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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Holy shit...that is a nasty cut.
  2. Exslade ZX

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Man, Leben has just been lighting him up. How has kenny not been opened up yet?
  3. Exslade ZX

    Orton's RAW promo

    Undertaker ASKED for this program with Orton? Where did you hear this? Well actually I can't say for sure that he 'asked for Orton', but a few months back when the reports of the possible Mania match of Snitsky and Heidenreich vs Taker and Kane came about PWtorch and the like were saying that Undertaker was trying to edge his way out of that match, and get into another 'better' match. And I believe (believe) that the reports said he was thinking about having a match with Orton. But maybe it was the other way around, not sure.
  4. Exslade ZX

    Orton's RAW promo

    Oh, I know the fans will shit all over it. But that wouldn't necessarily stop WWE from doing it. The question is which force is mightier: WWE's insane desire to make something out of Orton, or UT's political power? Because you know Mr. Locker Room Leader Respect My Lard Blah Blah Blah ain't happy about the prospect of jobbing for the son of Roddy Piper's boyfriend. I personally think that UT is currently politicking with all his might, so it's not going to happen. Orton gets squashed, but Undertake offers one of those stupid "respect" handshakes that do fuck all for a wrestler's credability. Well he did "politic" to get the match. So maybe he doesn't mind/wants the job to Orton if that will be the case. Ok maybe not, but, it's a possiblity.
  5. Exslade ZX

    Orton's RAW promo

    It is the worst thing that would happen. You can't just put Steven Richards over HHH because the fans wouldn't buy it. He has to earn credibility first, at least enough so that the fans would buy him going over Taker. Trust me, the fans will shit all over it if Orton wins. He has to job clean. Anything else is the wrong decision. Didn't that video package pretty much show Orton had 'credibility'. Whether or not he's been on the losing end the last few months or so. (And the match he lost was a world title match at that) I mean, longest IC title reign, youngest World Champ, etc. the video package showed his career highlights..and in kayfabe...that's more impressive then pretty much the rest of the locker room.
  6. Exslade ZX

    HHH's Raw Promo

    Was I the only one that thought HHH was gonna fall out of the chair? I thought he was gonna do some bit where he fell and the crowd started laughing, ,and he just goes off on them, the way he kept leaning back on it.
  7. Exslade ZX

    Orton's RAW promo

    Neither did the dudleyz putting women through tables, and D-von stuttering. But that got them over for quite a while.
  8. Exslade ZX

    The Inferno II

    Man, this show is great. And this episode made Tonya even hotter, definitely.
  9. Exslade ZX

    Ages of wrestlers

    I thought he debuted when he was 18, think that was in an interview somewhere. Seems to fit. Cheers. 18? Just yesterday I watched WCW Night of Champions (Last Nitro) and that was in the beginning of 2001. 4 years ago. And I'm sure he (and the other dragons too) were in WCW for longer then a year. So I would guess that's not correct.. Edit- ok maybe I was wrong.
  10. Exslade ZX

    London/Chavo match unlikely at WM21

    It certainly wasn't, given that he's of Korean ancestry. Now I admit that the WWE doesn't know that, but hey. Really? Sorry, I just remembered in Japan (And all the time I believe) that they announced him from Tokyo, Japan I believe, so yea, figure he was japanese for real.
  11. Exslade ZX

    London/Chavo match unlikely at WM21

    Why? It's obvious that they've realized that they are both great talents. This is proven by the fact that before, cruiserweights were having what? 3-5 minute matches? Or even shorter squash matches against a heavyweight. Even big matches like Noble vs Mysterio at the Rumble two years ago got like 9 minutes or something. Have you seen how much time they've given them recently? How much more attention is payed to them now? (Mainly London and Akio) (Even if it is on Velocity) They're getting 15-20 minute matches. Just look how long they got in Japan...and I'm sure it wasn't just because Akio is japanese, because well..Look at Funaki and Tajiri's matches. They won, but together they were probaly 10 minutes total. So it's obvious by the fact that another match between the two would be like London/Akio 6? or something like that that they know they can have a great match, that the crowd is actually into. And it's not like the CW title match at WM will really matter...so why wouldnt they? Despite the 'CW conspiracy theory'.
  12. Exslade ZX

