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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    The Biggest Loser

    Sadly..this is a 'guilty pleasure' I guess of mine... lol. Unlike you, when I saw the commercials, I thought the premise behind it was...well pretty stupid. But turned to it once when nothing else was really on, and couldn't help but keep watching. The show actually is, in an odd way interesting. Although, like you said, it probaly should be more about keeping it off, rather then what you lose that week, because...that's really not that hard. For wrestling, if I wanted to I could gain 10 lbs in a day, or lose 10 lbs in a day to make weight...but fact is, in a day or two I'd be back to my set weight.
  2. Exslade ZX

    Shannon Moore's

    Ummmm...wow, the harshness. It actually didn't look that bad when he actually wore it out to the ring, although it was seemingly supposed tto have been a 'joke type thing'. Hell, Legion of Doom wore spikes, and had mohawks, sure that wasn't considered a gay look though. Yes, I know, his is a little more 'extreme', but meh >_>
  3. Exslade ZX

    Features you would like to see

    So you would buy a game that looks like SD Vr Raw and plays like WCW Nitro or even WCW Thunder? I thought they had the same gameplay?.. And no.. , yes, I know I worded my response wrong..but whatever. What I mean is, I'd buy a game that looks like SDvsRAW...and plays like SDvsRAW. I already knew SD had decent gameplay, and when I saw the newer graphics, that just made me want it even more. SD's gameplay isn't bad...but there's a lot of people that say it is. Or if it's not that...they're complaining about season mode or something, evidently forgetting that most of the other games didn't even have..a season mode. And when like...SYM came out, there was a bunch of complaining about the use of WWE storylines, and a lot felt that THQ/Yukes whatever..should be coming up with their own storylines. Well...they did and now we have a shitload of diva stuff because last year there was complaining about divas not playing a big enough roll. IMO, some of the complaints are what make the next game worse. (even though..I do actually enjoy the season mode.. )Because when Yukes finally does add whatever in...people realize they didn't really want that...and then complain for the next full year. And thinking about your question, if it played like Thunder..I don't know. I probaly wouldn't buy it, but I probaly would try to get it. So, it plays sucky, doesn't change the fact that if I wanted to I could have Chris Benoit vs chris Jericho at WMXXI. Or a Eddie/Kurt HIAC or something. Sometimes I even do go back and play WCW Thunder or Mayhem or something when I'm in a 'WCW mood'. So I probaly would still get it..
  4. Exslade ZX

    GTA: San Andreas

    I got stucked twice. Last mission. I died after Los Deperados. TWIIICCEEE. TWICE. I got to it fucking TWICE because of my stupid peice of shit friend. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I can't beat it now. So, basically, im not beating this game. I'm pissed about it. ..Can you explain what you're talking about? I'm gathering from that...that you weren't able to do it, because of a cheat? or something...Using cheats will not stop you from completing the game...so yea...?
  5. Exslade ZX

    Features you would like to see

    Most 'smarks' will say yes oddly enough...so asking here probaly won't get your best response. But...there is also a huge majority who will asy hell no. They want to see the graphics updated. I'm one of those people...When I saw that they made them a lot better then HCTP...I couldn't wait to get SDvsRAW...even if just for the graphics.
  6. Exslade ZX

    Championship question

    If the title lineage shouldn't be taken seriously, then why should the title itself be taken seriously ? If they don't care about a title, why should I, a paying customer, care about it enough to want to pay to see it defended ? That's not really the reason given anymore as to why people should buy a PPV anyways...so yea. It's usually, buy this PPV if you want to see 'so and so beat so and so's ass'. Occasionally...you could add, 'for the title' on the end of that, but most of the time, it's just the former.
  7. Exslade ZX

    Shannon Moore's

    He's only had for around 3 weeks or so I believe.
  8. Exslade ZX

    Championship question

    IMO, right now SD is better. Raw is beyond stale. But this storyline they have going on right now involving the World title looks promising. But...(At least IMO) 'Better show' and 'A show' are two different things.
  9. Exslade ZX

    This Week in the NBA

    ...Shaq is kick people's ass tonight...and it's awesome and funny
  10. Exslade ZX

    Impact 11/12/04 SPOILERS

    Lol...Scott Hall goes 'We're not live so you can do whatever you want' basically...and they show all this anyways...lol, all they had to do was cut some and there wouldn't have been as much complaining.
  11. Exslade ZX

    GTA: San Andreas

    Using cheats..will not corrupt your game file or anything like that though...so there's no point. Plus...I believe you can even still get 100% so there's no danger in cheats.. At least not ones like 'Wanted Level, and Health'. I've used them, I've also completed the story, as well as I'm on my way to 100%. Don't know about all the other cheats though, but I don't believe the basic ones do any harm...
  12. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Even though yea...it was only like 2 or 3 posts up. But yea.. And you do it in exhibition.
  13. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    Damn...if they don't look like some Power Rangers. I mean..a gang >_>
  14. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    Lol...they just happen to be sitting around at a RAW set on a Thursday Night. >_>
  15. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    How the fuck did this happen..? JBL just made me realize...he's turned himself into a credible champion . When he went through the list of all the things that has happened, etc.
  16. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Challenges have to be done with One player I think. That's probably the reason.... (they must have thought 2 player challenges would be too fun) No, HE's playing. I'm on the 'net tryin to figure this ish out! You have to meet the set requirements. For instance...difficulty, if it says you have to be on hard..it has to be on hard, if it says normal, it has to be normal, etc. Also, you have to have the match rules set to default, as the challenges say. And you can only have the amount of finisher it says you can have...and most of them say 0.So just look at the requirements...and set it like that.
  17. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    lol...Tazz made that awesome. 'HE'S SMILING AT ME!!!'
  18. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    It's because everyone complained last year about the divas not having a place in HCTP. ...I mean seriously, who the hell was complaining? Figured people would be happy. And I can still remember the report coming out from THQ saying next year they'd make an emphasis on the divas... and damnit, they did...
  19. Exslade ZX

    Holy SHIT

    Why didn't you just...you know...delete some stuff? Even though you said you didn't want to get rid of them..evidently you still had some of those movies or something up there? So why didn't you just watch them...then delete them? That would have freed up space..
  20. Exslade ZX

    Smallville Season 4 Thread

    WOW...I don't know if there's really much else to say. Great episode definitely. Had me 'stunned' if that's the correct word. But...even Clark's hair has superpowers!
  21. Exslade ZX

    OAO Best Damned Wrestling Event Ever Thread

    Meh...I'm glad it's coming on at 11 here. With shows such as Smallville coming on, definitely wouldn't miss that for this.
  22. Exslade ZX

    Savage already gone from TNA

  23. Exslade ZX

    GTA: San Andreas

  24. Exslade ZX

    TNA's next PPV: Turning Point

    Just a quick question...who was is it in the vids that says they competed in the olympics?
  25. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Bunch of good CAW's here http://tomrice.proboards26.com/index.cgi?b...eations&start=0 There's a Snitsky...that with a little tweaking on your own, is PERFECT. (Although his pants...stretch :s lol)