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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. London's head drop. Nah, I say the Lita one was worse then that. One, London had his hand in a position so he was protected...and I still say it was orchestrated.
  2. Awesome...A batista clothesline is a Best of 2004 moment..
  3. DAmn, everytime time I see, and hear the way she lands, it just makes me cringe. How the fuck she got up from that unharmed is amazing.
  4. Lol, love the shameless plugging.
  5. Ummm...that line by King was just...fucked up.
  6. So...the troops in Iraq were treated..to a Hardcore Holly match, yea. But anyways, thoughts on what the number 1 match will be? Most likely the WM ME, but I'm not sure..
  7. Exslade ZX

    GTA: San Andreas

    MY FUCKING SAVE IS GONE!? Yea..has this happened to anyone else? (Who hasn't played that Holiday 2004 demo) I had two diff saves, and the other day I started a new game. Then, yesterday when trying to play my third save...it kept saying load failed. That was the new game so I didn't really care, then, I just deleted it. And now, I just tried to play, and when I started the game...it starts with the opening cutscene!? I then tried to load my second file (The one with EVERYTHING) and it says the same thing that the other one said, and it won't load?? But the first one works..And I dont know why all of a sudden it's just saying Load Failed! Check memory card
  8. Exslade ZX

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    When JBL comes to the ring, you don't see/hear the crowd going 'GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE' pretty much. You can tell when the crowd is genuinely booing someone...as they want them to get the hell off of their television screen, and when the crowd is booing...well because that person is a heel. During a JBL promo, if everyone hated him so, the crowd would pretty much be chewing him out the whole time...but they don't. They usually start to boo or whatever, when, what you can tell is when they're supposed to. He gets the hugest heat when he starts his 'JBL chant'. He gets the crowd to boo, when he uses his 'cheap shots' (which I know some seemingly hate...but, isn't that what a heel should do?) For his promos on SD, you can tell that a better part of the crowd is..well...listening, and they boo when they hear what they don't like, instead of just booing him, and I'm sure that it's not just canned heat, or lowered boos. But it is. At least seemingly. Hate to partake in the 'anti-smark' role that's seemingly going on, but when the arguement is for an IWC favorite (See, Benoit/Eddie) only the good things are picked out...and when it's someone the IWC hates (See JBL/Orton/anyone over 6'3) only the negatives are pointed out...even when the opposing arguement..points out positives. If Eddie were to win the title on SD...and for the next month or two, the buyrates and ratings were bad...and for the sake of arguement...let's say they were worse, so WWE put the title on someone else again. The arguement of most would be that JBL absolutely killed the credibility of the title, or that he turned so many people away from SD. Or, like some have said, that Eddie wasn't booked right. No one would mention anything about it being Eddie's fault. About how some possibly see his gimmick as stale, or that maybe some got tired of his Spanglish promos. (Once again, this is for the sake of arguement as I know it probaly wouldn't be the case..) And that some just...didn't like Eddie and decided not to watch. But no, it would be because JBL killed SD, or because Creative team sucks. You may not 'pick and choose' personally, but for many, that seems to be the case. But hey, I can't 'accuse' anyone of anything because that may not be their purpose, which is why I say 'seemingly'.
  9. Exslade ZX

    Movies that killed a career

    He already has a new movie coming out..(Damn this guy is making big money) But it just looks like Alexander...in a different time to me. Something about some Indians/Native Americans...that my mom calls Pocahontas (that's not the name though) because...well, that's what it looks like.
  10. Exslade ZX

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    But like he said pretty much, fact is, how do you know? How do you know attendance is low, and buyrates are sinking because of JBL? I mean...you can guess that's probaly the reason, but then again, maybe people are tired of the Undertaker. Maybe people are turned away from SD because of Heidenreich. maybe people just aren't able to watch SD, so why should they buy the SD PPV? Not saying that JBL isn't a negative draw, because hey, I know there are some people out there who hate him..and won't order a PPV if he's main eventing. But..to put it all on him, just because he is the champ, just isnt' right. When Benoit, who's supposedly so great, was champion, RAW's rating, and PPV buyrate defintely, still weren't at their best. Even if he wasn't pushed as the greatest...he was champion, so the buyrate/rating all depends on him right? So 'his greatness' alone should have made the buyrates raise like a mother...even if, like Bad Blood, he wasn't pushed as the main event. And this just goes with the above. Maybe some don't like Tough Enough?> (even though it was usally one the higher segments) Maybe people hate the commentary..etc, it can be a number of things, so I don't think saying it's all JBL is justifyable, because it's clear he's doing a good job...even if he is 'Crapshaw'. Who I'm not/wasn't a fan of, but I've liked him in this particular role. And he gets heat from the fans...and not that X-pac heat, so he must be doing something right.
  11. Exslade ZX

    The O.C.

