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Everything posted by skullman80

  1. skullman80

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    I enjoyed that. I don't care if it was a work or not, that was well done.
  2. skullman80

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    Blah....Cena wins.
  3. skullman80

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    Ha! The table didn't break!
  4. skullman80

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    LOL. JR said Bullshit.
  5. skullman80

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    Shawn bladed clear as day after that chairshot....
  6. skullman80

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    This is getting circa 1995 bad....
  7. skullman80

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    Wow, that match was bad.
  8. skullman80

    NHL 2006 Playoffs thread...

    I can't blame the refs for making the calls. The players can't seem to keep their sticks to themselves. Out of the 2 games I have watched, pretty much every call has been legit. The players need to adjust.
  9. skullman80

    Live Crowds: Which do you prefer being a part of the most?

    It was a playoff atmosphere for a team that is in last place. The igloo hasn't been that loud since 01 when the Pens last made the postseason. The Crowd was pushing for Crosby to hit 100 from the first faceoff, bedlam ensued after he hit 100. For as crappy as this team was this year, the Igloo was filled to 95% capacity all year long, so the fans didn't abandon the team. I had a 20 game package and enjoyed pretty much every game even the losses...
  10. skullman80

    Live Crowds: Which do you prefer being a part of the most?

    The pic is from the final Pens home game on 4/17 vs the Islanders. That pic was taken right after Crosby got his 100th point of the season.
  11. skullman80

    Live Crowds: Which do you prefer being a part of the most?

    Hockey.....Hockey fans are a different breed than any other type of sports fan. Passionate....so passionate. The best damn game on earth when you are there live, nothing like it, IMO. Especially at times like this...
  12. skullman80

    NHL Thread

    I was at the game for Crosby's 100th pt. I was there for the first goal, and many inbetween, but tonight was a special night. There was an aura when you walked into the arena, like you knew something special would take place. The crowd was a playoff atmosphere from the drop of the puck, for a team that had won 22 games all year long. When Malone buried the slapper to make it 4-1 off the Crosby pass, the arena shook. I hugged people I didn't know. People were waving towels and tshirts and just partying. A good 5 to 10 minute standing ovation for Sir Sidney.. Nothing short of an amazing rookie year, and the NHL is in good hands with Crosby/AO/Phaneuf etc.....
  13. skullman80

    The OAO RAW thread for April 10, 2006

    The water spit was funny as hell....
  14. skullman80

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    HHH got his job back.
  15. skullman80

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    This has got to be a joke...
  16. skullman80

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    Mickie James = Greatness....
  17. skullman80

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    I love the new HHH entrance theme.
  18. skullman80

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    Take a deep breath and relax.
  19. skullman80

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    I'm worried, actually. The crowd completely turned on Trish tonight and was all for Mickie. Chicago was not the typical WWE crowd tonight though. Which is in no way a bad thing.
  20. skullman80

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    Sounded like a Motorhead song. A different Motorhead song than his main entrance.
  21. skullman80

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    Yeah..totally badass. Priceless....
  22. skullman80

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    I did. To his credit though he kept the shot for the most part.
  23. skullman80

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    LOL @ Kane acting.
  24. skullman80

    Was SNME a flop??? Ratings are in...

    I just downloaded SNME. From watch I watched (The first 30 minutes and the main event), it was a great show. Why did some people here not like it? After the first match...it went downhill bigtime. I can't remember how long that match was, but that was the only match in the first hour.
  25. skullman80

    WWE Wrestler Salaries

    Military folks get a LOT of perks, though, that makes living a tad easier. They don't get nearly enough as they should though, IMO at least. (No I am not in the military.)