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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    An OAO SmackDown Thread for 9/30/04

    ...After seeing it in it's entireity...IMO it's fucking awesome... It's a good change to me.. And I get it, they just needed a new intro for the next Smackdown game!
  2. Exslade ZX

    Smallville Season 4 Thread

    ...You've yet to notice there are no 'cementary people'? That can be noticed by all the fights, etc. that have taken place at the cemetary and no one ever shows up... And the cops in Smallville only visit the Kent Farm... and the Talon but that's now closed.
  3. Well...that's because he was a face...
  4. Exslade ZX

    Laguna Beach...

    I seriously, would say that I'm 100% sure that this show is scripted. There's no way I can prove that...so I'm not , but still, there's no way this it's reality tv. I mean come on, you were given a chance to have a tv show follow the life of you and your friends...that can happen, but now, are you really gonna get the show to also be centered around 'Your most hated enemy' which was what one of the girls was to the 'main character'. Or are you going to "outwardly say in front of the camera" when you're about to do something illegal? If it was a tape that you and your friends were making or something..probaly, but if it's something that will be on TV, you usually would keep hush about it. I watched the show for a while...and it just didn't even seem...'real' to me.
  5. , you are like dead center in the camera, (taped it) so yea saw you (Y). Damn, you had good seats.
  6. Or, that was her job. And it worked to perfection because she's a "top heel"
  7. Exslade ZX

    Major Miscommunications With RAW

    No, but it's commonly used in any sport. In the fashion that's being complained about at least, it's used like that all the time. Even in football...'That's right, we're gonna kill yall!' or something like that. But everyone doesn't go, "OMG!! 'insert random dead football player here' reference! Let's make a fuss about it!'
  8. Exslade ZX


    Heh, heh...alrriiiggghhhttt. [/Family Guy]
  9. Two perfect explanations why she's still around...and'll probaly stay around. While it's not 'good' for the WWE...one less viewer for maybe 10 minutes isn't really gonna hurt them. And also, evidently it did spark enough interest in you to enter a thread about it and 'talk about it' (whether it's good or bad). And before anyone goes on the 'it's not just him/me' most of the time, that's bs...there are so MANY people that say the same thing "oh shit...bathroom break" etc...and two minutes later they are complaining, 'damn that was a stuped segment' or something to that effect. Evidently they didn't really change the channel or go the bathroom if they're talking about it seconds later before anyone else even mentions what happened.
  10. Except face Randy Orton never gets the crowd to their feet every time (or any time) he comes out to the ring for a match/interview. Ok, so you're saying, he may get a good reaction...but the crowd (that you can see) isn't standing up, so it's not a good reaction? It's known that I'm an Orton fan, but if I'm in the first few rows, and he is very clear in view, what reason do I have to stand up? Even though I'm a big fan...I probaly wouldn't take the time to stand up...for anybody, if I can see them just as clearly sitting down, but I'll cheer. So most of the front row won't stand up, (hell, they didn't even for HBK which seems to be your 'opposing person') Does that mean the rest of the arena didn't? No, it doesn't. Hell, all we ever really see is the first few rows.
  11. Ahhhh..so now he was cheered last night? Just last night, everyone was trying to say he got no pops at all. And that's the case with Orton. He gets pops. People say he doesn't. Simple as that. The only time..that Orton (since turning face) hasn't really gotten a good reaction...is when his new music first debuted and it seemed like it was a 'WTF' notion when people heard it...but hey, when he came out, he was cheered once more. But I'm sure next week...he'll get a pop, but of course you will have 10+ people saying he didn't get a reaction...either that or it was a 'silent reaction'. That can be said for anyone who's been given a push. I could just as easily say Bret Hart was crammed down our throats. Or that the Rock was crammed down our throats. Or Austin, or Angle, anyone almost..
  12. Exslade ZX

    Most memorable/bizarre video game manuals

    Def Jam Fight for New York's manual...>_> The things like 2 pages.
  13. What was worse was JR feeling like he had to tell us that Val is a superstar. As for Orton.Over?Not Over?He's still green and sucks. But...if he is still green, and does in fact suck, and is still over. Then you know something's being done right.
  14. Exslade ZX