    You should be hit. Olivia Wilde (I think) >>> Samaire Armstrong, in looks. But yea, I know, it's a matter of opinion , but damn this chick is hot, and I can't help but like her character. Although with the previews...it looks like Marissa may be hitting that soon and that sucks. Because, meh, Marissa is the character I least like on the show (well DJ this season) and it seems like whenever she's paired with someone...she just makes them even worse.
  12. Exslade ZX

    NFL Week 15

    AWESOME...way to win for the Vikings.
  13. Exslade ZX

    Suprnova and Torrentbits shut down

  14. Exslade ZX

    What a difference a year makes!

    But actually...yes, it is. I don't see how someone can say it's not. There are many stories that can be pulled from what's going on now for WM. And just look at the initial post, in a way..while it's not good that they really don't have a sure direction, for WM yet, one thing I have seened complained about on so many message boards, is that WWE is so damn predictable. Well, Loss' post says it's not. And it isn't. We cant' even say that HHH will be going over, because we don't know. This years 'crapfest' has a lot of build sort of, I mean, Edge for instance. I have a feeling he may have the/one of the biggest nights. Or at least in the next few months building to it. Then of course you have HHH, and all of his enemies. (Benoit, Orton, Jericho, 'Batista'.) And the question could be...who's going to face him? Or, when it is clear, will that person be able to beat him? Then on the SD side, JBL. Two ways to look at it, can he be beaten? or can he win without cheating? Either way. Where will the US title be come WM? Now..I'm not saying it's better then last year of course, because yea...that's a matter of opinion, but I honestly don't believe that saying that it really has/will have, no build is correct.
  15. Exslade ZX

    WMP Problems

    Meh...like an idiot, I downloaded it too. Should have just kept 9. But rahter then start a new thread..I have a question. How in the heck can you change the color!? It's just bright blue, and it looks retarded. (And I don't mean skin..I don't really like using skins, but how do I change the background color for instance, if there's anyone with it that knows.)
  16. Exslade ZX

    EA signs a 5 year exclusive deal with NFL

    But GTA isn't exclusive to PS2. And, how would THQ be a monopoly with WWE games? I doubt there'd ever be a chance of having like...3 different WWE games, like you could do with basketball/football etc. It's just...blah.
  17. God I hate the whole, ,make blood greyscale thing. Espeecially when it happens on SD live they don't do it, so it shouldn't be a problem. But damn...that's definitely the definition of a stiff kick.
  18. ....So are they like...showing this whole match or something..?
  19. Ok...what the hell is this? Lol, I mean like...is this some sort of old story/children's book that's being made? Is it not really...a kids movie, but sort of is, kind of gives me that Jumanji feel. I just...hadn't heard much about it before. When I first saw the commercials...I thought it just looked stupid as hell..but now, for some reason, I have the urge to want to go and see it. Even though...I don't even really know what it's about. Even after watching, most of the 'Making the movie' thing on MTV. So umm..I guess, discussion about this movie..should go here :/
  20. Exslade ZX

    The Amazing Race 6

    Bad thing is...she's ugly. (At least on this show, and well...she's not really a looker in those pics either). Make up, and Photoshopping, etc. can do a lot for a person.
  21. Exslade ZX

    Which WWE wrestlers smoke?

    Well..with all the fucked up questions, here's a great one.. Which wrestlers fart in the ring? >_>
  22. Exslade ZX

    Raw Thread 12. 13. 2004

    Because Jericho was not in the world title picture. What would him pinning Jericho have done? Nothing. Him pinning Benoit, meant...he beat one of the championship contenders, which in a way made him one.
  23. Exslade ZX

    Raw Thread 12. 13. 2004

    I dunno either, but I predict HHH, Batista, Edge, Orton, and Benoit in the final five.
  24. Exslade ZX

    Raw Thread 12. 13. 2004

    Most tournaments don't have the matches all take place in one night... yea, I'm aware that is the case sometimes, but it could also be like how they did the KotR qualifying matches, with matches each week on RAW. Then there's no problem with 'getting blown up'.
  25. Exslade ZX

    NFL Week 14

    Lol...cheerleader gets drilled by Owens. Shouldn't be funny...but it was.