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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    The commercials don't start playing until the games comes out. (or at least the day before) It's always been like that with WWE games for some reason. It was the same for SDvsRAw, and DOR too.
  2. Exslade ZX

    Superman Onset Photo

    Isn't it only like 10 years after (or before..) the old movies?
  3. Exslade ZX

    Question about black people...

    Well..yea, that's obviously incorrect, but come on...it's just so much easier to say. Souf Carolina...5 syllables. (Or 4 depending on how you pronounce Carolina...). And when you try to say 'South' all proper like stuck up bitches want it said, with you putting extra stress on the 'th' it's pretty much two syllables then. See how much more complicated it is.
  4. Exslade ZX

    Question about black people...

    ...Love your av. >_> So, why do white guys like seeing white women killed? Black guys don't. We just fuck them. OJ excluded.
  5. Exslade ZX

    CAW Help

    The only finishers Heidenreich have ever really used are, as mentioned above, a Bossman Slam type manuever. (although I think he's only done it a few times) and a shoulder breaker. The Godfather type shoulder breaker, which is the one he uses most.
  6. Exslade ZX

    April, 14, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    What are you talking about?.. Probably the color going black & white during the replay of London/Kidman from last week due to the blood. Yes. It's also lame how they have to tone down anything sexual in nature as well. Oh ok, I didn't notice the black & white. If I did, probaly wasn't really paying attention because a lot of video packages are, or they're at least hued in just one color.
  7. Exslade ZX

    April, 14, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    What are you talking about?..
  8. Exslade ZX

    April, 14, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    It led to what you saw tonight..pretty much. He said that Booker T 'showed him the light' although I don't think that's verbatim. But he was going to change the way he did his poems. And I guess that meant...from the hardcore, hatred stuff he was doing to...poems about breaking wind.
  9. Exslade ZX

    April, 14, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    I do. Not for..well the shape or anything (although I like the shape of the front plate) ...or the spinner part of it, but the 'bling bling' . I mean, those diamonds...and the gold charms etc. it was just shiny as hell. May not be the prettiest thing, but it damn sure caught my eye...and in a good way.
  10. Exslade ZX

    Question about black people...

    Ok...so they're holding down the ones under 6'0.
  11. Exslade ZX

    Question about black people...

    The caucasian man is holding us down.
  12. (hell...I don't know which thread to reply too..) But anyways, have you seen Smackdown the last couple weeks/months? And WM? The crowd, and the LOADS of Spinning US title belts in the crowd. I mean, the thing is popular, and in a few short months has been selling like crazy. Probaly not as much as they make it appear, but it's not hard to just look in the crowd and spot a Replica spinning US title belt. I'm sure the case will be the same here.
  13. Exslade ZX

    Question about black people...

    And if all I had was just his statements, yup, he would qualify. Fortunately, he has much, much more than that. Nope. Bush has more than just his words to prove his intellect. The morons who say "axe" tend to have more than just their words to reinforce how sub-moronic they are. -=Mike Can I just say, I find it hard to believe that you say every word in the english language with the correct pronounciation, and the correct 'dialect'. And you're pretty much saying, with everything that comes out of Bush's mouth ('his statements') he sounds like an idiot. But, because he's "much, much more" he's not. And how do you know the people you claim to walk away from when they don't pronounce a word correctly are "much, much more"? You said the people who tend to say "axe" usually have more to reinforce that they are morons. Like what? Their clothing, the fact they eat chicken (just pulling random stereotypes from the thread here). Because I missed the part where the people who can't pronounce all words right (some even doing on purpose...) are automatically morons. Your intelligence is about more then just way you speak, which is what you said about Bush. So what makes you say these people you're talking about are morons? (well...unless of course it's someone you know, and you know for a fact they're a moron, then of course, yea it would be acceptable to call them idiots..but youre making a general statement.)
  14. Exslade ZX

    HHH injured neck, collapses

    How so? I mean, what illegal thing has done that we know of? What has he done that was so 'wrong'? (And I don't mean, wrong to all of you, because you're smarks, and think pretty much everything he does is wrong, but what..literally I guess you could say has he done wrong? "Hold someone down?")
  15. Exslade ZX

    John Cena CD Cover Art

    Ummm...it's the same guy. So the 'original concept' is still technically his, so its still original. Plus what'd you expect? A title that unfolded with a 3D picture of John Cena?
  16. Exslade ZX

    Question about black people...

