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Everything posted by skullman80

  1. skullman80

    Madden NFL 08

    The UPS guy must really really hate me.
  2. skullman80

    Madden NFL 08

    The UPS guy must really hate me.
  3. skullman80

    Madden NFL 08

    Just waiting for UPS to drop it off this morning.
  4. skullman80

    Xbox 360

    I was one of the lucky ones though, even with the Pemium that I had owned since launch, I never got the RROD. So hopefully my luck continues.
  5. skullman80

    Xbox 360

    I have no way of knowing if it has the new chip set in there without tearing the thing apart. I just noticed the difference when I fired it up. It was just quieter, it just sounded like it was doing less work. I dunno. Hard to explain.
  6. skullman80

    Xbox 360

    Oops that should read 06-16-07 not 2006. Sorry my mistake...that was a typo.
  7. skullman80

    Xbox 360

    I picked up an Elite today with a mfg date of 6-16-07. Not sure if it has anything new in it, but it does run ALOT quieter, and less hot than my old Premium system did.
  8. skullman80


    Wrestlescale - Results You are central in your beliefs about wrestling. You accept the idea of both old-school and sports entertainment but you are not extreme in either way. You believe that angles and matches are equally important to create a good wrestling product. Most similar booker: Paul Heyman Most similar promotion: ECW 1996 Got any feedback on the poll? We would love to hear it so we can improve the Wrestlescale project. Click here
  9. skullman80

    Spring 2008: Should I buy a 360 or PS3?

    As far as online goes, I think Xbox live is way way better. Yeah you have to pay for it, but you get what you pay for. I think it offers a much better experience.
  10. skullman80

    iPhone and iPod

    So they market this as an internet device, yet it doesn't even have the option to go broadband, it works on AT&T's slower network....what's the point? Just off the top of my head... No MMS messaging(only through email can you send pictures) Non-Removable Battery No IM capable programs No GPS capabilites.. I mean for all this phone CAN do, there is a lot it CANT do, and most of it a PDA can do just as good, and faster.
  11. skullman80

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    No he should be remembered as the cold blooded killer that he is. He's a coward, and he deserves to be remembered as a murderer. If there is a hell, I hope he rots in it. You do understand he killed his wife and his kid, that goes so beyond the scope of wrestling and what he did inside the wrestling ring. That all means nothing now. He's a murderer, and should be treated no differently than anyone else who murdered someone. So why does the NFL still acknowledge OJ and his accomplishments.... Whether I agree with it or not, he was acquitted of all criminal charges in relations to the murders he was charged with. So that would be the reason.
  12. skullman80

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    No he should be remembered as the cold blooded killer that he is. He's a coward, and he deserves to be remembered as a murderer. If there is a hell, I hope he rots in it. You do understand he killed his wife and his kid, that goes so beyond the scope of wrestling and what he did inside the wrestling ring. That all means nothing now. He's a murderer, and should be treated no differently than anyone else who murdered someone.
  13. skullman80

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Absolutely not. There is no justification for celebrating the life of a man who will murder his wife and son and then be a pussy enough to kill himself instead of face the consequences. His wrestling skill means just about as much as O.J. Simpson's football skill has meant for the last 13 years. Chris Benoit is a piece of shit and deserves no celebrations or tributes whatsoever. Bolded for truth.
  14. skullman80

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Benoit is a shameless coward. It kills me to say that about one of my favorite wrestlers too. I don't care if he was roided up or not. He killed his wife and his son, his own flesh and fucking blood. He's a murderer, Period. He's no better than anyone else who has committed murder. Disgusting. If there is a hell, I hope he rots in it.
  15. skullman80

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Wow. Terrible, just terrible. RIP Chris and family.
  16. skullman80

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    I'm starting to worry that he was legit fucked up on that spot. He went totally limp Whoever green lighted that spot..... should have their head checked.
  17. skullman80

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Kennnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddy Wins.
  18. skullman80

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Edge was on a ladder set up between a table and the side of the wrong. Lying flat on it. Jeff went to the top of a latter inside of the ring(20 ft), and jumped off split legged and just crushed Edge. The ladder pretty much broke in half and they both went straight to the floor. Edge looked legit fucked up. Jeff was in bad shape to. No protection and nothing to break the fall at all.
  19. skullman80

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    That spot was fun to watch, but I mean that wasn't necessary no protection for either guy on that.
  20. skullman80

    The OAO Raw Hot Sell for WM 23 (March 26th)

    Maria. Holy christ.....
  21. skullman80

    OAO Raw Thread

    Austin did get a HUGE pop.
  22. skullman80

    OAO Raw Thread For 2/19

    Bolded part is why he is going in the HOF.
  23. skullman80

    OAO Raw Thread For 2/19

    Wasn't is SummerSlam 91 where Hennig and B. Hart had an awesome IC title match? Or am I thinking wrong....
  24. skullman80

    OAO Raw Thread For 2/19

    She is gorgeous minus her man face.
  25. skullman80

    OAO Raw Thread For 2/19

    Mr. Perfect rules...