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Posts posted by ragingfear79

  1. through other means, I have witnessed before where they will go with more than one family member and spread through the line and do it that way. Well at least one person when i bought the wii was doing that.

  2. Well, I know its ridiculous. I felt pretty silly being there so early in the morning but it was on a weekend and it was freaking worth it cuz i have one now and a lot of people dont so i dont care. i wouldnt have done that if it was on a weekday because of work and im not gonna loose sleep and come to work tired, cant afford to make mistakes. Most of the people that are camping out or we are parents that are trying to please their kids.

  3. I remember playing the hell out of prowrestling back in the day on my famicom. I used Star man and the King Korn Khan. Me and my friends used to have tournaments where we used to bet our Gijoes and stuff. Most memorable match was me using Starman and my friend using the King Slender. We where going back and forth for like 30 mins. We threw everything at each other, I threw him against the ropes and gave him the flying shoulder block thingie and i beat him, I got a Cobra Viper for it. Good times Good times.

  4. I went to Walmart-land like at 1 last night to buy some presents and there where like 10-15 people already lined up for them, some of the first people in line snatched all the extra wiimotes and chucks. I hope you find one Lee!

  5. Yeah man a fucking cdr and the funny thing is that it was blank and upside down, but i gotta give to whoever did it the packaging was amazing. he prolly bought a whole bunch of games, kept the originals and returned the cases with cdrs on them to make the money back. I did call corporate and they told me they where gonna send me a gift card. :)

  6. Check this out. I got my Wii at target yest like i said and i bought it with Legend of Zelda, I left that target like at 8:30 am and then went around and ran a few errands, when i get home i decide to set everything up and take a nap. I wake up and im exctied about playing zelda. I opened it and instead of Zelda there was a cdr inside. I was furious so i call Target and they told me to just bring it in. I go and talk to the lady in returns and she wont do it, she says that i waited too long or we and why didnt i check the shrink wrapping (which mind you looked real) well after about a 30 hour argument she just says fuck it and give it to me. I asked some1 else that about it and they told me its happened before.

  7. got to target at around 5 am since they opened at 8, i was the first one there. At around 530 about 10 more people showed up so I decided to get out of the car with my girl. Everybody in line was super cool and the guy instead of giving numbers he took our names out and remembered each face. When the store opened everybody went in a line except these two jackasses that got there like at 7:55 they thought they where slick and got to the begining of the line only to be shot down by the dude who happened to be the cashier. I got the Wii, Zelda and the wii points card, no other accesories but i was happy as hell.

  8. The Target around me got them on tues and put them on the floor on wed which of course was the day i couldnt go and check. Oh well im waking up early on sun to try and score one. They open at 8 in case any1 was wondering.

  9. I just called my local target (North Miami) and the dude told me that they are getting a shipment of Wii on sat night to put out on the floor for sunday. This confirms a rumor thats been floating around that some places are going to have it this sun. Check your local targets. Supposedly they are getting wii motes and nunchucks along with the wii clasic controler. Good luck!

  10. I have seen the Yakitake anime and it is pretty damned funny, if u can find it watch a couple of episodes and see if you like it.


    Speed Grapher left me feeling dirty there is just so much fucked upness in that anime....


    Any word on when the Naruto fillers will end, i stopped watching like 4 or 5 episodes ago, i cant take it.

  11. from IGN

    September 13, 2006 - Nintendo fans finally have a price and release date for the company's new generation console, Wii. The Big N is set to officially announce that the system will hit retail in North and South America for $250 on November 19. The New York Times broke an embargo and published the information even before news hit out of Japan.


    Nintendo's Wii console will come packaged with Wii Sports, a compilation sports game that best shows off the mechanics of the system's unique controller. Wii Sports features tennis, baseball, golf and a previously unannounced bowling game.


    Nintendo said it would provide Wii owners with more than 25 unique games this year.


    Wii's much talked-about Virtual Console download service, which enables gamers to purchase classic games, will offer a library of some 30 titles when the system launches. Titles will include entries from the Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong franchises, Nintendo said. Virtual Console games will cost between $5 and $10 each.


    The Big N confirmed that it would charge $50 for its new Wii games, which is $10 cheaper than the cost of standard Xbox 360 titles.


    In a surprise announcement, Nintendo said that it wanted to make Wii a living room centerpiece by shipping the system with features outside of the videogame realm. Wil will include a photo channel, enabling users to display their digital photos through the console. It will also boast regularly updated news and weather channels. In addition, the system will ship with the Opera Web browser, enabling users to connect online.


    Sony recently announced that it would ready 400,000 PS3s in North America and another 100,000 in Japan for the system's launch. Nintendo said it plans to ship 4 million Wii units worldwide by the end of the year.


    cool i cant wait, the virtual console has me very intrigued....

  12. Was just trying to make a point about what the word means. I really dont care what they call them as long as it sounds good, and is not something stupid. I actually like Soul Reaper instead of Death God. Oh and Ravenbomb Noir is really really good but it does have a weird ending, besides that price is not so bad. I would try and youtube it and see if u like it.
