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Everything posted by therealworldschampion

  1. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    HOLY SHIT they dodged a bullet there. And if OU loses this game, Dama will erupt about that non-pick.
  2. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    Adrian Peterson is going to be a huge star. Mark it down now.
  3. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    And Texas just blew it there
  4. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    Texas NEEDS a score on this drive.
  5. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    On a side note,I overslept because of a power outage early this morning, so I wasn't able to call in my $75 bet on OU for this game. My bet with my stepdad is still on though.
  6. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    I was expecting to miss something big when I got out of the shower 5 mins ago,and I only missed another OU FG.
  7. therealworldschampion

    English hostage Bigley reported killed

    You're a goddamned moron.
  8. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    The Texas defense is saving them right now. If the offense can get anything going, Texas may win this game.
  9. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    That's the last thing Texas needed.
  10. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    If OU loses this game, Dama should off himself......seriously
  11. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    If Texas had an offense,they'd be up 14-0 right now
  12. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    Mack's shitty playcalling reared its head again there
  13. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    Texas needs one big play, like a play action pass to the end zone to really get the momentum.
  14. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    Texas has to start converting in Sooner territory if they're going to win this game, because it seems like Adrian Peterson is going to bust a huge run out at any minute.
  15. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    White throws a pick
  16. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    It won't be the same without Dama on the board for this game, I was expecting Anglesault-like reactions.
  17. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    That's suprising, I thought Musberger and Danielson would be doing this game.
  18. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    Goddamnit OU, I have 75 on you tomorrow with my bookie,and a 50 dollar bet with my stepdad(went to Texas). Dama your boys better not fail me now.
  19. therealworldschampion

    2004 Red River Shootout Thread

    Expect Dama's post count to hit Choken levels tomorrow
  20. therealworldschampion

    Ed Wade's brilliant interviews this week....

  21. therealworldschampion

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

  22. therealworldschampion

    Ed Wade's brilliant interviews this week....

    I wouldn't be suprised if Wade hired a chimpanzee to be the manager to tell you the truth. Hey Rant, wanna trade shitty GMs?? Wade for Bavasi. Come on, you know you want two mediocre relievers at the trade deadline each year.......
  23. therealworldschampion

    The New World Order

    *Yawn*, wake me up when Bush and Cheney reveal the third man.
  24. therealworldschampion

    Ed Wade's brilliant interviews this week....

    Since the Phillies are required to interview a minority candidate, why the hell interview Baylor when they could've interviewed Willie Randolph(they did in 2001) or Cito Gaston? Then I remember, Wade's running the manager search. So it's expected of him to be a complete moron.
  25. therealworldschampion

    Ed Wade's brilliant interviews this week....

    Wade will make a stupid move, hell the Philadelphia Daily News spouted off a ton of names a few days ago.