    London/Chavo match unlikely at WM21

    Where's the orbital bone? Pretty much no matter where it is..I'm sure they could do something where he's beaten, maybe have someone take him out with a chair to the head before the match and pin him, and that's it. I would say Akio...but yea...London's the #1 contender and it wouldn't make sense for Akio to get a shot first.
  13. Exslade ZX

    Box Office Report

    It's getting negative word of mouth? Every board I've been to, the tag line for the Ring Two threats have been something like 'This movie is awesome!'. Haven't actually been in the threads because I might want to see it, so maybe they're just 'movie marks' or something, but I thought it was getting good reviews..
  14. Exslade ZX

    Box Office Report

    Well, how about I word it like this. "Maybe it was a movie, that was good enough in quality that people wanted to see it" Better? And a movie's quality is all up to a matter of opinion anyways, so most of the time, yes. Usually, and I say 'usually' because a lot of people go and see a movie, and come out saying they hated it, but a lot of the time when people go and see a movie they do so because they think it's 'quality'. And it's usually those movies that gross a lot, that most people think are quality, although most movie buffs and the like hate a lot of them, and consider the public 'stupid'. It's the same deal with smarks, and marks opinions on wrestling.
  15. Exslade ZX

    Box Office Report

    Here's a thought. Maybe it was a good movie. Having seen it, I'd say it was. And seeing the reactions (laughter) of all the people in the packed theater with me, I'd say I wasn't the only one who thought that. You might not like it, but doesn't make it a bad movie. Hell...it seems like it's pretty much beating Be Cool, as that was a 'bomb' of sorts. And since when has there been a rule that black movies aren't supposed to be at No. 1?
  16. Exslade ZX

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Thread

    And they pulled it out of their ass. Because at one point I really thought they were about to lose. But they came back. And, as the announcers said, this time, there is no one that can say it was beecause of calls in their favor.
  17. Exslade ZX

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Thread

    Holy shit...when did Duke start sucking? They were doing good at first.
  18. Exslade ZX

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Thread

    Damn...that 3 by Felton was nice.
  19. Exslade ZX

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Thread

    Heh..but it's gonna be great/weird when the Final four is like a 10 seed, 14 seed, 8 seed, and 11 seed or something crazy like that. Although that won't happen because Duke's getting in. >_>
  20. Exslade ZX

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Thread

    Fucking YES. That simple. The ACC is taking over.
  21. Exslade ZX

    WrestleMania 21 Participants Mania Records

    Weird...just think, the WWE Champion's only win at Wrestlemania was against...Right to Censor. Lol. And it's not looking good for him this year either. And yea, Big Show really is a loser at WM isn't he? And this year he won't even get a real match.
  22. Exslade ZX

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    http://downloads.freehomepages.com/pcpages...ewr/RXEWR33.zip Here's the "official" site. http://www.400softwarestudios.com/invboard...php?act=SC&c=67 Official in quotes because obviously..its the TEW site. But that's still where EWR updates are posted.
  23. Exslade ZX

    Sony fucks up again!

    I've HIGHLY doubt most people buy the game before the system. I am pretty sure there will be a game somewhere for them to buy. Well...I'll just point out, (from another board I go to) Oh, and from the same person, if there is anyone here who is planning on getting a PSP at launch/around launch, his way on how to get the games cheap.
  24. Exslade ZX

    Tyson Tomko gets stitched up

    Ok, I thought it was down but people keep replying. Am I the only one who this isn't working for? Whenever I click, it wont buffer or anything it just says ready.
  25. Exslade ZX

    Sony fucks up again!

    Well these people are stupid. Do they buy the game and say "OMG, look at this package how nice. I can't wait a week for Gamecube to come out and actually play it!!!" How bout you buy the game when, I dunno, the system is out? Yea..so, wait (about one week at that) for the system to come out and buy that, only to find out the game is sold out. And here you are sitting there with a PSP, and nothing to do with it, because you have no games for it. That's smart. I mean, most likely it won't be sold out, but why is it idiotic to get a game one week, then the system the next? Rather then get them both at the same time? (especially when there's a chance by then it might not be there) I mean, it's the same price..so what does it matter? But, the retailer did sell the games with the actual systems, pretty much. Because more then likely the people who bought the games early, will come back and get the system. So it's a win/win situation.