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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Well..what'd you all think would be included? Not everyone has the internet...or if they do, not all read up on wrestling. So they have to find out somehow..
  2. I bet now people are gonna complain that he's in the main event. Something like the other guys in the ring 'will bring him down' or something like that. >_> And as for Nidia...I'd do her. And even before the implants.
  3. Exslade ZX

    The OaO 9/19 HeAT thread

    Figured I start one...just because, there are some who do watch it. Actually started out with 'The number one heat match' tonight, Mack/Venis with Mack wearing some new tights, I think. (with a gun) match ends with "The Ghetto Blaster" and Jazz and Mack showing..what looks like charisma.
  4. Yea, even though the winner will be a mainstay for quite a while probaly.
  5. Exslade ZX

    I hadda party Friday...

    If that's sweat..it must really smell like shit... Pic full of girls...and you point out the beer and vodka...
  6. Exslade ZX

    Make a statement

    No, I don't believe so. I know everyone looks at Rob Conway in that 'Chris Benoit way' aka smark favorite, but I've never really enjoyed him, well that would be going to far, but there's no way in hell I can see him, or ever could see him as being a main eventer. I dont' even know if I could picture him with the IC title around his waist. He's good in the ring, yes, ,but I still don't really get the thought of 'damn that was a hell of a match' after his matches, even the one he had with Benoit. I picture him as a tag wrestler..holding the tag title like he is, possibly a different partner and gimmick, but no, I don't think he'd make a better champion then Orton. Or even Edge. EDIT- and yes, I've seen some preWWE stuff. Statement: Jericho should keep the IC title for a while...or lose it soon.
  7. Exslade ZX

    WWE concerned over Raw rating

    But his match with Edge turned out to be pretty damn good, and even many Orton haters admitted 'it wasn't horrible' as they would probaly put it. So if neither man can carry someone, who carried the other in that match? Exactly, it's not that ORton can only have good matches with good people, evidently it's just that he has 'good days and bad days', and don't forget people only like to point out the bad in his matches. Jericho botches a move, you hear nothing about it, Orton botches a move it's in at least five people's sigs. (exaggerating, so sue me ) Of course Orton isn't the greatest wrestler, but the thing is, look at him a few years ago, look at him now, a huge difference, in ring wise, promo wise, everything. He still has time to grow. Granted, that seeing as that's true, putting the title on him was stupid, so now when he has his 'big win/title reign' it wont' be as important, but come on, there have been worse champs. And he was only a transitional champ as we now see.
  8. Exslade ZX

    Why is it I can watch crappy wrestling

    This I can never understand either. (I for one don't) But I ask, just about everyone complains about RAW every week now, and SD, and PPVs and just about everything about the WWE. They talk about how their long time fans and all of that...and now WWE is crap, and they're saying F them or something like that, but it's just like..come on, you've been a fan all your life? Have you not seen the older CRAP. Which was what a lot of it was. And yet, a lot of stuff that comes on today..that's better, people seemingly think it's 'crap'. Also they talk about how they like the old school style so much (this is just in general) and then, if two people do decide to work a slower paced...old style sort of wrestling match, people shit on it, or it 'wasn't exciting/good enough'. And IMO not only for the wrestling, but the angles and stuff. People complain about a retard being in wrestling (which could be possible) but then look back, and smile when they picture, a fuckin dude in a bull (I think that's what it was) suit. I for one am not really entertained by classic wrestling much, because, even though I know this isn't what it is, all that registers in my mind is 'chop, punch, DDT, possibly a dropkick, repeat'. And minus your occasional finisher, which most consisted of one of the things I listed, those were 'high spots'.
  9. Exslade ZX

    Funny Fable joke from some guy's sig.

