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Everything posted by skullman80

  1. skullman80

    Owen Hart's accident

    I just think its absolutley ludicrous that the show wasn't cancelled after this happened. That just shows the utter lack of respect Vince has for anyone else other than himself.
  2. skullman80

    Great/ Average/ Bad Bands...

    KSE is metalcore. I dig the AOJB and self titled, but hate the newest record. Howard should stick to BHBS. Jesse's vocals were perfect for that band. Shadows fall I love, I don't consider them metalcore, they remind me of old school Metallica circa 1988 or so....
  3. skullman80

    Great/ Average/ Bad Bands...

    Huh? I'm lost by your last comment....
  4. skullman80

    Great/ Average/ Bad Bands...

    Mastadon owns just about any band on the OP's list.... I do dig LOG, one of my favorite bands, although New American Gospel is the best out of the 3 LOG records(not counting the Burn the Priest Album), and they tear shit up live, especially in a smaller setting. I wouldn't consider LOG metalcore though, just straight up metal. Slipknot isn't really metal, I really don't know what to call them. They are terrible, although the self title album wasn't THAT bad....their live show though is just a jumbled mess and does nothing for me.
  5. skullman80

    NHL Thread

    Oh, if you keep him as a #5 or #6 he will probably thrive. Just don't rely on him to log 20+ minutes a game or anything like that. I don't know what happened to his shot on the PP this year either, he was a decent PP QB but not this year, and Gonchar has been worse at times so I don't blame the lack of number on Gonchar putting up massive points, because he hasn't. He had one great year here, but this year he has just been horrid in his own end. LIke I said the whole D has been horrible, but Dicky T was gonna walk at the end of this year since he is UFA, so the Pens tried to get something for him at this point. I hope he does well for your guys, just as I hope Rita may thrive in a different environment, because he should get more ice time than he did in Edmonton.
  6. skullman80

    NHL Thread

    Trust me when I say, Tarnstrom isn't worth diddly squat at this point, I know the Pens didn't get much back for him, but he would have walked as an UFA at the end of this year anyways. He has been horrid in his own end this year, and has not even come close to putting up anywhere near the points he had in 03-04, and has been a healthy scratch a ton this year. As bad as this Pens D is, and trust me it's bad, to be a healthy scratch you have to be horrid. Maybe he will get a jumpstart in Edmonton, just like he did in Pitts a few years back.
  7. skullman80

    NHL Thread

    Here is a tribute video that was played at the Igloo last night(1/25) for Mario. Very well done, and I was at the game and almost teared up...He got about a 5 minute standing ovation afterwards. http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/penguins/v...riothankyou.asx
  8. skullman80

    NHL Thread

    For Who? Tarnstrom has been terrible this year, although to be fair the whole defense have. Tarnstrom is terrible in his own end, and other than in 03-04 hasn't been able to put the puck in the net consistently. Cross is a meh, but Rita is still young and COULD turn out to be something if he is brought along slowly. I think Cross was just thrown in to even up salary anways. The Pens would have gotten nothing for Dicky T after this year anyways since he was a UFA.
  9. skullman80

    NHL Thread

    I think that is another thing that made Mario special, much like Stevie Y he has played his whole career for one team. He lives in Pittsburgh, his kids go to school here, and he loves the city. I think it gives him the quiteness that going back to Montreal or similar wouldn't give him.
  10. skullman80

    NHL Thread

    I wasn't inflating numbers. Like I said I don't like to the play the WHAT IF game, I was just seriously posting my theory. Nothing more nothing less. Hell, I admit I'm biases being a Penguins fan. I have no problem with Gretzky or Orr or Howe or any of those being considered to be better than Lemieux, they are all interchangeable to me. I just feel we, as hockey fans, were cheated out of seeing Lemieux play out a full 21 year career with no injuries or setbacks. I didn't mean to open up a can of worms on the whole number retiring thing, I was just responding to an earlier post saying that Gretz should be retired as it is, but Mario's shouldn't be because he wasn't on that level. I know what I have seen with my two eyes, I will say it again, IMO Lemieux was the most physically gifted player I have ever watched in my life. I feel honored to have seen him in his prime, even if I was very young at that time. So I won't do any more what if's, to me, Mario has impacted me more than anyone else in hockey history, he was someone I looked up to as a kid, and I guess it just sucks to see him go again, and this time KNOW it's for good.
  11. skullman80

    NHL Thread

    I don't mind it for special players/circumstances ... I didn't mind it with Jackie Robinson or Wayne Gretzky, but as awesome as Lemieux is/was, I don't think of him as worthy of a league-wide number retirement. This is what should happen: the teams should unofficially retire 66. Nothing formal, no 66 up in the rafters in all the buildings. Just a simple, unspoken understanding that no one will wear that number again. Lemieux not worthy of league wide retirement? That is ludicrous. I don't like to play the if games, but IF Lemieux was healthy it is not a stretch to say he would be above Gretzky in the record books, at all. He was on a terrible team for about the first 5 years he was in Pittsburgh as well. Lemieux, stats be damned, was the most physically gifted hockey player that I have ever seen put on a pair of skates.(With due respect to Howe, "Rocket" Richard etc since I never saw they play). I know Lemieux wasn't healthy his whole career and he didn't reach Gretz's stats, but IF he was healthy I find it hard to believe he wouldn't have come close if not pass Gretzky in overall points.
  12. skullman80

