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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    Impact *SPOILERS*

    I don't know about the rest of Impact yet..of course..but that first match was awesome. EVen though it wasn't that long. The two hit some nice spots...and that throw into the turnbuckle looked nasty. As well as the 'Tiger Suplex' into the styles Clash...so that gets a high rating from me.
  2. Exslade ZX

    Chyna on Howard Stern

    Pac looks like more of a chick in that pic...then well most of the current divas do now lmao. And.. No one's forcing you to watch it if she does. Some thinks she's hot...or otherwise her playboy wouldn't have done well.
  3. Exslade ZX

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    Berman doing sportscenter is in the PS2 version... And it's bad ass at that...it's actually cool that you can see what happens in the other, simmed games.
  4. Exslade ZX

    7/22 Smackdown Thread..

    I have no problem with Cena. He delivers his lines crisply and knows how to get the crowd on his side. While true...am I the only one who heard completely different tonight? He got a good enough entrance pop...but his rap got no response really. Especially compared to normal. It was just quiet...although you could hear a few people shout random things. You shouldn't be able to hear one person shout something... It seemed like the last line was the thing that got the biggest pop..and that's about it.
  5. Exslade ZX

    Break it down!

    I actually wouldn't mind seeing a Xpac/Batista match/feud. Xpac could come back trying to convince Batista that he's nothing but HHH's lackey or something. Like he was at a time. And Batista just ignores him...beat the hell out of him...and so on. Another person added to Batista's list of ass kickings.
  6. Exslade ZX

    The best moves or plays in video games

    The Candian Destroyer!!!! Yea..seriously. Picked up the Ultimate Muscle game yesterday..and one of the moves in the game is the Canadian Destroyer. Not by that name, but the move is, ,and I was just like holy shit that's awesome. Because after seeing that the first time that's one of the biggest moves I want in SD.
  7. Exslade ZX

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    Question..is anyone actually good at preparing their players? Cuz I know I suck at it. For one, I don't know how to get Team Focus up well...morale is as high as possible...but focus stays in like the middle. And as for player results, most in the end are -1 or -2 . Still come out on top in the games..but that part, I suck at. Don't know if I'm not working enough or working them to hard.
  8. Exslade ZX

    TV Shows on DVD...

    Futurama defintely...unless of course you don't like it. Even though you can see it every weeknight..but still. I have to say Joe Schmo also.
  9. Exslade ZX

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    Just a quick question..how exactly do you run!? I'm confused. Went through basic training..and that tells you for speed boost just keep tapping X as you are running. But it seems he runs better as I'm just holding X. And yea, I know how to do the charge. But sometimes I want to go a short ways so I just need a small speed boost, and repeatedly tapping X doesnt seem like it works that well... EDIT- Nvmind, I've got the hang of it. But like someone else said, this game has to have one of the best damn presentations..to make it lifelike then any other game out there. And the commentary...is amazing, it fits well together, and the way they just bring all the stuff that's happened in the game so far is great. That also goes for the halftime, and post shows rundowns..that is awesome. Ok, first player football, while odd..and a little harder, is one hell of a concept. It's awesome. Although when switching..it's kinda of like....woa..feels like I'm in the matrix or something. But it is awesome.
  10. Exslade ZX

    Trading Spouses....

    From the looks of it..my guess is no. Because when the kid went to wake teh woman up early she was the only one in the bed. I dont know if that's because the other guy was already awake, or if they slept in seperate beds. But they probaly were in diff beds.
  11. Exslade ZX

    More Trouble for WWE with Diva's Contest

    The rating was only that high because of Chris Jericho Anyway, I completely agree with Dangerous A's comments. I have to say I disagree with that. Well sort of..after it got started, Jericho probaly was the only thing entertaining about it..but most people who were going to watch it were going to watch it anyways. Sort of like watching a bad match just to see how bad it will be. It was even said in the RAW thread by a few people they didn't really pay attention to the matches..they were somewhat bored by Kane/Jericho for instance..but they did watch the Diva Search..just to see what would happen. Or to laugh. And that may end up being bad because it's gonna get high ratings every time...
  12. Exslade ZX


    Whether you like him or not..it's a good site. Hell it's a great site, mainly for those of us who do gfx, sometimes it's hard to find pics of certain people...not HHH that's for sure..and this sites one of the reasons. And as has been mentioned...every wrestler has a site. Even Mordecai had tons of fan sites on the net..just after his first promo.
  13. Exslade ZX