    Even so, how does mis-pronouncing a word make you appear to be a dumbass as you said? Like Ripper said, it's not like you're changing the word, and actually saying you want to 'axe' someone a question. But it just sounds like acks. So a letter was added, and one was in the wrong place, yes that's deathly more terrible then screwing up one letter in a word. Are people with speech impediments necessarily stupid? If a freakin rocket scientist doesn't pronounce a word right...does it really make him appear any more stupid? If you actually believe that..then wow.
  17. Exslade ZX

    HHH injured neck, collapses

    If the blame goes to anyone (if we're "blaming") it was The Hurricane's fault. It was clear that spot was...different, as usually the person would hold up their opponents legs (like the Hardy's) but for some reason, Hurricane had HHH's whole body elevated, like he was doing a halfway version of...uhh, AMW's finisher. At least it was nothing serious. (well..he was able to come back out) as I dont really like HHH as much as the next guy, but if he went out now, that would be a killer blow to the championship scene for the next month or so.
  18. Exslade ZX

    The real story on the Matt-Lita situation (DOI)

    ....Yet, you keep replying to these threads. And yea, I know that arguement is used a lot, but its' true. You evidently have a disinterest for it, but you take the time to enter, and reply to, a thread about.
  19. Exslade ZX

    Old TV shows you want back on TV

    The old Nickelodean (sp?) shows. (Fox too I think) Shows like, Are you Afraid of the Dark, and Goosebumps, also Eerie Indiana. And there was this other show with a similar concept on the same channels, where I can't remember the name, but it was like, based around a lighthouse I think?
  20. Exslade ZX

    2005 RAW Diva Search?

  21. Exslade ZX

    Matt Hardy released

    ....Proof? When reports came out, they simply said Lita cheated on Matt, aka, she had sex with Edge. How do you know they're still fucking? And who's to say they dont "feel bad"? (Although I don't think I would >_>)
  22. Exslade ZX

    Matt Hardy released

    Not really... Why is everyone pretty much saying this is some deathblow to the WWE? A few people have at least. Matt's been gone for quite a while now, and the WWE's doing just fine. Hell, storyline, and rating-wise it's doing better then it has in a long time. So I don't think the permanent absence of Matt Hardy will do any damage to the WWE.
  23. Exslade ZX


    If you can find it, I suggest the Jet Set Radio Future/Sega GT double pack. JSRF is a freaking amazing game. Got it the other day and played it like crazy, and the cel-shading, as well as the overall environments, and the many characters make for an awesome game. And it was only 3.99. And Sega GT, 2002 of all things, beats pretty much most of the newer racing games I've played, like..SRS, and the Gran Turismo games. (never really liked them, haven't played the newest one though)
  24. Exslade ZX

    Matt Hardy released

    They've been saying that for the last couple of weeks though... Well it's sort of faded out since WM or so, but really there's been plenty of You Screwed Edge/Matt/Lita chants.
  25. Exslade ZX

    Matt Hardy released

    Well, how nice. I guess he should have buried it huh and not let everyone know one of his best friends stabbed him in the back. Let bygones be bygones huh Vince? God, this company has ZERO morals. Exactly. Anyways, when something like that happens to you, WHY would you want to broadcast it to the world? I'm sure WWE wouldn't even really care if he say, told his family, or was pissed and told some of his friends, etc. but, I mean, he posted it on the freakin Internet. (although it would have came out eventually anyways). More then likely, it's because of Matt Hardy, that there are 'You Screwed Lita' chants. And I love how a lot of people, are seemingly taking it personally. And maybe we don't know the whole story. Hell, maybe Matt went off or something, and started making death threats at Edge (doubt it though, but yea, you get the point) None of us really know what happened. As there was a whole discussion about it in the other thread, people cheat, it's a way of life. Well, for a lot of people. And I doubt, 'Edge was rewarded for fucking his friends girlfriend'. He was already in the middle of a push before the whole thing surfaced, so there's no reason for them to punish themselves (which could have been the case had they depushed Edge.)