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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    The OaO WWE Raw thread (8/25/2008)

    Well you can miss half a match, and not really miss anything important...
  2. Exslade ZX

    The OaO WWE Raw thread (8/25/2008)

    Cena's injury could be Jericho's in to the match, considering they just mentioned. Seeing how I really don't expect the Jericho/Michaels blowoff at a throwaway like Unforgiven.
  3. Exslade ZX

    Big Brother 10

    Pretty cool behind the scenes of the Big Brother house. http://www.cbs.com/primetime/big_brother/v...s&play=true I never realized there were manned cameras behind the mirrors. I just assumed every mirror had a camera. Sort of creepy when you think about it, you're looking in the mirror and there's a guy 2 feet of way staring at you. But hey, that's BB.
  4. Exslade ZX

    Big Brother 10

    Yea admittedly it's gotten him this far, and probably will get him further, he has to know in the end, a lot of people usually vote on 'how well someone's gameplay' was. His only saving grace will be if he gets to the Final 2, and when he gets his chance to speak, he comes right out and say, "I played a very weak game on purpose." Otherwise he's screwed. Lol, Memphis looked pissed.
  5. Exslade ZX

    Big Brother 10

    I wonder if Dan realizes that his admitting those were fake tears over the letter from his girlfriend, is probably a big slap in the face to her lol.
  6. Exslade ZX

    2008 Summer Olympics

    Saw this posted elsewhere and thought it was pretty funny.
  7. Exslade ZX

    Big Brother 10

  8. Exslade ZX

    2008 Summer Olympics

    May and Walsh, in white, in the rain? Hot.
  9. Exslade ZX

    Comic Request thread

    Green Arrow's reaction on that cover is priceless. And Hal....what a dick.
  10. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    I'll never understand why they always job the hometown star.
  11. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Kane's been reading the dictionary. "Figuratively eviscerated" nice. He probably should have brushed his teeth before coming out though >_>.
  12. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Uh oh, Kane's menacing. He's got his own backstage music now.
  13. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    What the hell has D'lo done to earn a title shot?
  14. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Yea, if they were smart, they'd just sit out for the match. Wait till the last minute, knock someone out with a ringbell or something. Since, with the rules as they are, a DQ wouldn't really be anything against you. And then pin the last couple of seconds.
  15. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    And you were saying what, about too many title reigns?
  16. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Even if he didn't, for reasons on his own, the "from Chicago, Illinois" part of his introduction would. Point being, no matter what, his reaction will probably be pretty damn good.
  17. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    I see Batista's just a little too hyped up. And nice coverup by Michael Cole there lol. Unless he really was just supposed to be selling the knee. And WTF is up with those clowns?
  18. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Awww man, even though I enjoy Jericho, I like others, was hoping Punk would come out first.
  19. Exslade ZX

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    I always thought you pressed the buttons alternatively. Does doing it at the same time work better?
  20. Exslade ZX

    Desert Island Draft, Comics Edition

    For my last pick, I'm going with The Boys This is sort of a blind pick for me, as I don't know how good or bad the series has become. I was only able to catch the first few issues, and I loved the mature nature of them, and the story overall was entertaining to me. It helped that when they said they were going to crush someone's skull...they showed it. And hopefully, it's only gone higher from the first few issues.
  21. Exslade ZX

    2008 Summer Olympics

    I know it's been said previously, but watching this awards ceremony, there's no way the 'women' on the Chinese team are 16. Maybe one or two of them, but as for the rest, yea right. Even standing on the gold medal podium, they're still shorter then the other two teams. Which I know is a trait of a lot of Chinese, but even if the face they look mighty young. Not that I think it should matter, but if that's the rule, that's the rule. Although they supposedly are 16. If they are really....they sure do mature slowly in China.
  22. Exslade ZX

    WWE Raw (8/11/2008)

    Well, that was a pretty interesting turn.
  23. Exslade ZX

    2008 Summer Olympics

    The recovery at 2:22 is pretty sweet.
  24. Exslade ZX

    New Soul Calibur IV characters announced

    Then I noticed that to create a new character, you pretty much have to randomize something to start with, which sucks because I'd rather have a vanilla character to built upon, rather than keep randomizing to come up with something that isn't so far off/terrible looking and loaded with crap.. Just randomize his one, and remove all of their clothes to start with, as that's pretty much the same thing.It's a lot easier to create what you're looking for without clothes already on.
  25. Exslade ZX

    Desert Island Draft, Comics Edition

    For my next two picks, I'm going woth books I have yet to actually read. Or finish reading rather. Fables I've read about the first 15-20 issues of this, which were good and for some reason stopped, and I've only heard good things since, so, if I'm on a desert island why not catch up with something good I haven't read yet? The same goes for Birds of Prey With this, unlike Fables, I've read the first few issues, skipped a few, read again, rinse, repeat. And I would like to read what's gone on since OYL, which I haven't had a chance to really catch up on.