    Lol, I was gonna post the same thing earlier, because neither do I really... Or maybe I do, if it means the fact you can walk around without an outfit on in the game....but even then, you're still not naked.
  10. Exslade ZX

    Dave Meltzer's Unforgiven Review

    Because HHH/Orton is inevitable, and Orton is miles better as a heel. I mean, we all know how bad HHH can be, but I honestly believe that HHH could have made a successful face turn. I mean, on the night they turned, could have had like Evo celebrating and HHH looking kind of 'down' the fake smile or whatever, and have rest of Evo just beat the shit out of him. With proper development, the fans could actually have gotten behind him on his own...
  11. Exslade ZX

    The OaO 9/19 HeAT thread

    That was actually a good match, and a nice ending.
  12. Exslade ZX

    New Smackdown GM?

    Ummm..no, he looks like Ed Ferrara :/
  13. Exslade ZX

    The OaO 9/19 HeAT thread

    Six Man Tag match now official (for as much as that's worth on RAW) for tomorrow night. Evolution vs. Orton, Benoit, & Benjamin
  14. Exslade ZX

    The OaO 9/19 HeAT thread

    ...Well...Joy might be back.
  15. Exslade ZX

    Charlie Haas and Jackie Gayda get engaged

    I dunno, does it? I've heard it pronounced both 'Boo-cock' and 'boo-cock-ee' one of which does rhyme, so I dunno, which is correct?
  16. Exslade ZX

    NFL Week 2 Sunday Discussion

    Ok, just a quick question about the Raider's field. (I believe it's theirs) In the short clip they showed of the Raiders/Bills game, what the hell is up with the huge baseballfieldlike (yes made up word) dirt patch in the center of the field? Is it like in teh shape of the logo or something and they didn't paint it like most others did or what?
  17. Exslade ZX

    WWE concerned over Raw rating

    And the stunner when you think about it, is just you falling on your ass. That looks stupid, but doesn't change the fact it's a wrestling move. Most wrestling moves do look stupid. Does the Rock's little shuffle before his people's elbow not look stupid as hell? And obviously you've never been choked, but even logic should let you know between, someone putting their arms around your neck, and someone putting there arms around your neck and squeezing hard as hell as well as turning to the side basically cutting off all air, which hurts more.
  18. Exslade ZX

    WWE concerned over Raw rating

    No, this isn't just my RKO markism , but anyways, I have to say BS to that. For instance RAW the other day. When Christian puts on a resthold...what does he do? He sits there...basically it just looked like he was holding Jericho up...not trying to choke him out or anything...but he was just sitting there. And his arms happened to be around Jericho's neck. EVERY time, Orton puts on his 'restholds' the one thing that makes it a believeable move is the fact he tries to make it looks like it hurts. He 'wrenches' the neck as he has it on, the way a hold should be. Perfect example is teh one he did to Benoit where he was kind of going around in circles while holding it. Restholds are supposed to 'hurt' so why not make it look like it hurts? So once again as for the quoted statement I say BS.
  19. Exslade ZX

    Velocity Preview

    It was pretty good, of course. They teased London doing the shooting star press, as he set Yang up in the corner for it, but never got teh chance, and the commentators went on about how it was an 'FU' (not in those words) to Billy Kidman. And as for the Eddie/Reigns thing...I actually don't think it will be that bet. As has been said, he's not that bad, one of the better big men in recent memory, which surprised me, I mean come on...his name was Horshu. And most big guys are even better when they go against smaller guys..and you know Eddie's gonna bump like hell, so it probaly will turn out to be a good match.
  20. Exslade ZX

    Viscera speaks his mind.

    Actually I don't believe it was. It was a double handed chokeslam, More of an 'Albert Bomb'. It was pretty decent, but he just couldn't get up after it for a few moments.
  21. Exslade ZX

    Velocity Preview

    Who the fuck? It's Gene snisky's daddy! Kidding..but damn that was a nasty bump.
  22. Exslade ZX

    Velocity Preview

    That's my guess as to why he didn't do it. He'll probaly debut it on SD. But for those who see it, but would probaly miss SD, maybe it's an incentive.
  23. Exslade ZX

    Velocity Preview

    They're teasing London getting ready to use the SSP as his finisher!