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    I must admit I actually laughed out loud at that...I dunno why, it was just 'stupid funny'. And even funnier when it was pointed out to them.
  14. Exslade ZX

    The "what WWE are doing well" thread

    EVOLUTION!!! Yes..my thoughts can be summed up in that one word. I've been one of those who've liked Evolution from the start...with the exception of HHH. And now..it seems as if he's doing his part. He's playing the bitchy leader role. he's given up the title..in other words, now Evolution is now a more cohesive unit, and all seem to offer something. Even Flair at times. Randy Orton a guy who I've been behind from the start..barring Hardcore Holly feud era. People talk about how he's been getting such a great push for forever..but not really. When you go back and look at the matches he was in when people claim that his push REALLY began. He was just a HHH lackey. For goodness sakes..his biggest feud was Maven. But after he won the IC title..he...well became what he is now. A heel who gets pops . Now most of his matches are decent. He does better then half the roster...:/. And as has been stated, he's one of the few that..even though he uses them a lot, he actually knows how to work a resthold. He tries to make it look painful, he tries to vary it. And now as we all know, when it comes to that 'Final Stretch' the guy can go. I mean, who would have ever thought..Randy Orton..and Edge..not the greatest two in the ring would really have the fans on the edge of their seats. The WWE has taken his push..and made it into..a push. Simply that. And not only that..on his way up, he also elevated the IC Title. Then of course..Batista. Next IC Champ? Future world Champ? I think by just looking in the RAW thread...Batista vs. Canada.. They've made the guy look like a threat for an arguement like that to come about lmao. This past RAW, damn! They really made the guy look like a monster...hell that was the Goldberg push. And in the ring..he is good. When you think about guys like Nathan Jones, Tyson Tomko, among other hoss' Batista works his ass off in the ring. And like others have said..in interviews he's even acknowledged that he isn't the best. And that he's gonna have to wait in that long line if he ever plans on being a top dog. That says more about 'Dave Batista' then the character but as we all know, a good image out of character leads to a good image in character. And I must say the guys moveset, while limited, is awesome. A CLOTHESLINE~!...has been turned into a credible finisher. Damn. And I'm tired of typing for now lmao..
  15. Exslade ZX

    Movie Characters

    Wait..do you mean as in hated the character, like the actor is doing one hell of a job. Or you just reall HATED the character..like the way many have described the new Catwoman character? If the first..even though it's not a movie, I have to say John Glover? (Lionel Luthor) on Smallville. Since the beginning of the show he's been one of those, I want to strangle the fuck out of him characters. And I applaud the guy cuz he does one hell of an acting job on that show.
  16. Exslade ZX

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    The announcement of which diva was eliminated... Either that or something dealing with the Edge situation.
  17. Exslade ZX

    Just got back from RAW in DC...

    I was wondering if you were going to be there. And I was under the impression that it was the second hour. Oh, yeah. Just found out I'll be sitting swankly in the luxury box(free tix) and now they are having the ironman. I really don't understand the first hour getting it though....maybe a ratings spike...or so they think? My guess is...it's sort of like when TNA had their first cage match on first. That way there's no restrictions, for time and such. Because if all the other stuff was left to go first...they may accidently overrun with diva shit, or whatever else they have planned. As well as what you said, possible ratings spike...they want to get people's attention right off the back. But still, like I said main reason is probaly so that there's no, 'cutting it short' because RAW is going off. This way they have free ranger to do whatever...and then they can just cut the other stuff short.
  18. Exslade ZX

    Just got back from RAW in DC...

    And how much would that suck.. They have the whole show...whatever goes on. Then after the last match. "OH AND BY THE WAY! IRON MAN MATCH NEXT WEEK!" I mean really...come on. It must have been different in the arena...because it came off different on tv there were MORE Randy chants. Just looking it over again (taped it) it's clear that Orton got the bigger pop...at least from what you could hear on tv. But guess it was different in the arena..
  19. Well Bryce is back next week
  20. Hooollllyyy shit, was that Bryce??
  21. Love the way she sidestepped Ralph when he tried to hug her.
  22. That's what I was thinking.. And well that was answered...
  23. She's not gone. Ingrid evicted again!?
  24. lmao @ Cammy wanting to speak... She killed him. And Tim was funny right there..'Hey guys...it's a frog'.
  25. I know..I noticed the same thing in the RAW thread and was like . Cuz one post there would be an av...the next there wouldn't. But yea..on topic. It's amazing that both of them did almost the EXACT same thing...