    NHL Thread

    Huh? When a player has an especially storied career, his team will often display one of his jerseys on the rafters..No other player can wear that jersey number for said team. Gretzky had his retired by the entire league, I suspect they'll follow suit for Mario. Oh I have no doubt Mario's number will be retired. His number was already hung from the rafters at the Igloo from the Pens until he came back in Dec of 2000. I believe until he came back and played it was retired be the league as well, which I am sure it will be done again. I thought King was giving a backhanded shot about the Pens moving.
  13. skullman80

    NHL Thread

  14. skullman80

    NHL Thread

    On Lemieux... As a lifelong Penguins fan... This is a sad day, but not unexpected. I think everyone knew this was coming and is for the best, and has been for a while. Mario has nothing left to prove on the ice or off of it. He should sit back and enjoy life with his family and kids, don't worry about the sport anymore. He was and still is the face of Pittsburgh hockey, and he always will be. He single handedly made people care about hockey in Pittsburgh. He is the reason I picked up a hockey stick and started to play the game when I was a young kid. It's sad to look back and see what COULD have been if he would have been healthy every single year, but I look at the positive and to see what he accomplished throughout is truely remarkable. To the single best player I have ever had the joy of watching, and the reason I follow hockey....Thank you, Le Magnifque, for the memories. I will be there to watch them hoist your jersey banner back up to the rafters at the arena just as I was there when it came back down in 2000. I will still remember the day against the Minnesota North Stars when I was about 7 or 8 that you made two North Star defenders and Jon Casey look like a fool, that was the day that I started to follow hockey and never looked back. Hopefully we will all be lucky to see it raised once again when a new arena is built in downtown Pittsburgh, aptly named "The House That Mario Built" Thanks for the memories, kick back and enjoy life.
  15. skullman80

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    That was a terrible promo to start Raw... Here is hoping that Kane/Carlito can be passable.
  16. skullman80

    Asheville, NC House Show

    Asheville is NC. I've learned my geography lesson for the day
  17. skullman80

    Asheville, NC House Show

    Why would the crowd in SC care about the Panthers when they are based out of North Carolina, unless I am missing something here. I guess Coach assumed all of Carolina (north and south) has an interest in the Carolina Panthers whom are playing in the NFC title game right now. Maybe SC does care about the Panthers, I just figured they wouldn't since they aren't from the same state.
  18. skullman80

    Asheville, NC House Show

    Why would the crowd in SC care about the Panthers when they are based out of North Carolina, unless I am missing something here.
  19. skullman80

    NHL Thread

    I won't even comment on the Pens on ice problems recently, losing 9 in a row. They have been playing tough and losing 1 goal games for the most part, but it's still frustrating. I'm posting more to vent on the off the ice part of the Penguins right now. Not sure if all of you know about the whole arena situation and the Penguins possibly moving or not. Basically the Igloo is the oldest and smallest arena in the NHL that was never even intended to be used for hockey. The Penguins have partnered with the Isle of Capri to apply for Pittsburgh's only gaming license to use to build an arena. If the Pens/IOC get the license they will build a new $290 million dollar arena for free, using not a cent of tax payer money. Basically the IOC will build it as gesture for getting the slots license which allows them to put up a casino in the area. This will also put a 1 billion dollar investment into downtown Pittsburgh that will revitalize much of the downtown area. Sounds great, right? Well here is the thing there are 3 other applicants for the same license, none of which who if awarded will fully fund an arena for the city. One of the groups, Forest City, gave our govenor Ed Rendell campaign money for his election campaign, which in turn could mean the fix is in as the govenor will give them the slot license to repay them so to say. No one else has made their proposal public, many think because they cannot touch what the Penguins are offering. At this point though it may not matter because if the "Fix" is indeed in than the Penguins will move after next season because they cannot keep losing money as they are at the Mellon arena right now. I know that other fans have gone through this....Hartford, Quebec etc. I can't imagine this happening. This team has been here since 1967, and has won 2 cups, and has had the like of Lemieux, Jagr, Coffey, Francis etc where the black and gold. The whole thought of this just depresses me, it dampers my enthusiasm for the great nucleus the Penguins have for the future..Crosby/Malkin/Fleury etc. Just needed to vent on this...sorry for the long post.
  20. skullman80

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    I marked out when it happened. It was a holy shit type moment, because I really thought that they would book Cena to somehow beat Edge even after he had been taken apart in the EC.
  21. skullman80

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    I would normally agree with you, but I think that Cena sold it pretty well and Edge got him better than he normally gets most anyone else.
  22. skullman80

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    That was a retarded ending... Oh wait here comes Vinnie Mac...
  23. skullman80

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    Kane goes 2nd? What kind of ass backward booking is this.
  24. skullman80

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    I bet the crowd dies now...