    Major Miscommunications With RAW

    BUT...(and this is neither helping, nor hurting the 'WWE's case'...the angle as a whole is 'tasteless', but it's still "all in good fun in ways". I mean, whereever Gene first hit Kane with the chair and 'killed the baby' didn't go into a frenzy, because 'hey, some other chicks in this town have lost babies before'. And also, when that happened, everyone didn't go 'OMG a reference to Owen!'...and why, just because they weren't in that arena? IF you're going to be...'offended' by that I guess...then you should always feel offended by that, and anytime someone ever in the WWE says kill...it automatically reverts back to Owen. That's not the case though, so why is it any different when you're in KC? Just because that's where it happened...?
  15. Exslade ZX

    Major Miscommunications With RAW

    This is only a short rebuttal, but have you never heard of a 'smark' before. (yea that's hypothetical) But really...that's all 90% of smarks do.
  16. Carmella should have won the damn thing. She'd significantly better looking than and far less annoying than Christy. If you want to go with that reasoning, then Joy should have won, and Carmella should have still lost. Joy was no prize either. Maria should have won. Carmella number 2. ...Maria had facial hair.
  17. Corrected. As I pointed out, it's clear that it's more then just 'females'. Hell, ,I have seen NO (ok, maybe one or two) females with signs in the crowds...most of the time 'they're so busy screaming for Orton I guess'...but, it just so happens that there are signs all over the arena. (plants, yea right, I actually know people who root for the guy), and if women arent holding them..oh damn, there's only one more sex left isn't it? Damn, I missed it when HHH got a tan, cut his hair, died it black, and put on yellow tights. The main event for tonight was not Orton vs HHH. So that is disproved. And to my knowledge, Chris Benoit and HHH are two different people. And when orton went up against Benoit, he got a good reaction, hell...when he went up against frickin Edge he got a good reaction.
  18. Exslade ZX

    Lively Discussion 9-27-04

    Personally, I think it's the same as it's always been really, people just now have a 'certain thing they want'...and evidently feel they're not gonna get it from Heat. Hell, they feel the same way about RAW as a lot only watch it to get a 'new set of jokes for next week'. I tape wrestling...and on an older tape I have a Heat, and it's the one where the RTC angle begins to unfold as it's main evented by Stevie Richards vs Godfather...and Bull debuts for the first time in his RTC gear. Yea that was a 'storyline'...and something I think would be involved in what you call a 'decent show' but what else happened on the show? Clips from RAW. And like 2 matches....and hey, that's just like now. They put on bad matches and people complain about the crap matches and say it's just a clip show', and when they put on good matches (Such as putting Benoit on heat, even if it is Benoit) everyone sees it as a problem. IMO, Heat recently has been doing as good as it always has, a few good matches and a rundown of what happened on RAw. That's just about how it's always been. I'd just agree on the fact that they need to advertise Heat again. I mean, if you're going to have Benoit on heat as least say 'This week, Beniot on heat' otherwise the desired change won't happen.
  19. Sorry, but Orton got huge pops. Then so did Angle last year and in 2001. Roughly the same reaction, and I think it's fair to say that the company considered those runs bombs (as did most people). Bomb or not...everyone's arguement about Orton, is that he's not over. (And by everyone I mean some >_>) And it's very clear that he in fact is. Hell..I'll say I don't really like this Orton as a face character, I enjoyed him a hell of a lot more as a heel. But don't say he's getting a 'silent reaction' (which there's no such thing by the way...because if it was silent...it wouldn't be a reaction) when the crowds actually popping for him. Even if his title run wasn't that great.
  20. Exslade ZX

    NFL Week 3

    Damn...that was a beautiful sidestep/juke by Brunell to get the touchdown pass.
  21. Or Shelton. Hell...they've actually even built that up great. While yea..Benoit doesn't really have a match right now either, neither does Shelton. And Shelton is the one with the sort of 'feud' with HHH where he's beaten him time after time, and the last time (tonight) he was cheated, so he has reason enough to have another match. But...the exact same thing goes for Benoit so it could go either way...but IMO the most sense would probaly be Shelton...because it doesn't even seem a Benoit has even thought about Trips in recent weeks. (yea, I know its not his fault). EDIt- "George Bush (during the Foley/Bradshaw debate commercial)"
  22. Exslade ZX

    Major Miscommunications With RAW

    Yea...so they intentionally made a remark to 'get at Owen'. [/sarcasm] I don't really see a big deal in this, but that's just me I guess. "Worse has happened"
  23. Exslade ZX

    NFL Week 3

    Damn...and a beautiful play by the Cowboys, a touchdown throw...by Richie Anderson.
  24. Take it Flairs about to beat the shit out of orton.
  25. I thought the exact same thing.