RW)

    Thanks... I'll give it a try.
  6. Frosty

    DVD (+/- R/RW)

    OK, SO now I have a new problem.... I went out and bought some DVD+R's after I seen the last post to use in my DVD+RW drive, it says that they are compatible with that kind of drive, yet the drive won't recognize them as Blank Media.... Why not?
  7. Frosty

    DVD (+/- R/RW)

    Thank you. That is EXACTICALLY what I was looking for.
  8. Frosty

    Concert/Music DVD release dates..

    Maybe you should try www.musicworld.com
  9. Frosty

    The Backyard

    I actually saw them ovie too, I ordered it off of ebay about a month ago, and I just got it recently. It was pretty entertaining and shows alot of different sides and points of view of people who are wrestlers, parents, RVD, and other people around some of the wrestlers...... While not near the awesomeness of Beyond the Mat, this was a really good movie and I'm not disapointed I bought it at all. I also picked up "Backyard Criminals" as well and I have only made it 1/2 way through I'm not as satisfied with this purchase, the majority of it is just clips and sometimes almost whole matches on it of just backyarders being taped by their friends....there is no commentary, no Narration, and the wrestlers comments that they speak of...."New Jack, Sandman, Vampiro, Konnan...etc" are just 5 or 10 second blurbs from each wrestler spaced periodically throughout the movie. Not as good, but alright if you are just wanting to see some cool moves and some decent backyarding.
  10. Frosty

    The Backyard

    Have any of you seen the movie the Backyard, if you have what did you think of it, if not why haven't you seen it?
  11. Frosty

    The obvious question

    Dude, I don't know about you but if I had to read subtitles during a wrestling match I'd lose my mind. You wouldn't be able to pay full attention to the match cause you'd be trying to keep up with the announcers. Maybe have the announcers Overdubbed might work better.
  12. Frosty

    FREE PURO MATCHES!! download here!

    Just Curious, but did Hayabusa wrestle PURO? I know he was in Japan, and I know I don't see him on the list.....
  13. Frosty

    Piper's Shoot Interview

    I've seen the Vampiro Highspots one and I thought it was decent, except for the fact that 90% of the stuf he says could be construed as bullshit. *and I have that on paper to prove it* lol
  14. Frosty

    Hell In A Cell

    I thought the match was a good solid match, but it was no where near as bloody as normal matches that theses guys had. I was expecting Brock/Taker or Eddie Guerrero blood here. It needed that extra spark of ruthless violence to make it seem more dramatic then it was. Alot of people I watched the PPV with were specualting that this could have been HBK's last match.
  15. Frosty

    Best of the Super Jr 2004 Line-up

    I'm new at this J cup stuff, That seems like alot of matches... will all of them matches be on the tape/DVD? If so how many Disc/tapes will it be, and if not how do they decide what matches to put on there.
  16. Frosty

    Xbox Owners

    Just because it sells good doesn't mean it's not overrated. I might think a game is amazing and go tell 10 friends how good it is, and then they go and buy it and 4 of 10 might not think the game is good, but the sale is already in the books. I know this is a hypothetical situation but it is possible.
  17. I don't think you guys are grasping the concept that Vince was trying to put across. He changing the Hometowns because he wants them to be faces, he wants to change them because he wants them to be at the height of their popularity, and american fans have a bias towards fans that are from America in that they will cheer for them more likely then they will cheer for someone from canada. He said it is the same way in canada just not in such a large scale. Canadian fans will cheer Canadians no matter if they are heel or not, so changing the hometown names isn't something to piss off the canadian fans, it's just something to hopefully make the crowd reactions for the wrestlers larger.
  18. Frosty

    Pearl Jam: Live at the Garden

    Live at the Garden is am amazing DVD, the concert is just classic. Touring band is good, but I think the Gardens one is a bit better. Especially after I think "do the evolution" he comes back on the stage and says the stage started jumping up and down the crowd was so crazy.... Fucking deadly.
  19. Frosty

    TNA To Start Using 6 Sided Ring For X Division

    Anyone around here know where to DL a video of said 6 sided ring?
  20. Frosty

    Bobby Rude

    This is horrible. TNA are constantly letting the Major players of the X teams go.... first Juvi, now Teddy, the X cups are getting less and less impressive every time I turn them on.
  21. Frosty


    Let's Hope so, Cause me and a few friends were watching that last night and almost died at the fact that he made the change...... I think that was worse then Eugene. lol Pure character Murder.
  22. Frosty

    Poll: Best version of "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"?

    Avril's "Fuel" was WAY better then most of the other songs that people covered at that show. But her KOHD is the worst version of it BY FAR.
  23. Frosty

    Coolest/Best deathmatch spots

    I saw that too (it was my very few time I've seen stuff from XPW/CZW and other such extreme promotions), and it is just my personal opinion but I think that it is all Crap.... I have to give props to the guys that do it, because it takes some MASSIVE balls to do shit like that, but I also think that if you have to go that far to impress people, then they shouldn't be the people you are trying to impress.
  24. Frosty

    greatest title belt ever?

    I agree, either the ECW World Title, or the Old US title... not the new one... most of the new belts lick balls
  25. Frosty


    I got the silouette of a sun on my upper right arm.